20 yrs old just had a baby

Hi! My name is Michelle and I am 20 years old and the last time I weighed myself I was 220 lbs. That was at my 6 week checkup and my daughter is now 8 months so its been awhile since I last weighed myself! lol But even before the baby I was overweight. I was over 100 lbs by the time I got into 5th grade. And I just kept gaining. I had stayed between 200 and 215 lbs throughout high school and actually lost a lot of weight for the first half of my pregnancy. But as soon as I could hold food down I just started gaining again. I'm tired of it. My daughter will be walking soon and I'm afraid I wont be able to keep up with her!

I am the type of person where everything I have ever done was for someone else. I have always been taking care of someone else. My mom, my sister, the man I was with at the time lol But now I have to take care of me. My goal weight is 145. Which I don't EVER remember being lol but thats what my doctor says in healthy for me (I'm 5'4) And I totally understand that it will take awhile. Thats 75 lbs! And I know it will take awhile. I don't have a time limit. Well I kinda do. I know that I want to be around 180 by next summer! 40 lbs in almost a year thats ok right? lol I dunno! I do know that I want to look good for my 21st birthday! Wish me luck :D


  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Congrats on starting your journey!
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    Trust an old man when it tells you, it will be so much better for you now as you are young than having to do it when you are old. Not to mention you will feel so much better and able to do things with your baby later in life.
  • JeanBeanM
    JeanBeanM Posts: 32 Member
    Let me start by saying, you have a beautiful baby. Congratulations on wanting to change, joining this site is a good first step. There's a lot of information & support on the site. You have motivation for wanting to change (baby), that's very important. Feel free to ask questions, that's why we're all here; to help each other out.:flowerforyou:
  • Steph_Anie
    Steph_Anie Posts: 82 Member
    a healthy goal is a pound a week- if you are looking for long term success--- start keeping up with everything you put in your mouth-- I was surprised when I did this when I first started- I hadn't been honest with myself about my calories--so to answer your question- 40 pounds in one year is very doable-- good luck!
  • loopybec2002
    loopybec2002 Posts: 313 Member
    Looking after you and in the long run your baby (her mum will be able to run around the park after her) this should be near the top of your list of things to do once you start its actually rather easy to drop weight :o) if you need a friend request me.