CrossFit Ladies...

I just started CrossFit last week, going 3x a week. Since starting it, I am finding myself constantly hungry. I have upped my protein a lot, but man, I am ALWAYS wanting to eat now.

Just curious as to if some of you are hungry more often doing CF. How many times a week are you going?


  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    No one?? :<(
  • Awww I hope someone replies! I am very interested in Crossfit. Can you talk to someone there where you workout?
  • I just started CrossFit last week, going 3x a week. Since starting it, I am finding myself constantly hungry. I have upped my protein a lot, but man, I am ALWAYS wanting to eat now.

    Just curious as to if some of you are hungry more often doing CF. How many times a week are you going?

    You are using a lot of muscles in your body that you have not used before, or have not used in a while.
    A lot of compound movements using large muscles to lift weights or pull yourself up on a bar, etc...

    So your body wants to refuel and be more ready for these types of actives.
    Depending on what and how much you are eating to replenish the body with these extra load of workouts. Varies with people.

    But your body and appetite will adapt to the extra load and should see a leveling off of the increased appetite.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    you're doing high intensity training, and a new regime, so you will be more hungry. thats okay, just log it. eat more. you'll find that you'll be performing better in crossfit and losing more weight.
  • stanggal05
    stanggal05 Posts: 5 Member
    I haven't done Crossfit, but when I switched from just standard boring cardio to HIIT Cardio, boxing conditioning, and weights..... I felt like I'd chew my arm off half the day. No matter how often I ate, I seemed to be hungry. That's a good thing. It's a sign of your metabolism speeding up and your body constantly burning. Shortly after, I started to see pretty rapid results. Keep at it, eat more frequent meals, and go as clean as you can.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I am going twice a week with a trainer and once a week on my own. I stay constantly hungry!!!! I almost always hit my protein mark but damn!!! Still famished!!! Blasted AMRAP's!!!
  • cleavensmith
    cleavensmith Posts: 8 Member
    Up your carb intake on the days you CF.
  • I CrossFit 5x/week, and at first I was starving all the time, too. Here's what's worked for me:

    I usually work out at 5am, and I can't eat that early so I typically go on an empty stomach - it doesn't bother me at all to work out on an empty tank, but everyone's different. If I go in the evening for some reason (like today) I have a little bit of protein and some fat pre-workout. A spoonful of almond butter is my favorite, but a hard boiled egg will do, too.

    After workout (as soon as possible), some protein and carbs to replace those glycogen stores. A couple of hard boiled eggs and a banana or half a sweet potato works for me. A lot of people do protein shakes, but I think they're vile so I don't go there. Occasionally I'll treat myself to some chocolate milk (it's actually a pretty great recovery drink)!

    Also, at each meal I make sure to have protein, complex carbs, and fat. The fat is key, I think. It helps me to feel satisfied longer. So add some butter to your baked potato/sweet potato, some guacamole to an omelette, or veggies roasted with EVOO.

    CrossFit is intense, so you'll need to eat more. And IMHO, eating nutrient dense whole foods leads to better performance. If I eat like crap the night before I work out, I definitely pay for it the next day.

    I've only been CrossFitting for about three months now, but I drank the kool-aid pretty quickly, so feel free to add me and ask any questions!
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    I just started CrossFit last week, going 3x a week. Since starting it, I am finding myself constantly hungry. I have upped my protein a lot, but man, I am ALWAYS wanting to eat now.

    Just curious as to if some of you are hungry more often doing CF. How many times a week are you going?

    OP, check out this group....lots of good info here....

    And be will be receiving an e-mail from a certain person who will try to talk you out of CrossFit. Ignore her and make your own decision.
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    Thank you for all the replies everyone and the advice. I am doing my best to make good healthy choices, but every once in a while, I just want some fatting food in the worst way. I have been doing protein shakes and adding meats to the majority of my meals. I just wish I have an better idea of what I am burning each workout so I know where I should be with how many calories to eat each day. I am hypothyroid so worried about eating too much, and too little, down to every last calorie.

    I haven't gained weight, but my jeans are getting tight on my thighs which I wanted to slim them down so I guess I need to add in more boring cardio to slim while I add muscle.
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    Up your carb intake on the days you CF.

    This - check out how to eat to perform. The carbs will help a lot.

    I only started a month ago and I'm also hungry more often, especially the days we're going for a one rep max.