Calories burned in crossfit



  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    Trying to tell me that I only burn 207 calories at CrossFit for one hour?? So not buying that
  • cleavensmith
    cleavensmith Posts: 8 Member
    I'm not for the high rep Olympic Lifting but Crossfit is not that bad. It gets people happy about working out which they might not have been doing. Just like a buying a new car search, around for a Crossfit Gym (in my area I can think of 6 in a 10 mile radius) where they scale workouts and practice perfect form.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Depending on your weight and intensity level it burns anywhere from 8 -13 cals a minute. I only looked at my stats which would be roughly 10 cals a minute. I dont lift heavy. I love it!! If squats were easy they would be called your mom ;)
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    When I wear my HRM it says I burn anywhere from 400-600 cals a session.
  • scubahsteve69
    scubahsteve69 Posts: 37 Member
    I've heard the most accurate way to determine your crossfit cal burn is to take your monthly membership cost and multiply that by 2.

    My Crossfit membership is less than my membership at the YMCA.
  • millergibsonj
    millergibsonj Posts: 3 Member
    I use circuit training as an approximation.

    And on the subject of crossfit generally...
    In the 2 months I have been going to crossfit my fitness has improved significantly and my weight is going down. I scale everything, I've never felt pushed, never been injured, in fact my mobility and strength have increased so I feel less prone to injury and in fact the knee pain that has plagued me for years has decreased. I hope to reach a point where I have no pain at all.
    The trainers are great. Technique is paramount at every session I attend. I never had so much advice and encouragement in any gym I ever attended before, even from the other participants, they actually talk to you, instead of hogging the machines and ignoring everyone around them..
    I have found it extremely rewarding in a short space of time.
    So I say... don't be put off by hearsay.


  • Thanks! Great info.
  • So in the end this young lady never got a real answer from anyone, but here is my guess (a educated approximation) I do cross fit and my monitor reads between 850 - 950 (depending on workout and if I go for RX for the prescribed workout) calories burned. And that s for the entire night including warm-up, workout and cool down. I hope this helps, and remember people this community should not be about bashing one's choice or method/workout routine. We should be all here to encourage and help each other and share HELPFUL information! Good luck to everyone and stay safe and healthy!!!!:wink:
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    I jot down crossfit as 'circuit training' and only 15 minutes. So that's about 230 kcal burnt.

    I'm 250 lbs 6 foot male(28 years)

    Always better to underestimate way below.

    Some WoD's are more cardio intensive while others are weight volume load intensive.

    It's hard to gauge with Emom's too. Your hr will be 60% - 70% if you do Emom's properly.

    80 - 90% hr if you are doing 'fight gone bad' , 'fran' or some other intensive exercises.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    So in the end this young lady never got a real answer from anyone, but here is my guess (a educated approximation) I do cross fit and my monitor reads between 850 - 950 (depending on workout and if I go for RX for the prescribed workout) calories burned. And that s for the entire night including warm-up, workout and cool down. I hope this helps, and remember people this community should not be about bashing one's choice or method/workout routine. We should be all here to encourage and help each other and share HELPFUL information! Good luck to everyone and stay safe and healthy!!!!:wink:

    Poking fun at the general puffery that surrounds CrossFit is not only good, clean fun--it is a necessary public service.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    So in the end this young lady never got a real answer from anyone, but here is my guess (a educated approximation) I do cross fit and my monitor reads between 850 - 950 (depending on workout and if I go for RX for the prescribed workout) calories burned. And that s for the entire night including warm-up, workout and cool down. I hope this helps, and remember people this community should not be about bashing one's choice or method/workout routine. We should be all here to encourage and help each other and share HELPFUL information! Good luck to everyone and stay safe and healthy!!!!:wink:

    Poking fun at the general puffery that surrounds CrossFit is not only good, clean fun--it is a necessary public service.
  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    I just came back from a hour session...HRM said 320 calories...I was only in the zone 20 minutes...knowing that most HRM at not that accurate when not in the zone, I deducted 100 calories and entered 220 exercise for me today!

    im female, 5'6 and 140(a lot of blubber!!!)
  • There is a article that says that women burn about 12 calories a minute
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    There is a article that says that women burn about 12 calories a minute

    Just to note - the two WODs used there are meant to be short, fast, hard workouts.
    Fran was done in an average of under 6 minutes and burned less than 100 calories.
    Donkey Kong was less than 10 minute average and burned just over 100 calories.
    The higher the intensity, the more calories you burn, however, it is very difficult to sustain that higher intensity for any length of time, so the workouts are usually shorter.
    I wouldn't say you would burn that amount of calories for a WOD that takes 20-30 minutes.
  • thank you for your answer!!! this helped me!
  • ROBJ3411
    ROBJ3411 Posts: 72 Member
    People who haven't even tried Crossfit really need to stop bashing it. If you're a newbie to working out then maybe you should ease into exercise first, but nobody at the Crossfit box puts a gun to your head and forces you to do anything. They don't want you to get hurt anymore than you do. A bad trainer is a bad trainer no matter who they work for, period. Ultimately YOU are responsible if YOU push past YOUR limits and get injured!! In my experience, it's hands down the most effective workout program I've ever done and I've tried just about EVERYTHING!!

    Well said andvery true, I have also tried just about everything out there, EXCEPT THE SHAKE WEIGHT, that thing dont work. the Philosophy of Crossfit is very sound, however there is a wide degree of expertise in the varying Crossfit Gyms.There are some great Crossfit gyms run by guys that know what they are doing and do it well.... There are also gyms and trainers that are terrible and have no idea what they are doing. I went to the level 1 cert a few years ago and there was a girl in my group that couldn't do anything right, and I wouldn't follow here instructions on how to tie a shoe. But, at the end of the weekend, BOOM she was a trainer. it really is shop around and find what works for you. There are 4 Crossfit gyms in the Columbus area, they are all owned by the same guys and they are vastly different both in programing and quality of coaches,
  • MalaikaInJapan
    MalaikaInJapan Posts: 11 Member
    I agree. I see a lot of people who have opinions about something they have never tried. I worked with a trainer who also does crossfit himself and had to go through a training program to get his crossfit coaching license. Of course you don't need to have a license to own a crossfit gym just like you don't need to be a mechanic to own an auto body shop. The biggest thing I learned through crossfit was to listen to my body. As a former ballet dancer I know what my body can and cannot do. I think people should try something before they have such serious opinions of things. If you haven't tried something it's ok to say that you haven't tried it and don't really know anything about it.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    While I'm sure there are some reasonable trainers that work within the Crossfit system, Crossfit is know for being extreme and pushing participants to force their bodies to go beyond safe levels of exercise.

    Crossfit has nothing that a good trainer can't give you, so why pay extra for it?

    You're still here? We were hoping you left.
  • ashranaldi
    ashranaldi Posts: 1 Member
    There is so much more to Crossfit than just the workout. It's the environment, the people, the competition that pushes you harder than doing something solo or with a trainer. I think everything has it's place and a combo of both is awesome for you.
    I've been at it for over 2 years..injury free!
  • magicalhall
    magicalhall Posts: 5 Member
    This is by far the most helpful answer :) thank you.