
sayuri1 Posts: 111
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I found it's always easy in the beginning to work out and eat right but after a couple of weeks it's becomes hard. How do you keep motivated? I really don't have support other than my fiance but he succumbs to temptation a lot lol. So what I do is just ignore it but it's starting not to work anymore.


  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    It is hard - I have been at it almost 5 months now. I continually have to remind myself of the goal and give myself lectures. Reading posts from people who have lost more or are entering maintenance helps me too :-) I also have to change up what I eat and what exercise I do to keep it more interesting.
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Reach out to as many people as you can on here! They motivate me every day to keep going with it. Add me as a friend! I will help motivate you :)
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I found it's always easy in the beginning to work out and eat right but after a couple of weeks it's becomes hard. How do you keep motivated? I really don't have support other than my fiance but he succumbs to temptation a lot lol. So what I do is just ignore it but it's starting not to work anymore.
    For me it is a snowball effect and also a package deal. I work out, damn if I want to ruin it by constantly eating junk and vice versa. Then, I start seeing results, that drives me to keep going. Little set back are irrelevant because you are still striving for the big picture.
    Weird thing though. They have to go hand in hand. I stop working out, my diet goes all to hell.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I've found a really great network of people on here that are really supportive and great. They keep me logging in and participating which makes it easier to keep on track.

    We have a really great monthly challenge- right now we are wrapping up october

    On Monday we will open a new thread/month challenge for November- the link will be posted in the October forum- come chill with us! We'll motivate you!
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    I hear you. I am struggling with motivation too.
    My tactics:
    Focus on successes.
    Set small attainable goals.
    Reach out to friends who understand and MFP community.
    Get family on board with support. (still working on that one…)
    Plan for challenges. (Dinner out, party, etc.)
    Plan rewards.

    Good luck. You have done so well losing 18 pounds.
  • watkinsc
    watkinsc Posts: 177 Member
    You could be writing about me right now. I have, in the past, be so "let's do this" for the first couple weeks of trying to make a change in eating right and exercise, only then to lose steam, fall into temptation, and fail. And, my 18 year old. brought home donuts from work last night (she works at a grocery store), so clearly she is not helping. And, my boyfriend brings Coca-cola and doritos into the house! Ugh.. But this time I have figured something out. I am doing this for me. Not anyone else. Not for my kids, not for my boyfriend, not to get attention, not because of hollywood, blah, blah, blah.... For me it is all about ME. I'm not trying some quick weight loss program, or anything fad or gimicky. Just eating right and exercising. But the biggest thing is that, I have decided that I respect myself enough to warrant the work it is going to take to make the lifestyle change, and be healthy, and happy. So for me, I guess it is a matter of self-respect.. I wish I could have come to this conclusion years ago. =) Good luck to you.. Add me as a friend if you would like..
  • poodlepaws
    poodlepaws Posts: 269 Member
    Mine is the fact that I've already lost 65 lbs which is the most I've ever lost, my daughter, and that I got the chance to start my life over and I'm not going to be overweight this time around!
    It's a challenge some days but you know what, NOTHING is as bad as being 130 lbs overweight, looking at yourself in a picture and wondering how in the hell you got to that point in your life. If I feel this good after losing the first half I can only imagine how good I'll feel when I'm done.
  • Reward your self for hard work, for instance i may do good all day long and finish the day with 40 calories under my goal, but it motivates me to workout and run (since i workout in the evenings) if i reward myself for doing so, for example if i work out and gain 300 calories that is a good snack before bed (oreos or brownies or something like that) and you can still finish the day under your calorie goal
  • I find motivation in telling people my goals because it keeps me accountable. I know they'll be asking and watching to encourage me and I need every little bit of motivation I can get. :) Feel free to add me as a friend!
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