Who wants to Turbo?

1a1a Posts: 761 Member
Getting back into Turbofire again, would love someone to do the full 20 weeks with me, help me stay on the wagon. Any takers?


  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Really? No one?
  • veganvieira
    veganvieira Posts: 14 Member
    Me!! I've been doing the Fire Starter video to ease into it and tried fire 30 tonight. Planning to start the actual program on Monday.

    Not sure how much I'll enjoy the resistance portion. I tried lower 20 tonight just for kicks and was underwhelmed. In either case, I'm totally ready to commit for 20 weeks.

    I'm in!
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Whoo hoo. Shall we both check in here with our thoughts and triumphs as we go?

    I started on Tuesday but bound to miss a day here or there cos of work, we should sync up soon enough.
  • veganvieira
    veganvieira Posts: 14 Member
    Sounds great! Did you complete the whole program before? If so, did you get good results? I'm wondering if the resistance portion of the program is enough. I just completed slim in 6 and while i found it incredibly boring, my *kitten* and thighs have never felt firmer.
  • kealey1318
    kealey1318 Posts: 290 Member
    I bought Turbo Fire a couple years ago and never used it. I'd like to try to get into it with you!
  • Punkin7411
    Punkin7411 Posts: 45 Member
    The 30 min tone/sculpt videos aren't enough for me either so I would just do the Fire 30 first or one of the HIITs and then do the toning. Do what works for you.
  • veganvieira
    veganvieira Posts: 14 Member
    Tried EZ45 today and was encouraged. The intensity of Fire30 freaked me out a little so I'm glad to know some of the other routines feel more manageable. Not easy by any means but slightly lower in intensity which I appreciated.

    Tick tock. I officially start monday! :)
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Yogamama, When I started out (and now that I'm starting out again for that matter), I'd spend half the intense workouts stepping side to side waiting for my heart rate to come down and my muscles to stop burning. Don't feel like you have to match the people on screen straight away. When I was at my peak, I'd throw everything I had at those workouts and still feel like I could do more, the more you do them, the less time you'll have to spend side stepping :-)

    Try the strength workouts with stronger resistance bands. They might not look like much but between them and the strength components of the cardio work outs (squat jumps anyone), maybe you won't get stronger, but should at least maintain your current strength. And one things for certain, it Is fun, which is why I've come back to it, craved it, missed it :-D Wished I was at that intermediate fitness level so I could do it again, dabbled in Insanity just so I can get the 'calves So Sore Can't Walk' phase of getting fit out of the way. (Insanity SO boring compared to Turbo)

    Last time, Turboed regularly for maybe 3 months, then got stuck, then dropped out (life got more busy, fitness level dropped). I dropped a steady 0.25 kg a week on a net deficit of around 1300 (but eating over 2000 and burning off 800) and felt FRIGGIN AMAZING!!!!

    But also was probably going Too hard so when I burnt out, I still ate like I was a mad athlete and also felt SO tired so did nothing, not even walking. Now it's 2 years down the track and I'm 15 kg heavier and 5 kg heavier than where I was to begin with. So, this time, trying for a level of workout I can maintain indefinitely. Hopefully, just turbo cos it's fun (not turbo and bike riding and walking and anything to get that net back down to 1300 cos that's not a sustainable way to live).

    Kealey, come Turbo with us, it's fun I promise, and I've dabbled

    Punkin, still turboing now or moved onto a different workout thang?
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    That's one of the most fun workouts I've ever done. I loved it! I'm doing Combat now, which is similar but different all at the same time haha
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Today done, Fire30 and stretch 10. Feel fantastic, and burnt 384 calories (up side of extra weight, never used to burn that much). Very glad to be back in this.

    Also cool to know something equally fun exists for post Turbo working out :-D
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Feeling pretty bloody tired, gonna Turbo anyway. Fire 55 EZ today *grooooooooan*
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    WHoooooooooo!!!!!!! Done, feel good, sore legs, and balls of my feet, maybe should wear sneakers instead of barefoot. Wonder if I have poor circulation

    OMGFG burnt 500 calories!!!!!!! I've Never burnt that much in one hit (guess I've never been this unfit or overweight - the silver lining to being unfit and over weight).
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Still Turboing alone? Cmon Monday!!! :-D

    Core 20 and stretch 40 today. It sucks to commit such a big chunk of time to 'exercise' but muscles are good, and flexibility is even better. (And after a week of jumping up and down, my legs are so stiff).
  • veganvieira
    veganvieira Posts: 14 Member
    You're not alone! I just figured out how to access topics that i've posted in. Ha! :)

    Turbo 30 last night and stretch 10. Turbo30 was so much easier the second time. I feel my level of fitness increasing already. I'm glad I started with a week of the intro video. I feel like I know the moves and can actually work out rather than stand there wondering where my feet go!

    Hit15 tonight. Woot Woot
  • KrisNicole5
    I'm going to start on Monday! I just hope that I can stick with it. I do well for a week and then I lose my drive and motivation. It's a vicious cycle :(
  • veganvieira
    veganvieira Posts: 14 Member
    Wow the HIIT routines are no joke! I did the 15 minute one last night and I'm sore today let me tell you.
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Yay, I'm not alone, was looking at day too of missed Turboing but see you two posting gave me the much needed kick do grit my teeth and do it. 1am in the morning, totally ready for bed. Body heavy, protesting, but I Did it. Not at a 10, or a 9 or an 8, probably ranging from 4 to 7 energywise but done none the less, oscillated between feeling exhausted and that sweet adrenaline rush. Also, the first half of fire 45 very possibly my favourite sets of routines, is fuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnn (then we get into the "don't you wish your girlfriend was" routine and that one makes me feel all uncoordinated....and I Hate the song, so it's like a Ying and Yang of Turbo all rolled up into one).

    Only way I'm getting Turbo in tomorrow is if I do it before breakfast o.O (I am Not a morning person). HIIT 20. I'm scared, hold me.

    Yogamama get your stretching on, all of the stretching.

    KrisNicole come joooooooin us :-D And tell me what the story is with paint marathons (like it looks like you've been in in your profile pic)?
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    That early morning HIIT aint nothing but a pipe dream. I don't want exercising to take over my life again so I think this alright. I Will Turbo again tomorrow, and overall, my physical activity will be beneficially increased even if life makes me miss a day or few.
  • navy_taxi
    Hi all, I'm in!

    Technically, I'm closer to being out than in (Week 9 and still going strong) but I just wanted to say hi to fellow TFers.

    I'm in the UK so I don't have the option of the 20 week programme so if I stick at it I will be done in a few weeks (which is a shame because I have been pleasantly surprised by how much I LOVE it).

    1a1a - congrats on getting in those workouts even when you didn't feel like it. Whenever my motivation is wavering I can hear Chalene saying " Sometimes even the fittest person in class doesn't want to come, but ONCE YOUT GET HERE, you will not regret it!". She's always right! And yeah, there's no need to drive yourself crazy over missing classes if you need to.

    EZ 55 done this morning - I have such a love-hate relationship with that workout. That "Whose House? My House!" finale may just be my all-time favourite... once it's over.

    Good luck with your workouts people!
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    So, so, so, SOOOOO do not feel like doing that HIIT from yesterday. But I have a little under an hour and a half before I have to go back out again and dammit, I Am going to do it. (Am wearing running shoes, they do seem to put a spring in my step and make me feel like doing things, pity they're such a fashion fauxpas outside of exercising).

    Navitaxi, if you'd like a copy of the 20 week schedule pm me an email address, I can send it through.

    Mm, Ez 55, it Just. Keeps. Going