so i just found out

beautifullyjaded Posts: 107
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
that im pregnant! sadly im not as close to my goal weight as i wanted to be but it dose explain why im not losing weight like i did last time i went on a "diet" and worked out all the time. i was just wondering if there was anyone out there who was pregnant and still going to the gym and on a "diet" i dont want to gain alot of weight and actually it would be nice if i could still lose fat while im pregnant is that possible at all? thanks for your help!


  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member

    working out doesn't hurt if you don't over do it, but just make sure you eat healthy.
  • They say gym and healthy diet is very good during pregnancy when done right. Dont forget to tell the gym you are pregnant so they can help you with a regime that is best for you and speak to your doctor about you calorific and dieting needs. Congratulations!!
  • watkinsc
    watkinsc Posts: 177 Member
    My sister worked with her doctor and actually lost weight durning her pregnancy! Just make sure your OB is on board with your plan.
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    My friend worked out and ate healthy all through her pregnancy. BUT she worked really closely with her doctor and a nutritionist because they wanted her to maintain during those 9 months not LOSE at all. Definitely stay in close communication with your dr and anyone at the gym to keep yourself safe but still as healthy as possible for that baby!!!! congratulations!
  • JeanBeanM
    JeanBeanM Posts: 32 Member
    My friend went to the gym throughout her entire pregnancy and ate healthy, she didn't gain any excessive weight. She also mentioned that the delivery went a lot easier because of the exercise.
  • Kalyn
    Kalyn Posts: 15 Member
    You can still watch your calories for sure while pregnant and actually it is recommended!!!! Exercise is good while you are pregnant also, but you should really consult with your OBGYN before starting anything like that. Congrats to you!!!! A new baby is always exciting!
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Congratulations. That is a beautiful photo of you with a baby. I agree, eat healthy very healthy, exercise modestly. Walking, streching. Take care you both. Hugs,
  • ADJulie
    ADJulie Posts: 605 Member
    I was overweight when I got pregnant with both my boys and my doctor wanted me to only gain a limited amount of weight. I did go to the gym and still ate healthy while pregnant under the guidance of my doctor. It gave me energy and I had no morning sickness with either of my boys. I only gained 17 lbs with either boys. Plus once I had them it seemed like the weight came off quickly and then some. Congrats and good luck.
  • ldpboise
    ldpboise Posts: 10 Member
    You would check with your gym and see if they have classes specifically for pregnant women. My friend is nurse and she worked out her up until she went into labor (even going on a brisk walk to encourage the process). Just make sure you are talking with your OB about healthy balances! Congrats!
  • Exercising while pregnant is very healthy and its encouraged by many doctors. Not only does it better prepare you for labor and delivery, but it is thought that exercising during pregnancy helps with weight loss after pregnancy. However, your goal should not be to lose weight. The weight gained during pregnancy is a necessity to the health and protection of the fetus and attempting to lose weight may deprive your baby of that. There are certain exercises that are recommended during pregnancy, including walking, yoga, and swimming. Exercises like running and bike riding are not recommended. In addition, a good rule of thumb is that when exercising, if you can't talk clearly you are working out too hard. Being able to talk while exercising means that you are getting enough oxygen. Working out too hard can deprive your fetus of oxygen which obviously is detrimental. Congratulations and good luck with your pregnancy!

    ***I am not a doctor, however, I have a B.S. Biology and have begun my masters in physicians assistant studies. Although i'm sure the information you're getting on here from everyone is great, I would talk to your OB about exercising during pregnancy and find out from her/him their advice and opinion on the matter***
  • Moderate excercise is very important when you are pregnant. And you DO NOT NEED to eat for 2 literally. When I was pregnant my doctor said that I need to eat only 400-500 cals more per day. It is 1 Peanut Butter Jelly sandwich! ))) But you need to ask your doctor for sure. And definatelly keep eating healthy!
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