Getting enough calories AND also enough protein?



  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    Also i'm afraid of putting my body in starvation

    You won't. You can't.

    You mean that there is no such thing as the body starting to save calories if presented with a big calorie deficit?


    In all seriousness... starvation mode is a complete myth.

    ETA: But please do not restrict your calories to an unsafe deficit. You will lose muscle and feel like total crap. It's not healthy. Don't do it. And by the way, your approach to the 5:2 seems pretty off. You are supposed to eat at maintenance for the 5 days... as in ~1800-2400 depending on your TDEE.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    First you need to get on a good meal plan before you start cutting.
    Protein 1 to 1.5grams per 1lb of bodyweight
    Carbs 1gram per 1lb of bodyweight
    Fat .5grams per 1lb of bodyweight

    After a couple of weeks wehn you weight platos then keep protein and fats same but drop carbs to .5 grams for 2 to 4 weeks with a high carb day on rest days to jump start your motbalism.

    I'm by no means even close to 1g protein / lb, do you have any other suggestions than those in the thread for achieving this?
    currently getting about 0.5g / lb of protein

    You actually need 1g of protien for each lb of LBM not actual weight.

    edited to fix quote
  • Flex382
    Flex382 Posts: 257
    Ok you said you weight arounf 160 lbs.

    You should start with taking in 1.5grams of protein per bodyweight so 1.5 * 160 = 240 (calories 960) 1gram of protein = 4 calories
    You should start with taking in 1.5grams of carbs per bodyweight so 1.5 * 160 = 240 (calories 960) 1gram of carb = 4 calories
    You should start with taking in .5grams of fat per bodyweight so .5 * 160 = 80 (calories 720) 1gram of protein = 9 calories
    So start with 2640 calories for 3 weeks to get a base then readjust to:

    protein1.5grams per new weight on scale
    carbs 1.0grams per new weight on scale
    fat .5grams per new weight on scale

    after another 2 - 3 weeks adjust to:

    protein1.5grams per new weight on scale
    carbs .5grams per new weight on scale
    fat .5grams per new weight on scale

    Make sure rest days or deload days you have high carb intake to re jump your motablism.
  • Flex382
    Flex382 Posts: 257
    First you need to get on a good meal plan before you start cutting.
    Protein 1 to 1.5grams per 1lb of bodyweight
    Carbs 1gram per 1lb of bodyweight
    Fat .5grams per 1lb of bodyweight

    After a couple of weeks wehn you weight platos then keep protein and fats same but drop carbs to .5 grams for 2 to 4 weeks with a high carb day on rest days to jump start your motbalism.

    You actually need 1g of protien for each lb of LBM not actual weight.

    I'm by no means even close to 1g protein / lb, do you have any other suggestions than those in the thread for achieving this?
    currently getting about 0.5g / lb of protein

    The reason behind 1.5per bodyweight is to make sure you are hitting your calorie intake because your body can only process protein and fat together or protein and carbs.
  • Fight_with_discipline
    Okey, thank you everyone for your replies, i'll most certainly consider everyone of them and make changes thereafter, altough it feels wrong with eating more i'll do that, i just want you to know that i understand that eating with a really big deficit is unhealthy and that by doing that you are also breaking down muscle tissue.
    With all of your answers i can re-establish a new schedule for calorie intake and training and by that start working to a more healthy relationship with food and training and hopefully reach my goals.

    The whole reason for this thread was that i wanted to learn to do this the right way, and so I'll try to make adjustments with what you've said in mind

    Thanks to you all!
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    I'd throw in - you only need 1g (or 1.5g, whatever) protein per lb LBM if you're lifting heavy and trying to build some muscle. If you want to change your BF %, lift heavy - for a beginner you'll probably melt fat off for the first couple of months. I'd suggest Strong Lifts 5x5 or Starting Strength as a good beginner programme.
  • Adrianachiarato
    Adrianachiarato Posts: 362 Member
    Whey isolated is the answer.