Freezing bananas?



  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I've never had luck freezing bananas for more than a few days. They get mushy and weird and I end up making smoothies or something. They're pretty good frozen if you eat them within a few days, they have a similar texture to an ice cream popsicle. I often freeze my bananas once they've been forgotten about and turned brown and wait until I feel like making banana bread. It doesn't matter how mushy they get then.

    Freeze bananas WITH THE PEEL ......they will last longer in the freezer. I toss whole bananas ....usually 1 at a time in a ziplock freezer bag...when I have enough bananas....I'll bake something.

    The downside is that you have to thaw them before using. Anything baked (banana bread) would thaw them first anyway. You split the peel with a knife....and the thawed banana kind of slides out.

    I run mine under hot tap water for about 5 mins...voila, thawed banana! Great for baking in a hurry.
  • windyrobotham
    windyrobotham Posts: 19 Member
    Just put them in your refrigerator. The peel will turn brown but the ripening process will drastically slow and you can still peel and eat.
  • Fenrissa
    Fenrissa Posts: 116
    Peel and cut them, then put in zip-loc bags. Don't freeze them with the peel.
  • laursoar
    laursoar Posts: 131 Member
    I like to freeze them in halves too. For a smoothie, that tends to be enough of a banana... and if I ever need a whole, that's still more versatile by grabbing to halves rather than thawing and cutting the whole.