Cheat Days?



  • carolemorden9
    carolemorden9 Posts: 284 Member
    Im no longer in weight loss mode but i always gave myself 1-2 splurge meals. I dont call them cheat meals because there not really a cheat. If you are daily in a deficit you are just using some of those calories at a later time in the week.

    Thank you.
  • Thank you :) I try to avoid it because I am on a 1200 calorie diet and can't work out very much so doing it once a week or so might be better for me.
  • sparklelioness
    sparklelioness Posts: 600 Member
    I have one "free day" a week, usually Sunday. I don't call it a cheat day because I'm not doing anything wrong. It has never slowed my weight loss, either. For me, it's been absolutely crucial, for a few reasons. First of all, if I'm craving something, I know it's no more than six days away. It's really hard to justify messing up your eating when you know you can have what you want in a few days. So I just wait. Secondly, I think of it as "training" for when I'm no longer actively trying to lose. I would like to not count calories my whole life if I don't have to. Sunday is practice for "eating without logging, but not going crazy with food". Finally, I feel like it actually helps with my weight loss. It lets my body know that calories aren't always going to be restricted, so it doesn't need to hold onto the fat.

    I eat whatever I want on Sunday, but I don't gorge. I usually eat out for both breakfast and dinner that day - last sunday breakfast was eggs benedict cajun style - with crabcakes under the eggs, home fries, and spicy hollandaise sauce. It was SO. GOOD. I also had a venti pumpkin spice latte. That filled me up quite a bit, and I wasnt hungry til dinnertime. For dinner I had a chipotle chicken burrito bowl with quacamole. Dessert was a few Lindt chocolates. Probably at least 3000 calories if not more altogether. Personally I think it's healthy to have an "eat a lot" day, but I feel like you have to do it the right way. If I started just eating all day because it was "free day", I'd know I needed to stop and fix that. I can't say it enough - it's not a "binge" day. Just a day where your normal meals can be something super delicious :)