How many days a week do you usually workout?



  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    5-6 days/week, usually strength & cardio mix, but occassionally separately. Workouts are typically 90-150 minutes (1.5 - 2.5 hours).
  • Aarjono
    Aarjono Posts: 228 Member
    I am trying to ease back into working out, so my goal for this month is to get to the gym once per week.

    I try to take more steps every day though. Does that count?
  • MzzFaith
    MzzFaith Posts: 337 Member
    6 days with 2 days of strength training. 1 day rest completely
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    5 or 6
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I maintain an overall high activity level due to stimming. But I only do stuff I would actually consider workouts 3 days a week.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    3 days weights, 2 days cardio, 2 rest days
  • TattedInStilettos
    TattedInStilettos Posts: 331 Member
    5 days a week... 2 rest days...
  • heatherlsi
    heatherlsi Posts: 90 Member
    I normally train 7 days a week, but since my sport of choice is triathlon it gives at least part of my body a little rest every day... then in the week or two leading up to a race we will taper, which involves taking entire days off...
    Our schedule peaks on the weekend as far as duration and intensity...
  • hannah_ryann
    hannah_ryann Posts: 259 Member
    I work out at least 3 days a week. Sometimes I'll do a 4th day on the weekend. Usually it's Monday, Wednesday, Thursday. I'll do 45-55 minutes of weightlifting of legs one day, 40 minutes of weightlifting arms plus 20 minutes of running another day, and then another day of legs. If I do cardio, I only do it on arm day since my legs are so fatigued from weightlifting. I rest Tuesdays and Fridays and take weekends off. If I feel like incorporating another workout I'll do it Saturday morning.
  • Amym26
    Amym26 Posts: 83 Member
    I work out 6 days a week sometimes 5 if I have something else going on that week. I do cardio, tabata and lift. Right now I only lift 2 days a week with an upper and lower split. On those days I do 20 minutes of cardio, lift and then finish off with tabata on the treadmill.
  • ArtemisRuns
    ArtemisRuns Posts: 251 Member
    I try to run 4-5 times per week. If the weather is bad or I don't have time during daylight hours I do the recumbent bike instead. I don't have precise days because as a mom of three and a teacher I need to be flexible and fit my workouts in when I can.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I work out 7 days a week
    alternate 3 days of targeting lifting 3 days of full body
    1-2 days playing ultimate frisbee
    I run a mile 5-6 times a week
    I walk a mile at lunch every work day so 5 days a week.
    I do insanity 6 days a week
    Hiit class 1 day a week
    and if i'm bored I do body combat, zumba, turbokick or bodypump at the gym
    I tend to hike in the summer and swim in the winter too.

    I know it's too much.. I'm nutty.. but I get bored and start climbing walls. I don't have a lot of friends, so I end up at the gym or hiking or something.

    If I get tired or worn out I will take a day or two off. but that hasn't' happened yet.
  • skcardiog
    skcardiog Posts: 316 Member
    If the day ends in " y ", I work out .
  • syk731
    syk731 Posts: 34 Member
    I work out 7 days a week. I lift 5 days/wk and run at least 5K every day, with 1-3 longer runs (6-10 miles each, depending on multiple factors) per week. I run in the morning and lift in the evening. I don't lift on Saturdays and Sundays.
  • Mon,Tue and Thurs..60 mins cardio. Hillwalking on a Sunday or cardio if weather bad.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Most weeks 7 days (2 workouts some days) but I will take a rest day every now and again if I'm feeling fatigued.

    Typically I run Tues, Thurs, Sat & Sun (my long runs are now on Saturday), I row on Mon, Wed & Friday. Mondays I also have an indoor cycling class with my tri club, strength training 2 or 3 times per week. I need to get my butt back in to the pool which means I'll probably drop one of my rowing sessions and add a swim session.....

    For me the key is alternating high impact / low impact days and cross training.

    I'm not running full marathons so my longest runs peak at 2 hrs, I'm not too concerned about over-training.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    7 days a week. Cardio & strength. Have done so for the last 11 months. No rest days, no days off. Some may say "not sustainable" ..... yeah for them. If I take ONE day off then I will never get back into it...... so for me this is the ONLY way to sustain it.

    Plus I love it.

    I'm the exact same way. I do SOMETHING every single day. I also do both cardio and strength. If I take a day off, it turns into two, or three, or four....and I start to think I just don't have time because my day off ran so much smoother.

    I have to put on the clothing and tie my shoes everyday, or i'll make excuses.

    This works for me too.
  • dettiot
    dettiot Posts: 180 Member
    I typically work out every day. Two days with strength training and some time on the elliptical, then five days of cardio (either running or elliptical). My workouts generally average between 35 and 50 minutes.

    I will actually be missing two days this week (today because of pre-Thanksgiving busyness and Friday because my gym is closed) so I'm hoping to still hit 10,000 steps during my workday. With Thanksgiving in-between, I have no idea how that's going to affect my weight loss progress, but I think the rest will be beneficial. I'm starting half-marathon training in three weeks, which means four days of running each week until early April.
  • anaisbutterfly7
    anaisbutterfly7 Posts: 71 Member
    I tend to workout 9 times a week. On the days that I do strength training, I also do cardio.

    I workout with a personal trainer and LOVE weight training. I also love cardio, but I have been getting very bored with my routine lately. I have started to change it up though.

    Rest days are a MUST. On the weeks that I do not take a day off, I get overly tired. It affects my mood and then I tend to skip more workouts the following week.