It Clicked, Now How Do I Help Others?



  • LuLuChick78
    LuLuChick78 Posts: 439 Member
    The problem with a born-again anything is that people always want to tell you the "good news".

    However you can't: force someone to lose weight, make someone stop being an addict, invade a country and make it a democracy, make someone share your religious beliefs.

    We have a saying in the Martial Arts: "When the student is ready, the Master appears". Someone has to first be receptive to change: i.e. they must have got themselves into a position to change or learn new things. It's not something that can be forced. It will just lead to resentment and ill-feeling.

    Nicely said! :smile:
  • Poofy_Goodness
    Poofy_Goodness Posts: 229 Member
    You can't help anyone who doesn't want help. They have to come to you.

    Why not look into being a personal trainer or something?
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Definitely invite her to take walks with you and maybe if there are any other workouts you do that you think she'd like you could invite her along to join you with that as well.

    I wouldn't bring it up but if she mentions it again, I would think just a simple blanket statement like "when you're ready, I'm here to help if you want/need it" would be perfectly fine. If she does come to you for help then you can start with the info sharing. Until then, don't go there.

    And to be perfectly realistic about it, be ready for the possibility that she may not really be ready and may not succeed. I only say this because I've tried to help an acquaintance (friend-of-a-friend) with weight loss several times over the last 5+ years and she tries for a while but just can't wrap her head around making a full commitment to change. Plus I was like that myself for many years. I'd "want" to lose weight but when it came right down to it, I didn't want to put the time and energy in.
  • BeautyDoll
    BeautyDoll Posts: 86 Member
    We are here to help one another. I disagree with what most are saying… Let her know you are there to help. If she rejects it what was lost? Share your gift!