Insanity diet? Help

I'm done with my first month of insanity an relaxation week as we speak haven't really seen results besides being able to do more push-ups have some muscle under my fat I can feel it when I push in on my tummy but I haven't lost any weight really I'm following the diet all the time straight from the book eating 2000 calories a day

Weight 155
5 ft 9


I'm not really trying to lose weihjt I wanna turn what I have into muscle can I exactly do that without losing weight while doing insanity. Plus side since I started I'm eating really healthy use to eat mcdonalds all the time lol. Any help id appreciate also says I should be eating 2400 to stay same weight but no way I'm burning 600 calories doing insanity so any help? Please and thank you.


  • Roz2889
    Roz2889 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm in week 8 of insanity and only started seeing results in month 2. Also upped my calories then, still not to as high as the nutrition guide recommends but about 1600-1700 a day. Mainly I just ate what I felt my body needed as opposed to trying to hit an exact number.

    So I think just hang in there and you will see results in month 2!
  • 2spamagnet
    2spamagnet Posts: 60 Member
    If you are trying to build muscle, which at 19 should be easy to do, you'll have a hard time trying to figure out if you have lost fat by your weight. You could burn 2 lb of fat and build 2 lb of muscle this month and not see the scale move.

    You are pretty close to being at a low body fat value as it is. I'm 5'-11" and started seeing defined abs at about 8% BF. I have little muscle, so for me that was around 148 lb. Don't go below 5% body fat - it sucks. If you have access to an affordable hydrostatic weight measurement (will tell you lbs of fat vs. lbs of lean body mass), or the other newer test (like an MRI, I think it defines fat, muscle, and other), you might want to do that and find out where you are.

    I don't think you have far to go to see the results you want. Cut your calories by 250/day (0.5 lb per week) until you see the differences you want. For me, fat first came off my upper chest, then arms, then belly/abs. Look to see if you are seeing more muscle because you have less body fat. This may be better indicators than your scale, if you are building muscle while losing fat.

    You can still build muscle while you lose fat - try to get 120 to 150 grams of protein/day (for your weight). This might be what you need. If you are eating "healthy" you might not be getting as much protein as you need (if your definition of "healthy" is lots of veggies and fruits and little meat).

    Unfortunately, your body will not turn fat into muscle. It's a two step process, but they can happen at the same time. You will build muscle with strengthening exercises and protein, and you will lose fat when your body converts it into energy/calories to sustain your activity levels. Eat less calories than you burn, and your body will use stored body fat to make up the difference.

    Keep up the great work!