ohai ^_^

i'm new to this site and omg i'm already in love!!!
i used to spend a lot of time calculating calories, sugars and carbs , it was a mess and i lost interest in the whole thing ,but this website has made it all easier.

it's hard to find support around me , all the ppl around me r over weight , and eat unhealthy food and they always drag me along with them and i hate it !

i just need support , i wanna feel that i'm not alone in this journey, and of course i'll be always here to support u guys ^_^


  • k_eye
    k_eye Posts: 18
    It is a hard journey, and one that we can easily be distracted from. Just remember that if you can find the strength to keep going, you may inspire those around you as well when they see how well you are doing for yourself! :)

  • Tabs_A
    Tabs_A Posts: 69 Member
    Welcome! You're not alone in your journey! You'll find the support on here amazing. Good luck!
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    Welcome to MFP, it is a great tool to help you.
  • nursemarc324
    Hello everyone! I'm Marcus, and I'm new to this site. I really like it because for one thing it has nearly EVERYTHING that I eat which is super nice, and eliminates any stress about exactly how much of what I have eaten. Being over weight has been a problem for me for the longest time, but I have made that it stops NOW. I'm graduating in December from SDSU with my BSN, and I will be a nurse, and it is important to show our patients that we take care of myself as well. I know it will be a hard journey, but I told myself that if I could make it through Nursing School, then I could definitely lose 30 or so pounds!
  • RZEE
    RZEE Posts: 32
    awe thx for the support u guys i really appreciate it <33