Anyone healing from an eating disorder need support?

seashell1600 Posts: 6 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Looking to join forces with anyone struggling for complete recovery from an eating disorder. Wanting to help motivate and provide some encouragement to anyone in this category. Please respond if you fit this need. :>


  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Hi, can't understand how I missed this post!! I'm happy to offer any support and thanks for making me a buddy :)

    Eating disorders are evil, but it is possible to live along side one, get to understand it and make daily steps to keep it in remission.

    I know I will never be cured, and I accept that.

    Good luck with your journey.
  • Margarette
    Margarette Posts: 69 Member
    Hey there,

    So I had an eating disorder (i think it is correct to say had) but it is difficult trying to lose weight and keep those habits in the past. I got to the point where a doctor had wanted me in an inpatient facility and called my parents...only to get the response from my mother "she is losing weight so she can remain thin.. she looks great ...what's the problem..we all do it." Now I have a great mother in many ways but she is also sick. Unfortunately she still has her bad habits off andon and she is obese. Every time she tries to lose weight she does it the wrong way.

    Anyways, I recently got sick I am still getting over it and I lost 3 lbs in 2 days because not much I ate would stay down and well we will just say I had the stomach flu so I was pretty dehydrated...My first thought when I jumped on the scale (a lot in the last few days) was this works great.. I hope this stays around. I realize it is wrong and have given my husband a heads up things are not going as well in the recovery aspect as they should be but well I guess he just doesn't get it as hard as he tries. So I could use all the help I could get and hopefully I could help someone else. Maybe we should make a group on here? Anyone up for that?
  • Hi Seashell,
    I'm in the same boat you are. Was actually just looking on MFP for someone going through the same thing. How are you doing with the recovery?
  • meggo1
    meggo1 Posts: 14
    Hello everybody,

    I am trying to recover from an eating disorder now. And did get rid of some unwanted weight, but I did it in the wrong ways through laxatives and a lot of exercise outside on hot days so I would sweat a ton. I have for the most part gotten over those. But I notice I still wonder things like " If I exercise for three hours today and don't eat much maybe I will lose some wieght and i can do that everyother day to lose weight" then I back up and realize that is a horrible plan the wieght will come right back. So now I have fallen into more of just straight binging on food and I want a normal life back, but am struggling. I have gained about 16 lbs and want to get rid of those lbs the healthy way and keep them off. I see a therapists, but I know what I need is motivation and advice from others who don't have agood relationship with food also... So I think forming a group would be a great idea!
  • I know what you mean about not being able to stop the thoughts. I frequently think, "OK, i can eat that, but it's an extra X calories, which is an extra X miles to run later"... I think a lot of people have the thoughts you have.... the question (and danger, perhaps) comes when you act on those thoughts... right? I too am looking for the healthy way to lose some extra pounds, but just don't know how to do that. What does that healthy way look like? I joined MFP to help me track what I eat and make sure I get enough protein and stuff... but it's hard.

    Any tips?
  • Margarette
    Margarette Posts: 69 Member
    Hey there,

    I have had this issued too, I obsess over logging calories. I have not been able to sit down and eat anything without talking about how many calories are in it. Of course I am restricting myself that is what losing weight is all about. So I have had to take some days off here and there to remind myself and kick myself out of it. I would still try to eat healthy, but I just would tell my husband not to let me look at the nutrition label. Having someone else do this helps you to stop obsessing. Depending on where you are in recovery this could be great. It is better to obsess about being healthy than losing weight. But i found for me it was more about losing the weight than health. That is how I knew it was getting to be too much.

    I consider myself recovered... but I am not sure anyone ever really can be fully.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like. I would love to be able to help someone else.

    (I also have found helping someone with this makes it easier for you to be healthy and break the cycle, you don't want ot be a hypocrite and since you need to save them.. you can't have them being able to argue with you that you aren't taking your own advice).
  • meggo1
    meggo1 Posts: 14
    I still have those thoughts, but they have also toned down a lot. For me it just helps to write things down in a journal. When I have a really good day of eating healthy and exercising normally just for the enjoyment of moving my body I write it down. So I can go back and look on days that I want to binge and say "look at how great I felt that day I want that feeling again." I am counting calories right now because I want to lose the weight I gained from binging, but once I get to my happy weight I am hoping I will only exercise as a way to show myself and my body that I care for it.
    And I am trying to learn to accept my body as it is right now just knowing that in time if I fuel it well and take care of it the changes will come. I like this quote a lot I just heard it today, "My body is beautiful, strong, and healthy" I just repeated that several times in my head today when I started to tell myself all the negatives about my body and it helped to hear those positive words. I hoped that helps a little bit. I am no where near full recovery yet so I odn't have many answers, but I think very little bit helps.
  • Hiya, Im new to this site, but am trying to loose weight I'vr gained through binging. I struggle with my weight and have issues with it and go mad if I put on pounds. I was binging on sweets and cakes for 3 weeks and put on 8 pounds which I am trying to take off and dont want to go into my usual downward spiral of mad exercising and only eating certain foods. I'm finding it very difficult, and could do with the support.
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