Whats you best diet?



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    Well, I did this thing once where I ate at a caloric defciti for about 7 months and that seemed to work to shed about 40 Lbs. It was pretty awesome...I didn't have to deprive myself or anything...pretty much ate and drank whatever I wanted so long as I hit my calorie goals.

    Now don't get me wrong, I incorporated a lot more nutrition into my diet (noun) than i was getting before and I made sure to really focus on getting my proper nutrition through my food...that means, not only eating my fruit and veg like I'm supposed to, but also getting my healthy fats and plenty of protein as well.

    I ate far less junk food than I used to, but still had some on occasion...good for the soul. Best part about it is that over those months, I learned how to eat...I learned moderation...I learned what XXXX calories looks like in a day...so maintaining for the last 5 months has been really easy. i eat the same as I was those 7 months that I was losing, just a bit more of it to hit my increased calorie goals.

    It's really amazing and simple....
  • Ignaura
    Ignaura Posts: 203 Member
    I hate counting calories. I count macros. I eat low carb during the week, high carb on saturdays or every two weeks. This keto things seems to be working out just fine for me. I eat healthy, never feel hungry, don't have any cravings and my energy levels are always high. Best part is that it's been very, very easy to make it my lifestyle. It's a no brainer now.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I would say: find what works for you and is sustainable. Part of being sustainable is that it has to also keep the weight off. Losing weight is hard. Keeping it off is harder. Know your body, know yourself and find what will work for you.

    Some folks prefer counting calories, and macros and weighing and measuring.
    Some folks find if they eliminate a few foods, they can eyeball the rest and count.
    Some folks choose to go lower or slower carb.

    If eating what you've always eaten seems sustainable to you, try doing that but with portion control, calorie counting etc.

    If you feel you have "trigger foods", you can try eliminating them, if you think you can do that long term.

    For me it was a matter of keeping my blood sugar somewhat stable. I did that by switching out a few foods, and eliminating a couple of others. I've found that to be quite sustainable *for me*.

    Bottom line: eat less, move more.
  • StacyReneO
    StacyReneO Posts: 317 Member
    The only 'diet' I have really tried is South Beach Diet. It worked great and I lost 8 lbs in 2 weeks. That was about 10 yrs ago. At the beginning of summer I started eating Paleo and though I have only lost 5 lbs, it's a way of eating that I will hopefully stick with for a lifetime because I feel so much better.
  • lucystacy71
    lucystacy71 Posts: 290 Member
    Just like most everyone else said, it's just a matter of moderation. The only thing I eliminated was soda, but that was for other health reasons. I still eat foods that I've always liked, but I just watch the portions. I also tried to make sure to eat more fruits and veggies because I used to be bad not to do that. Also, no matter how I feel, I get up and move each day.
  • FrauHaas2013
    FrauHaas2013 Posts: 615 Member
    I agree with ClassicQC - eat whatever you want! Just watch the portions. Currently I'm following the "Food Lovers Diet." Last week, when I did their 7Day SizeDown jumpstart program, I lost 8.2 lbs...now I'm onto the "eat anything you want but do it in this combo with these size portions" part of it and enjoying it!
  • janemcd67
    janemcd67 Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks Bethany, that was a worthwhile short clip. Thanks for posting it.
    My best diet? I will tell you when I feel like I found it. I once lost weight on the zone diet. For years I thought that diet was magic, but guess what - strict 1300 calories a day will make you lose weight, no surprise, and no need to go crazy trying to balance 40 30 30 carb protein calorie at every meal. You have to be insane :explode: to keep that up for months on end.
  • ameliahahn17
    I think a "diet" should be a lifestyle choice, not something done to lose weight.

    For me, vegetarianism has been great. In the beginning I gained a few pounds (about 10) and now I'm at a nearly ideal weight for me. That said, some of my friends have gone vegan and that has proved to have EXCELLENT results after only a few weeks.

    It IS a commitment. Diets tend to rebound and you end up gaining back everything you worked off soon afterwards. A diet is just a way of life. It's as simple as that.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Unlike a few others I won't say "the best way" as a global edict for all. I'm not naive. What works for ME for the long haul? I learned how to eat foods that fuel my body.

    I successfully lost my weight by limiting a handful of things that tend to leave me *feeling* hungry and tended to lead to me overeating.
    I successfully lost my weight by building a diet around whole foods including whole grains, lean meats, lots of vegetables, nuts, and some dairy and fruits. (And wine, and chocolate and and and.... but notice I said I build my diet around whole foods).
    I successfully lost my weight by noticing that many processed packaged convenience foods were chock full of the handful of things that tended to lead to me overeating.
    I successfully lost my weight by continuing to exercise.
    I successfully lost my weight without counting or measuring or weighing.

    After a very short time that handful of things, ingredients, I guess, no longer appealed to me. Win, win FOR ME.

    I have kept my weight off for 12 years by continuing to do what I know works for ME.

    I find that as I get older I become more carb resistant (a well documented phenomenon among many women in menopause), so it's working out well for me even now.

    Again, the topic was what's MY best diet. After a very short time that handful of foods no longer appealed to me. Win, win FOR ME. I'm not saying it's the only way. I've never said it's the only way. I've never told anyone they have to do this to lose weight. It works for ME.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Eating what I want, while tracking caloric intake (adherence to calorie goals) has worked well for me.
  • MorganBody
    Whatever I want(within reason).Just stay within your calories.
  • sola24
    sola24 Posts: 334 Member
    eat everything you love.. but in moderation.. thats my motto :D
  • Carnivore62
    Agree 100% with calorie deficit. Calories in vs. calories out. Smart use of your calories. It's SO much easier with this app. I don't consider it a diet. I consider it a life change. Diets are born to fail.
  • Carnivore62
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I'm probably most comfortable on just 'calories in/calories out' but I lost the fastest on a WW program called Core where I ate unlimited lean protein and produce (yes, ALL produce) and very limited amounts of the other food types. I should try it again for a week or two, just to see if it works as well again.
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    no diets for this girl.....hard work and eating healthy is the way for me!
  • Dreamcatcher49
    I have found that those diets don't work that well. The best advice I can give you is write the foods you like down, then put a star by the ones that aren't fattening and a minus sign by the ones that are. Next either buy a book with the information about the calories, fat, sodium and cholesterol in the foods with stars by them or find that information online. Afterwards, create your own diet that totals out to 1200 calories a day. Finally, type that diet up and print it out to put on your refrigerator. Stay away from microwave popcorn and when you eat bread make sure it is Dave's Bread because it is full of fiber and has no preservatives in it. Good luck!
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    "Diets" are temporary. They all work...for a while. Then you go back to what you were doing...which is how you got overweight to begin with. Some are actively unhealthy. Some are just boring. Some are trendy for no good reason. You don't need a diet. You need a lifestyle change. Yes, that's a cliche too, but its the real deal and really the only fix.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Just curious as to what diet has worked best for everyone? Was it Atkins, Nutrisytem, Low carbs?

    What diet have you tried and succeded on? I am trying to figure out the best way to lose these unwated pounds and which diet gets the best results.

    None. I hate diets and I will never diet again.

    The only thing that has worked for me is logging calorie intake/output and eating at a calorie deficit.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    The best thing for me was to stop believing that it was just calories in calories out...
    my diet of 1000-1200 calories was causing weight gain.

    exhibit A:

    I have a hard time believing this. You gain weight when you eat at a surplus not a deficit. It sounds like you were eating more than you think you were.

    If you don't believe this is so, please share your experience with this.