To gym or not to gym.

I already do 3 aerobic classes each week and a lot of dog walking but I feel that I need something else. So yesterday I had a trial at a new ladies gym that has opened up. It wasn't a gym with bikes, treadmills, weights was 30 minutes going around with a personal trainer doing 1 minute on the step, I minute lifting a medicine ball, I minute jogging on the spot etc...
It was all very nice and friendly but only if you hadn't exercised for 20 years, It wasn't really for me.

So today I looked into joining a "proper gym" but my question is......

Why have you joined a gym, the reason I ask is that I can't really afford to join a gym ( could find the money if it's really right for me ) but as home I have a fantastic exercise bike, weights, resistance bands and a fitness ball so is there anything that I could do at the gym that I couldn't do at home.

Just trying to work out if I can really justify finding the extra money each month.


  • Dmb021285
    I am asking this same question myself. I feel like if you have the means (weights and so forth) and you know how to use them, that you don't have to join! Not unless you are interested in strength training classes or using the machines, maybe. I am going to join because it's getting too cold for me to do my running outside, and I need guidance when it comes to weight training.
  • bowbeforethoraxis
    bowbeforethoraxis Posts: 138 Member
    I go to the gym (and find it totally worth the $25/month) because:

    My gym has a pool, and I love swimming, and soaking in the hot tub
    My gym offers a ton of classes that I like, I like having that structure and instruction
    I see a personal trainer at my gym and for me, it has been an amazing experience and I'm so glad I've been doing it
    My best friend is also a member, and the gym has become a regular hangout spot for us, neither of us has enough equipment or space to work out together the way we do at the gym
    and, one of the biggest reasons,
    I don't get in good workouts at home. I have a few weights, a few videos, some other assorted equipment, but the internet is always just right there! and sometimes my dog looks like she needs a good cuddle! and oooh, my couch is so comfy! When .I go the gym working out is really the only option, so I don't have to deal with any of the distractions at home

    My reasons are great reasons for me, but not for everyone.
    Are you paying to go to the aerobic classes you do? It might be worth it to find a gym that offers classes similar to those and try it out.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I go to the gym (and find it totally worth the $25/month) because:

    My gym has a pool, and I love swimming, and soaking in the hot tub
    My gym offers a ton of classes that I like, I like having that structure and instruction
    I see a personal trainer at my gym and for me, it has been an amazing experience and I'm so glad I've been doing it
    My best friend is also a member, and the gym has become a regular hangout spot for us, neither of us has enough equipment or space to work out together the way we do at the gym
    and, one of the biggest reasons,
    I don't get in good workouts at home. I have a few weights, a few videos, some other assorted equipment, but the internet is always just right there! and sometimes my dog looks like she needs a good cuddle! and oooh, my couch is so comfy! When .I go the gym working out is really the only option, so I don't have to deal with any of the distractions at home

    My reasons are great reasons for me, but not for everyone.
    Are you paying to go to the aerobic classes you do? It might be worth it to find a gym that offers classes similar to those and try it out.

    similar for me...

    I have been a member of the gym for 2 years, going on 3 now, and I am a fixture there. Staff call me by name, and know my schedule. I have worked with several of the trainers, and know several others.

    the best part? when one of my MFP friends suggests that I try a particular exercise, and I can go in and ask a trainer to show me how. A few months ago someone suggested I try front squats, so I went in and asked my favorite trainer/spotter to show me how to do them, and he DID. I love doing front squats! The trainers also know how to get in my head and suggest things I should try in a way that makes me WANT to do them. Like the day 2 months ago when my favorite trainer walked up and sweet talked me into taking a dance fusion class--I look like a dancing teletubby, but I love it.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    As of yet I do not have a power rack or olympic platform at my home, nor do I have the plethora of other free weight apparatus that my gym has. The weight room is my sole reason for belonging to a gym.
  • amandaj1966
    amandaj1966 Posts: 342 Member

    Are you paying to go to the aerobic classes you do? It might be worth it to find a gym that offers classes similar to those and try it out.

    I pay a very small amount for my aerobic classes, I joined the class 12 years ago and it was a fixed price which hasn't gone up. I love my aerobic classes, love the trainer and have some great friends there is leaving isn't an option.
    Plus I am moving in the next 18 months so am making the most of my aerobic classes whilst still in the area. :-)
  • kaybeau
    kaybeau Posts: 198 Member
    I go to the gym because my kids can't ask me to get off the treadmill to get them something, and the music is good and I can pick and choose who I wish to speak too. I do not go with gym bunnies just the local YMCA with lots of different walks of life rolling in through the doors
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    What are the weight ranges of the weights that you have at home? If you have the space, you could very well find a used squat rack with barbell and plates online for dirt cheap. If the dumbbells you have are sufficient enough in resistance, you could have pretty much everything you need to exercise at home.
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    Going to the gym means business for me. I have an elliptical machine at my parents house, but when I use it there, I am constantly stopping to change the TV channel, go to the bathroom, talk to my mom, etc. When I am at the gym, the atmosphere reminds me why I am there, and keeps me working hard.

    May not be enough to justify the extra dollars, but it is something to consider!
  • jessmk123
    Hello. I have all the same equipment at home but everyone goes to the gym for their own personal reasons. I go because it motivates me to work hard, focus, and utilize as much as the equipment as possible. I also go everyday to experience the whole atmostphere including swimming, sauna, vibration machine, smoothies, classes, cardio, etc. If your goal is simply to lose weight, gain muscle, get fit...then a gym is not for you. But, if you seek the other advantages of socializing, focusing in a different atmosphere and gaining a daily experience that is different from your home envioronment, then go for it! It's all what you want to make the experience. I work from home teaching online so I go stir crazy and have to get out of the house. It's a get-away for me and totally worth the $35 membership.
  • fatfudgery
    fatfudgery Posts: 449 Member
    Personally, I don't have the space for a power rack and plates, so I need a gym. But if you have the equipment and space you need at home, save your money!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,434 Member
    I go to the gym (and find it totally worth the $25/month) because:

    My gym has a pool, and I love swimming, and soaking in the hot tub
    My gym offers a ton of classes that I like, I like having that structure and instruction
    I see a personal trainer at my gym and for me, it has been an amazing experience and I'm so glad I've been doing it
    My best friend is also a member, and the gym has become a regular hangout spot for us, neither of us has enough equipment or space to work out together the way we do at the gym
    and, one of the biggest reasons,
    I don't get in good workouts at home. I have a few weights, a few videos, some other assorted equipment, but the internet is always just right there! and sometimes my dog looks like she needs a good cuddle! and oooh, my couch is so comfy! When .I go the gym working out is really the only option, so I don't have to deal with any of the distractions at home

    My reasons are great reasons for me, but not for everyone.
    Are you paying to go to the aerobic classes you do? It might be worth it to find a gym that offers classes similar to those and try it out.

    So similar to this! I enjoy the classes at the gym and I am very easily distracted at home as well as get bored easily. I like to mix it up and the gym gives me that opportunity.
  • ShadeyC
    ShadeyC Posts: 315 Member
    As of yet I do not have a power rack or olympic platform at my home, nor do I have the plethora of other free weight apparatus that my gym has. The weight room is my sole reason for belonging to a gym.

    THIS. My house is too small to fit in all the weight training gear I need
  • raxelita
    raxelita Posts: 12 Member
    I'm a member at a gym but no longer go. Instead, I've bookmarked a ton of free home bodyweight and home circuit training routines from Fitsugar, Fitnessblender, and various blogs, and use all the moves from them to do intense 30-40 minute HIIT and strength workouts at home. Besides a pull up bar, I have no equipment. I've seen major improvements in physique over the past few months -- much more in comparison to gym-going times.

    In addition to the home workout, I run about once a week, do occasional yoga, and a rare cardio class every now and again.

    And I don't have to worry about toting around a gym bag, gross locker rooms, waiting for machines, travel time... But I don't have kids or anyone besides a boyfriend to bother me, and I have a spare room to do it in.
  • Animebride2015
    I go because it shows me that i can work out really hard ( can have large weight machines in the house) and it also gets me out of the house for a hour just to focus on me!
  • bondgirl129
    I have an elliptical in my living room and a wide assortment of bands and weights and I love my gym.

    Going to the gym is my "me" time. I put my ipod on and just enjoy having an hour or so to myself. There are no deadlines, no phones, no dishes in the sink calling my name, no vacuuming to be done, no couch and remote control calling my name. It is my time to tune out of the world and to tune into my own head and what I want to do for me.

    I really enjoy having a variety of options to working out. I can do the elliptical one day, the treadmill the next, or the stair climber.. Work my legs one day, my upper half the next go 'round.

    It isn't cheap. I actually cancelled cable tv to pay for it. Worth every penny for me.
  • dezb64
    dezb64 Posts: 109 Member
    I have a lot of weights, a bench, kettlebells and other equipment at home. I find that I work much harder at the gym and am always trying something new. I do have a trainer and he is always changing up my workout. It's well worth the $20/month
  • debsanders58
    Love my gym!:heart: I got lucky & a Planet Fitness opened up near me & it's only $10 mo. I don't have room for a lot of equipment, did have a treadmill which I gave to my daughter. At the gym I can do something different each day & there are no distractions or hubby wanting me to do something else or TV or internet. Just me & the machines. When I tried doing workouts at home I didn't stick with it as well. Now, it has become a habit to get up early in the morning & head to the gym. But I know for some they don't need a gym. Everybody is different. Something you have to figure out for yourself . . . if you will do the workouts if you stay home.
    God Bless,
    Deb :flowerforyou:
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Over the years I've built up quite the nice gym setup @ home which I absolutely love. I guess I'm spoiled as I hate working out at gyms.

    Workout wherever you're the most comfortable. The important thing is you're working out - doesn't 't matter where you do it as long as you do it!
  • rbcrawford1
    rbcrawford1 Posts: 29 Member
    I lift at home, but I belong to the gym for the classes and the stationary bike/treadmill for HIIT workouts. It's also the only reliable way I can sweat on the weekends and school holidays (thanks to their daycare). Once I'm at maintenance I might ditch the membership and just lift, though that might seem less appealing once summer break rolls round. I need that me-time.
  • amandaj1966
    amandaj1966 Posts: 342 Member
    What are the weight ranges of the weights that you have at home? If you have the space, you could very well find a used squat rack with barbell and plates online for dirt cheap. If the dumbbells you have are sufficient enough in resistance, you could have pretty much everything you need to exercise at home.

    Hi, my weights range from 2 kg upto 20 kg. I think plenty enough for a girl. :-)