Loss of motivation, need help!

A little background, I started MFB last October and lost 70lbs. I was totally motivated, the weight was coming off, I felt and looked great. I started an exercise program I didn't really enjoy and things just totally feel apart. Since around May/June I have not consistently done any program or followed my calorie count. I've gained back 15lbs. I'm so disgusted but I don't have the same motivation I used to, I just can't seem to get things together. I need help, please!


  • agcarden1
    agcarden1 Posts: 35 Member
    Congrats on your loss! Losing 70 lbs says to me that you absolutely have the drive within you to accomplish your goals! Don't beat yourself up over gaining back some of the weight. Its so easy to get discouraged over something small like that, but is it really worth you giving up on your ultimate goal? The path to success is rarely a straight line. This is just a bump in the road. Remind yourself of why you started doing this in the first place. It sounds goofy, but try writing a letter to yourself explaining why you deserve to feel good about yourself, and tell yourself in the letter what you WILL do to get to that point. Furthermore, really examine what it is that's holding you back. Chances are, you are the only person standing in your way. Good luck with your journey!
  • luuznit061
    luuznit061 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Bogden78; do not get discouraged. Focus on the big picture a loss of 70 lbs. that is a hugh accomplishment. I am part of a weight loss group, we call ourselves Weight Watchers Pals (WW Pals). There are 3 of us that started the group, Feb will be 4 years. We've had people come and go, but the 3 of us have been strong for each. This is a life time change and something you have to work at everyday. I am the only one that journals my food on MyFitnessPal. We weigh in on Friday. I will be weighing here also. If you would like to join us, let me know. We have a mini challenge to lose 2 lbs by Wednesday. Join us.. healthy eating and exercising, you can do it. Take Care, Luuznit061
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
  • marielloyd737
    You're still 55 pounds lighter than when you started off! That's huge success!
    If you dislike the exercise part, why not give yourself a break? All I do is walk my dog for a half hour a day….that's fine. Adds up to hours a week of cardio, and doesn't feel like an exercise duty.

    Do you like dancing? That's great exercise. Walk to a coffee shop. If you're in the suburbs, walk down streets you don't go on often.
    Good luck with keeping that 55 pounds off! Check back in, let us know how you're doing.
  • egrusy
    egrusy Posts: 196 Member
    I started an exercise program I didn't really enjoy and things just totally feel apart.

    Congratulations on the 70-pound loss!! Awesome!

    What I quoted above is I believe what may be a major issue here (though probably not the only one). As far as exercising, switch it out, change it up, find something you can enjoy enough to keep it a regular habit. If you get tired of THAT, change it up again! There are lots of different ways to get exercise. Get back on the wagon of logging your food; regain control. YOU are in control, you can do this!

    You should be VERY proud of 70 pounds lost and also VERY proud of the fact that you realize things are slipping and that you should do something about it NOW. Kudos! :drinker: