Started 30 Day Shred again yesterday...

I did it before and lost about 15 pounds, but then gained back some of the weight because I stopped eating healthy.
Yesterday I started healthy eating and 30 Day Shred again.
Let's just say the first day of level one kicked my *kitten*, as always. I woke up this morning with aching muscles, but that's how I know that my body is changing. :) I'm going to check in here every day with my calorie intake and weight. Eventually I will post pictures. If you're doing 30 Day Shred, join in with me and check in here! :)


  • zoeybleepbloop
    zoeybleepbloop Posts: 22 Member
    I'm on Level 2 Day 1 today! I felt OK in Level 1, except I still do pushups on my knees because I have the arm strength of a asthmatic turtle. But I'm hoping by the end of this I can at least do a few on my toes. I've never done Shred all the way through before.
  • ccourtmariee
    ccourtmariee Posts: 5 Member
    I did level 1 all the way through yesterday even though the burning was KILLING ME! I do push ups on my knees too, hahah. Hopefully by level 2 I can do them without my knees. Who knows though.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    i'm on level 3 and still can't do more than a couple real push ups....maybe in time i'll be able to
  • zoeybleepbloop
    zoeybleepbloop Posts: 22 Member
    Ok I just finished Level 2 Day 1 and Holy Yeezus, what's with the Plank-Jacks?!! If I get one of those out by the end of this I'll consider myself successful!!
  • Today was day 7 of the Shred for me, and I decided to give Level 2 a go… holy god! All those planks! I actually had to sit the last minute of abs out because I was getting so shaky I actually felt nauseous. Womp womp. Perhaps I tried to move on too quickly.
  • summerroxygoodin
    summerroxygoodin Posts: 62 Member
    Today was my first day and it was intense. I wanted to yell at her through the screen.
  • Rosepower
    Rosepower Posts: 44 Member
    I just started 30 day shred and am on Day 3, is it normal for my muscles to burn this much :{ I am determined to keep going and feel the burn (even though I had a tough time walking up the stairs). I found the first and second day to be intense but I was able to push through. today (Day 3) was quite a bit harder.
  • I just started 30 day shred and am on Day 3, is it normal for my muscles to burn this much :{ I am determined to keep going and feel the burn (even though I had a tough time walking up the stairs). I found the first and second day to be intense but I was able to push through. today (Day 3) was quite a bit harder.

    My muscles were really, really sore until about the 4th day. I think it's definitely normal! After that it started getting better, though.
  • ccourtmariee
    ccourtmariee Posts: 5 Member
    All days are pretty intense. Atleast I think so. I feel the burn when I move in any way, but I kind of like it because I know it's paying off. I'm honestly scared for level 2.. lol. Wish me some luck! Btw: I'm posting my intake and a picture in an hour or two. :) I hope people stay posting on this thread, though. Hearing about other people helps me keep motivated.
  • ccourtmariee
    ccourtmariee Posts: 5 Member
    My starting picture.
    Starting weight was 130.9.
    I'm at 129.1 now.

  • I'll post my final stats when I'm finished, but I took my measurements today after 8 days of the shred… I've only lost half a pound, but I'm down half an inch in my arms, hips and thighs, more than an inch in my waist and nearly an inch in my bust. Crazy!
  • zoeybleepbloop
    zoeybleepbloop Posts: 22 Member
    Shred Level 2 day 3 here. I haven't missed a day yet, which is ASTONISHING to me- and now that I have this good of a streak going, I really do want to keep it up!
  • twinmommy87
    twinmommy87 Posts: 25 Member
    Today is day 5 level 1 for me! My legs have finally stopped burning and its getting easier by the day! I do the pushups on my knees too :) One day im sure ill be able to do standard pushups again. But its been over 2 years since ive actually been able to work out due to medical conditions. Im ready to take my life back and be healthy!
  • I'm going to start tomorrow. This should be interesting.
  • How are you all doing? I'm a little under the weather but I've been powering through best I can. This morning was day 11. I still haven't lost much weight though… I'm pleased with the inches lost so far, but I'd love to see the scale drop a bit.
  • zoeybleepbloop
    zoeybleepbloop Posts: 22 Member
    Level 2 day 5 done! I'm still doing modified moves, but if I could do them all perfectly the first time, I probably wouldn't NEED to do this workout at all, right? I'm on a 15-day streak. I don't want to miss a day so it makes my motivation that much higher.

    Oh- and I don't know if I've seen changes, I never measured before. I lost about four pounds, but that probably coincided with some beginner's water weight and such. I think I've lost a pound of actual "weight" since starting. I don't have that much to lose though so it comes off super slowly.
  • Good for you and your 15 day streak! That's awesome. I just did day 12… FORCED myself after gorging on Thanksgiving dinner because I knew I would regret it if I missed a day… turns out it was one of my best work outs yet! I'm still doing modified moves on level two, but I was able to hold the planks longer than usual tonight. So exciting to actually feel yourself getting stronger!