Doctors visit on Halloween, Might as well been April Fool's

I don't like going to the doctors, but I normally heed there advice and follow their instructions, but would you if your doctor told you this:

To eat 1300 and exercise 45 mins 5 days a week, must take two days off, and NOT eat your exercise calories unless workout is over an hour & then only eat the extra calories EX: 70 min workout, eat 10 mins of calories. I asked if this was sound, at 1300 calories I was at a 900 calorie defictent(sp) and that exercise would put me under the 1200 mark, he told me is was okay to go under as long as you have two recovery days and don't do it for more than 2 months. I replied I plan on deiting for a while, what am I suppose to do after 2 months? He said we would go to 1.5 pound a week for 2 months and then 1 pound for 4 months, this would put me at 16 pounds lost at 2 a week, 12 pounds at 1.5, and 16 at 1= 44 pounds, um I would still be obese, then he suggested I become vegetarian because I could stay under 1200 longer without harming my metabolism!

I think my doctors a quack! Im so confused, it seems every website has a different opinion on the "magic" number, and how are bodies go into starvation mode.
Has anyone else had unsound advice from their doctor, did you follow it, and did it work?


  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    That's a bit much.... Do what makes you feel happy & healthy don't starve yourself.
  • sjd2010
    sjd2010 Posts: 106
    Keep in mind he is a doctor, not a nutritionist. Doctors do not have a lot of training in nutrition and, therefore, in my opinion, are not the best qualified to speak on nutrition. I do firmly believe in not going under 1200 calories with or without exercise because your body will go into starvation mode and you will stop losing. I know this from personal experience and from extensive research on the subject. No I'm not a nutritionist either, but I have read many nutritionists' comments on this subject and the majority agree on the 1200 calorie minimum. Just my opinion.:flowerforyou:
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    It's incredibly hard to say, I would listen to your body on this one. Try his plan if you like it. If it makes you feel terrible, then change your strategy. Do what works for you!
  • boogie17
    boogie17 Posts: 103 Member
    I totally understand where you are coming from. Back in August, my dr, and the nutristionist that works in the dr's office put me on a 1000-12000 calorie diet, along wtih exercising everyday for at least 45 minutes. It was hard at first, cuz, i would hardly eat. But now that I'm figuring it out and found this site, I've been doing better. I eat roughly 1000 calories a day..soemtimes less, but i'm satisfied where i'm at. my body isn't starving. I have to check in with her at the nutristionist every month to make sure i'm doing fine. I eat what i want in portions. I make alot of homemade food. Eat alot of salads and fruit, and drink tons of water. I've lost almost 20 lbs, since I found this site in September!! And I love it it.

    I don't like going to the doctors, but I normally heed there advice and follow their instructions, but would you if your doctor told you this:

    To eat 1300 and exercise 45 mins 5 days a week, must take two days off, and NOT eat your exercise calories unless workout is over an hour & then only eat the extra calories EX: 70 min workout, eat 10 mins of calories. I asked if this was sound, at 1300 calories I was at a 900 calorie defictent(sp) and that exercise would put me under the 1200 mark, he told me is was okay to go under as long as you have two recovery days and don't do it for more than 2 months. I replied I plan on deiting for a while, what am I suppose to do after 2 months? He said we would go to 1.5 pound a week for 2 months and then 1 pound for 4 months, this would put me at 16 pounds lost at 2 a week, 12 pounds at 1.5, and 16 at 1= 44 pounds, um I would still be obese, then he suggested I become vegetarian because I could stay under 1200 longer without harming my metabolism!

    I think my doctors a quack! Im so confused, it seems every website has a different opinion on the "magic" number, and how are bodies go into starvation mode.
    Has anyone else had unsound advice from their doctor, did you follow it, and did it work?
  • DancingDreamer
    as someone who has been vegetarian her whole life let me tell you that has NOTHING to do with weight and everything to do with the foods you choose to eat. i've been a fattie since i was little and yes i have never eaten a piece of meat in my life. yes, your doctor sounds like a quack to me, all the doctors i've had have understood that being a vegetarian doesnt always mean you are going to be a healthy weight (though meat does have more calories then most veggies, but most vegetarians, myself included, eat a lot of processed foods, just like everyone else. it all evens out i guess) i say do what feels right to you. even if this person has a medical degree, they dont have your body and sometimes (most of the time) you know whats best for you. if your current plan is working for you, stick to it. :)
  • BrendaKayS
    I haven't even had a regular doctor try to help me with losing weight, only tell me I need to with no info at all. Even when I was first diagnosed with diabetes all she said was "well, just don't eat anything white". That was it. No info on testing, carb counting, nothing. I had to seek all that out myself.

    A few years ago I went to a counselor because I was very depressed (PPD) and I told the counselor what I was mostly depressed about was my weight. I was expecting maybe some going into the deeper issues or something - instead I was handed a print out on a cabbage soup diet where I would eat nothing but the soup for 3 days and then eat whatever I want for 4. This was the grand counseling I received. I obviously never went back.

    Your doctor amazingly usually knows very little about how to lose weight. I think most of us have more knowledge on the specifics then a doctor. I would recommend going to a nutritionist if at all possible.
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    Dipping under 1200 calories, for me, is a sure way to set myself up to fail. It feels great the first few times, but then I just feel starved to death and end up pigging out on some cake or something totally off the wall.

    Slow and steady will win the race girly!
  • TashaS
    TashaS Posts: 199 Member
    I wouldn't go below the 1200 calories daily. When I first started with MFP they advised I ate like 1900 calories daily - I tried to keep it between 1500-1700. The more weight I've lost the 'less' I was to eat and have been at the 1200 calories for a while now - I'm still losing (and I'll admit I don't exercise nearly enough) when I do exercise I very rarely eat back the calories (or at least not all of them... however, if you are hungry and you have them then eat)! I wouldn't allow yourself to go below the 1200 calories though... doesn't sound like good advice to me.
  • niknok28
    WOW. Just wow. As stated many times by people on here it's a lifestyle change. . . meaning something that continues as a way of life the only thing changing is the calorie intake when you are to the point of maintaining your goal weight . I've worked with various doctors and then veterinarians and know first hand how much some of them love giving advise with little or no fact backing it. Always use common sense when anyone gives you advise of any kind (which obviously you are already doing ;)
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    When I surpised my doctor of 30 yrs with a 20 pound weight loss between check ups, I asked if I was doing it correctly with the MFP method.

    He said, did you lose weight?

    Then you did it RIGHT!!!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    No offense, but your Dr.'s advice sounds really UN-healthy.

    You know what to do and what is already working! Stick with it!

    Doing that low calorie count would cause you to rebound, regain, and then regret...

    Hang in there with this plan! I, and I know you too, have seen sooo many people with amazing results on here!

    It works...slowly, but it works. And, slowly is better!

    Much love ! and support...


    PS. I have a BS in Health Education so I know a little bit about what I'm saying. I'm no EXPERT...but seriously.... 900 calorie deficit?? Come on!
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Personally, I think Doctors need to quit sticking their noses in the business of nutritionists and dietitians when they aren't trained in it. I don't go trying to perform surgery or prescribe medications because I'm not trained to do those things. Most doctors take one (1) nutrition course as part of their education. They learn the absolute basics and not much else. If I had a doctor tell me this garbage, I'd tell him or her exactly that too. See a nutritionist or a dietitian or follow your plan on here, but don't listen to this quack.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    The best doctor is the one that knows when they are out of their depth! My doctor recognized that I was in starvation mode and set me up with a nutritionist to get me on track. Between the two of them they slowly built me UP to 1400 a day. They worked together to set the goals and the plan to get there. That doctor I will go back to.

    Now the orthopedic doctor I went to for what turned out to be 2 slipped discs.... He never touched me, or tested me in anyway, told me I had a "gait issue" because I was fat and didn't know how to walk properly. He sent me to physical therapy and She is the one that read the MRI results and modified the treatment plan. The doctor I never went back to, went to a chiropractor instead and had great results.
  • ladyrem
    Yikes ! I am no doctor but I had read my share and any thing I have read cautions that going under 1200 calories is dangerous... and I don't know you that well but you have mentioned you have a young child... and keeping up with a child just comming into walking takes a lot of stamina and ENERGY.
    A few months ago I did an experiment.... I am not a supporter of alot of things the governments puts out there...however I was curious to see what it would be like to eat according to the USA food pyramid .... ... and let me tell you that is alot of food! some days I couldn't finish the counts for each group... but it is the good foods! I have to admit that I felt great after only a short time on this regimin. Check out the site and somewhere in there you can enter in your own data (age, weight, acitivity level... and it has lots of menu planners and such... including meat! -- I am not a doctor but know that using the guildlines from the gov site was kinda an eye opener for me.... :) So Again only my 2cents. What ever you do...Please be CAREFUL - your family needs you healthy and energetic and remember you are always entiled to a second opinion (or maybe consider seeing a liscensed dietian.) - TAKE CARE
  • ladyrem
    What you are doing now seems to be working for you! So if you feel good (Energetic an positive and well) then keep up the good work!
  • diverdi
    diverdi Posts: 64 Member
    Doctors have little to no training in nutrition at medical school. Just like you get a variety of opinions on here you'll get a variety of advice from different doctors, often based anecdotally on what has worked for them, their friends and family or other patients.
    Different plans work for different people, and just like stopping smoking or drinking you will only lose weight when you are prepared to change. this is a lifestyle change and it's up to you to try different techniques and work out which one works for you.