Here I go Again!

I have tried several attempts to loose weight. I bet for what I have spent on products and gyms, I could have bought a new car or . I am tired of being sick, I am tired of going to doctors, and just plain tired. I have did the cry for help and people like, well yes I will be there for you. Few days later they are gone. Abs. no help at home. I have did the whole logging food, positive journel. Stevia/no steviahome. I have watched my cousishe had lost a total of 41 plus pounds in a 6 month time frame. Mother in law same way losing weight. I know it all boils down to it has to be you, but what do you do when it can't be you? What do you do at that point. Do I just sit and slowly die? I am killing myself slowly each day. I can feel my body saying that's not normal. Dizzy, shakey, etc..... but yet I feel so out of control. How do you take control of something you can't control? If I could control it, I wouldn't be in this place.

I am constantly sick, my immune system you may as well say doesn't exist! I have visited 5 different doctors, I would say in the past 5 months. They have all told me something different. So really who's right? What do I do? Which one do I listen too? I am so confused. Drink dairy, don't drink dairy, eat 500 cal a day---well If I could do than loose 41 pounds, she found out she was diabetic and with meds doctors put her on t I wouldn't have this problem. Yes I am mad at the world but who isn't for some reason or the other. So I am trying yet again to do this on my own. I have no support what so ever. I have a 3year old son and a husband who eats basically what they want, and have spoken with my spouse about helping me on several occasions. I have no control over the food in our home. My husband brings in food and though he should eat better, I can't tell him what he can and can't have.

I will be honest my exercise ethic is horrible, I have had to move my exercise equipment due to my son injuring himself on it, so I can't just access it whenever I please. I never have anyone to watch him to go out and workout on it. I am in the process of making me a woman cave, but still who's gonna watch my son when I'm out there? Not making excuses, but just stating my problems.

My eating ethics are horrible, but I can go all day and eat perfect, then I go home and it's whatever I can find goes into my mouth while I'm working and taking care of my son. I just want to shove anything and everything I can, almost like a benge. My clothes are getting tighter. I have gained atleast 30 pounds since my vacation. I eat the same all day, and it blows by the time I get home. I even purposely take no money so I can't stop on the way home for fast food. But will eat it all when I get home.

I am not sure where to go from here. I just can't believe that when I was younger that nothing would conquer me, but this is gonna kill me.


  • PriscillaBramble
    PriscillaBramble Posts: 85 Member
    Sent you a friend request and message
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    I'm too lazy to actually work out in the winter because it's cold and I hate going outside, so instead I try to burn extra calories while I'm doing things around my house. I'll dance in the kitchen while I'm standing there chopping vegetables or doing dishes or whatever, I'll lift and lower my laundry basket as I carry it between the laundry room and my room, I'll stand and move around a bit instead of sit whenever I find an opportunity, etc. I can't really accurately count these exercises, but I know I'm expending energy.

    I also log the things I eat before they go into my mouth. Sometimes the numbers horrify me and I adjust the food I'm about to eat accordingly. This has been really helpful to me in making better choices. I also know very well which foods I can and can't stop myself from overconsuming, and if I don't trust myself with a food I don't buy it in the first place.

    I know I'm not in your situation and I don't know the difficulties you face on a daily basis, so I apologize if all of this seems over-simplifying or condescending to you. These are just habits I've developed that have really helped me.
  • enieto2021
    enieto2021 Posts: 14 Member
    just wanted to say here i go again too... im looking to loose 50lbs. i was diagnosed with pcos which make it very hard to loose weight and puts me at high risk for diabetes among other things.. i just bought a polar watch to track my calories... im not suggesting you get one now as they are kind of pricey and your other machines are as accurate in counting calories lost as the watch.... but i just wanted to say today i did 30 min on my eliptical and burned 260 calories, i then started dancing for 30 min and lost 249 calories... so i guess my whole book here is to show you that you dont need a gym or heavy machinery.. just crank up the radio and dance like crazy... its fun, it burns just as many calories as the eliptical, and you can do it with the baby in the room... :) remember we only get one life... and you dont wanna be 70 and regretting all the things you should have done.... i guess thats what keeps me motivated this time around.. plus being your weight you are the faster youll drop weight... do it... :) let this time be the last try.. you got this girl...