A question for ladies...

megaloox Posts: 31
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
So, ladies, a question about "that time" of month that isn't necessarily concerning weight loss...
Have any of you found any kinds of foods, teas or exercises that help with cramps? Since stopping my birth control I've started getting worse and worse cramps and I'm trying to find alternative methods to pain control without using pain relievers. Any suggestions?


  • Peppermint Tea works for me.
  • Fennel tea might help, I'm never big with cramps but any warm tea helps cause it warms you from the inside out, try a heated pad on your stomach those might help :) it always helps me when I do get them, just something warm on my belly and I feel instantly better :smile:
  • mrskelsey24
    mrskelsey24 Posts: 18 Member
    Walking helps ( I know, moving around is the last thing you want to do) trust me though, I've had severe, put me in bed for an entire day, kind of cramps most of my life. With in 1 minute of walking they subside and don't come back for awhile. If you can't walk then rasberry or peppermint tea would probably work - a natural food store would know best.
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    Sit ups and heating pads. And Pamprin. That's all that helps for me. But I'd love other ideas :smile:
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    The only pain killers I have found to actually be effective are the Feminax ones. Apart from that warm baths or sitting in the bath with the shower head on my stomach really helps as does hot water bottles.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    For me it was sliced fresh peaches, green tea and walks. Plus the ever faithful heating pad.
  • cathie4686
    cathie4686 Posts: 4 Member
    More exercise always seems to work. Try to maintain a normal routine of cardio 3x's a week and strength training 3x's a week. You can alternate cardio day 1, stength day 2, cardio day 3, strength day 4, etc.... This will help not only your PMS, it will help with weight loss/maintenance, better health, more energy so these cramps are less likey to bother you and will lead you to greater eating habits. Good luck !!
  • yalisa0424
    yalisa0424 Posts: 173 Member
    Heating pads work wonders!! But my doctor told me to take aleve 24 hours before I am going to get it. I only get it every 3 months (seasonique) so I haven't tried this. I have also heard that eating bread will not help! Good luck.
  • SarahBC
    SarahBC Posts: 72 Member
    HeaT PacK
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Anything high in magnesium or potassium- both control muscle spasticity.
    Diet tonic water has quinine in it and acts like magnesium at the receptor sites, slows or stops the cramping- try it with lime...
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    I read somewhere that chamomile tea was good for easing cramps. Not sure if this is actually true, but I drink lots of it on my period now, and it seems to make me a feel a little bit better. Also, acupressure points are very helpful in relieving cramps. They hurt a lot when they're being pressed, but in the long run, it helps a lot. I've always had in-bed-all-day excruciating cramps, and I've found that eating well, drinking tons of water, chamomile tea, mild exercise, and acupressure helps immensely. Hope you feel better ASAP!
  • Raspberry tea is supposed to help with that - it's also really good and you can sweeten it with splenda or something. If you have to take a pain reliever -Ibuprofin is a muscle relaxer and works best. I also try warm baths or a heating pad. If they continue to get worse, you may want to talk to your dr. about what you can do. It may help to go on a low dose birth control, or look into seeing if you have endometriosis, or another medical issue that may be causing the cramps to continually get worse. If you are bleeding heavily, I would seriously look into an iron supplement to make sure that you don't get anemic. SloFe is released slowly and doesn't bother your system as much and you can get it over the counter. I hope you feel better soon!
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    P.S. My upstairs neighbor is a Chinese medicine student and aspiring acupuncturist, and she swears by Chinese herbs for cramps. I bought a bottle of Free and Easy Wanderer (cheesy name, I know) by Plum Flower brand from another acupuncturist (before I met my neighbor!) and showed them to her (neighbor). She said it's an excellent brand and an excellent herbal supplement for just about every ailment, especially menstrual ones. So if you're looking for a non-pain pill alternative, maybe you should try that! I haven't taken it for very long yet, so I don't know how well it works, but I've heard great things!
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Kickboxing. And if you can beat the crap out of a heavy bag, that works even better then a standard kickboxing class where you are punching and kicking air.

    Technically, any exercise will work because it releases natural endorphins that help alleviate pain. I just prefer kickboxing because it also helps me release the frustration of PMS as well.
  • Avoid a high sodium diet...salty foods, sugar & caffeine enhance the cramps, OUCH! Genetically, I get terrible cramping and can't do much physically for a few days. Stay off your feet, prop up your legs w/pillows under your knees. A fresh batch of homemade chicken noodle soup :) I like cinnamon or blueberry tea...it's soothing for me. A heating pad can help but a few months ago I had the worst pain ever...I had to fill a warm tub w/water and found relief that way...the following month I stayed away from my popcorn...since then, I've cut out ice cream & cereal...I'm sticking with the program because I don't ever want to have to go through that again...it was worse than labor(so it seemed)

    I recently bought geranium rose oil to put a few drops on my dog's collar to keep ticks away...low and behold, the scent(rosy) helps the hormonal moods & is soothing...the small jar is kept in my kitchen cupboard and I smell it often...perhaps this is the reason for the success these past two months...I've had no symptoms of pms and my periods have been easier.

    Keep yourself hydrated and exercise before your period...I wouldn't recommend strenuous exercise during...not for my side of the family ;) You're going in the right direction by getting your weight at a normal/healthy range. This will help you so much!!!

    I would google and search out tonic water before taking that...quinine is dangerous.
  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    For me, I've found that I don't get any cramps so long as I avoid sodium the week before. Now obviously you can't completely take it out since its in practically everything, but I make sure I stay under my limit the week before, and that solves the problem for me.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    My girlfriend swears by the calcium suppliment daily and camomile tea. Never did much for me though. I get the cramps in the back and the Thermacare patches work for that. Lots of water and low salt and low carb for the week, and long walks. When they get real bad I find that "relaxing into them" works well....difficult to accomplish sometimes.
  • lozf85
    lozf85 Posts: 62 Member
    The only thing I’ve found that works for me is the trusty old heat method. Hot water bottle / heat packs are my best friend at that time of the month!
  • Hotbottom
    Hotbottom Posts: 168 Member
    Do sit ups!!! It gets more blood flow down there and helps...
  • :D thanks everyone! I'll have to try all of these things
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