Is insanity's calorie intake right..?

The Insanity Nutrition guide recommends the following:

Step 1
"First use the Harris Benedict Equation to caloric needs."
For women: 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)

Step 2
Now, take that number and multiply the level of activity. Since you are doing Insanity Moderately active or very active should apply.
Mod Active = 1.55
Very Active = 1.7

Step 3
Adjust depending on your goals.
For weight loss subtract 500 calories from the number achieved from following steps 1 & 2.
For maintenance us the number from step 2.
For weight gain add 250 to 500 to your total from step 2.

Did all the working out and got 2017.255 calories, surely this is too much calories even if I do the exercise from insanity (month 2)...completed month 1 and didn't really focus too much on the diet when it is the most important part..
should I stick to the 2017 calorie intake or reduce it to 1600 if I want to lose weight?

Thank You


  • kaylingonzales
    kaylingonzales Posts: 37 Member
    How tall are you and what is your weight and age?
  • mrslcoop
    mrslcoop Posts: 317 Member
    I use the Mifflin-St Jeor method off of It's said to be more accruate than Harris-Benedict and gives me about 100 calories less per day. Since I switched 2 weeks ago I've finally started to shed some weight doing insanity. I'm about to enter month 2 in a week and I"m going to stick to my 1550-1850 range depending on how hungry I am that I used in month 1.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Options's just that women have been conditioned to think they need to eat like little birdies to lose weight. The average woman with little to no exercise maintains around 1800 - 2000 calories. If you're heavier then your maintenance is going to be even more...thus, your cut to lose weight would be more...but women have been conditioned through crummy women's fitness and "health" media that they can only eat 1200 calories.

    It's a bunch of wife is 5'2" and 39 and 125 Lbs and loses weight right around 2000 calories per day with weight training as her primary exercise and she runs 3 miles or so a couple times per week.