help! binge eating advice please

Hey, so I was able to stop binge eating since about summer now and I've just been focusing on eating healthy foods and stuff I want in moderation, but lately I think I might have gotten a bit more strict with my eating and keeping my calories below 1500. I ended up binging Friday and Saturday last weekend. And then I binged last night and I wasn't feeling emotionally or anything. I tried eating that artic zero icecream instead of the ben & jerry's one I did want and then didn't like the artic zero so it was like I was craving something good, but didn't have anything so I went to the vending machine and got a bunch of snacks, which I never do. It doesn't feel like an emotional thing, but I was wondering if this could be from depriving myself too much and not allowing myself to have what I really want in moderation? I feel like I can't allow myself to have bad foods during the week, so this binging tends to happen on the weekend. And then I just feel guilty and beat myself up about it. Feels like I failed at eating healthy and staying in control. Any advice or input would help so much. Especially on not beating yourself up or how to prevent binging. Thanks!



  • ElectricDragon
    ElectricDragon Posts: 60 Member
    It's kinda of a trade off isn't it? Often times the reduced fat foods don't create the feeling of fullness, so we tend to eat more than we would if we would have gotten the regular full fat version.

    I know for me weighing my foods out has helped me keep the binging tendancies in check; it just makes me feel more accountable, it helps me to slow down and look at what is going into my body. I got a kitchen food balance for about $12 from ebay, they are really affordable. Maybe something you want to look into.

    Keeping hydrated also really helps. The more water I drink, the less bingy tendencies I feel.

    Also plan ahead! If you want ice cream, incorporate it into your weekly diet. Make a couple of days in the week where you plan to eat ice cream and log the calories and quantity into your mfp food diary. If you plan for it, you won't end up feeling guilty, and can slowly train yourself over time to become satisfied with the amount/quantity you predetermined ahead of time.

    Last trick I have to eat slowly and focus on what you are eating. Often times we eat watching tv, or while with our mobile devices in hand, or on the computer. When you have your treats (I don't like to call them bad foods), make sure you only focus on eating and have no other distractions going on.

    Good luck!
  • benny_87
    benny_87 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Amanda,
    sounds like you are having a really rough time!

    Firstly- You have not failed. No- seriously, I want you to say it to yourself- I have not failed. You are conscious of your eating, and yes your broke your ideal diet plan but you have not failed.

    Ok so heres the thing- Your body does not need processed sugar, but the more you have it the more you will want it. It is as addictive as a drug and the effects on the body can be just as bad. Also artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and phenylphalenine have the same effect on your blood sugar as normal sugar. They may be free of calories but they cause the body to gain weight in other ways. They spike the insulin levels in your blood in the same way as sugar- so cut them out. They also cause other illnesses and have been linked to brain tumours.

    If you have had bad eating habits for most of your life then it will be very difficult to change these habits in a blink of an eye, so you need to work with your body to create new positive habits. You also need to get creative with sweet treats that are still good for your body. Honey for example- lovely sweetness and has the added natural benefits such as antibiotic and antiaging properties. Choose raw and organic to ensure you are getting the best possible option for your body. Fruit is also a great option when you are weaning your body off of sugar.

    I know you mentioned that you feel as though your binge was not emotional, however do you think it may have been boredom?
    I speak to a lot of people in relation to weight loss and one of the first things I tell them to do before even embarking on a dietary change is to start writing! When you feel the need to go to the fridge be honest with yourself and write it down. Are you snacking because you are bored? did you have a really rough day? Are you watching TV and feel the habit of hand to mouth kicking in?

    I write my emotional thoughts and feelings into MyFitnessPal in the notes section at the end, then I can reflect on what I have done over the week.

    Also- its ok to have a cheat meal! life should be enjoyed. You are on a weight loss journey to improve your health and quality of life, so it should be fun!

    Hope it helps,
    please dont be too hard on yourself!!

    Naturopathy/ Nurtrition Student
    *anecdotal suggestions only, always seek a professional opinion*
  • shade1991
    Thanks! all these things help so much. I think It was because I wasn't feel satisfied. I didn't eat want I really wanted and tried to have healthier options, which still left me craving food. I think I might have been having a being too restrictive feeling so I went into all or nothing and decided to just have as much junk as I wanted, which in the end just left me feeling guilty and bad about myself.