Eating Disorder Problems.

I lost about 95 pounds over a year and a half. Over the past 6 months I have been going through a lot. I try to diet to get rid of the last little pouch so I can feel better about myself, but then I binge and binge. It is getting worse. I had a good week and a half and then yesterday I binged and binged. I hate myself for it I hate the way I look. I started p90x on November 11th and I have been committed every day. My diet is not though. I dont know why I cant control because I feel depressed right now, and while I am binging I think that I'll regret it, but I dont care at the time. I can't stand going through this all of the time. It is making me depressed and I have very low self esteem. I dont know what to do.


  • cantfail
    cantfail Posts: 169 Member
    First, congratulations on your success! You worked hard and it paid off.

    If you are worried about having an eating disorder, you need to speak to a professional, not random strangers on the internet. I suspect you are stronger than you think you are. You recognize that something might be wrong. Now take the next step to help yourself. Good luck!
  • You sound exactly like me, as in i feel like i wrote your post myself. Depression and eating/not eating can go hand in hand. When i get really bad i just eat because i feel like nothing matters and that no one cares so why should i. I hat emyself in the morning, as my binge eating almost always occurs at night. I promise myself ill never do it again and then the next day or a few days after there i am binging again.

    I lost a lot of wight fast a few years ago, i had to gain some back because i was underweight, my doctor recommended me to a dietician and social worker, needless to say none of them helped. I ended up gaining enough eight to be considered in the healthy wight range however i hated myself more then ever, and it doesn't help that i also have really bad self esteem/body image issues. Now i'm attempting to lose some of the wight i gained back, but my binging and restricting mentality makes it very difficult.

    If you ever want to talk i'm here to listen, feel free to friend me. And good luck with everything. Just try and take it one day at a time, i know its hard, but hang in there.
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    You need to seek out professional help

    Good luck
  • susieoj
    susieoj Posts: 181
    Talk to a counselor or a psychologist helps....also weight lifting will help the "pooch", but heal your mind and emotions along with your body
  • MyFoodGod
    MyFoodGod Posts: 184 Member
    Check out overeaters anonymous. Listen to some of the podcasts on the Los Angeles group's website. Don't blame yourself.
  • RachtheOzkiwi
    RachtheOzkiwi Posts: 28 Member
    First, congratulations on your success! You worked hard and it paid off.

    If you are worried about having an eating disorder, you need to speak to a professional, not random strangers on the internet. I suspect you are stronger than you think you are. You recognize that something might be wrong. Now take the next step to help yourself. Good luck!

    Please do get help, here is not the place for getting real help. All though I imagine that you want to know that there are others with a similar problem.Just remember one thing: That you are a great person, look at all the good things you have achieved, and you can beat this. The world is a better place because you are here.
    I was an alcoholic, and I binged bad, But 2 years ago I beat it, kicked it in its *kitten*. I also suffered great depression. But now I am still bere better and stronger, and now applying the same technique that I used to stop drinking with and beat my weight problems with.

    Hold your head high, be proud of your achievements and who you are. !
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Welcome! Congratulations on your weight loss.

    However, if that is you in the profile picture, you don't need to lose anymore weight.

    Please call your doctor and ask for a referral to someone who deals with eating disorders.
  • ZacG96
    ZacG96 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for all the input guys. I know I shouldn't feel like this. I guess it's just in today's world I see all these people with great bodies, and mine isn't at all. Yes that is me in the profile picture. I do look different with a shirt off. I probably have a distorted bodily image, but I don't understand how that works. My problem is, I don't have very many people who will actually listen to me. They just say I'm stupid for feeling like I look bad. I do need help, but I don't know who to go to. I am going to ask my health teacher in school. I have a teacher that I've been talking to. I am trying. It is hard, but I hope to overcome this. Again, thanks for replying, it means a lot to me.
  • fseema10
    fseema10 Posts: 1 Member
    Yay! congrats on your progress so far!

    As for the binging I agree you should seek help from a counsellor and maybe a nutritionist.

    I also signed up to blogilates and the instructor on there said sometimes you binge because your body is craving something that it has been missing. she suggested changing the environment you eat in and if all else fails have a YOLO meal once week and don’t regret it! It helps keep you sane and motivated to keep going. You obviously work hard and deserve that treat once a week so let your body have it. It doesn’t mean you’re going backwards it means you’re doing something for you to keep you going!

    Good luck for your continuing successes :)
  • sloane70
    sloane70 Posts: 45 Member
    A few other options include any guidance counselors / social workers at your school, or your family doctor. At your age, you don't have to have any info disclosed to parents or guardians, and your conversations with them should be totally confidential.

    There is no rhyme or reason as to why we feel the way we feel about our bodies. I've felt awful at 135, and great at 200. I do know that when my depression & anxiety kick up (as well as during the winter) my food urges skyrocket. I have handled it by working with a really amazing therapist who helps me to find different ways to cope.

    Good luck with this. It's hard but in the long run, it's going to pay off big time for a better YOU.
  • Barbieeprincess
    Barbieeprincess Posts: 5 Member
    Binging is the result of not getting enough nutrients/calories and comes from restricting yourself. Seek help and eat more! Stop restricting yourself so much and learn how to have 'bad' foods without overloading on them. There's no such thing as bad foods and you need to learn this, theres differences of nutrients in foods but no one food will make you fat. Eating in excess and excess makes you gain weight. There's no person or computer that can tell you how many calories you need. Your body knows how many calories it needs, trust it.
    Animals don't count calories, they seem fine.
  • ZacG96
    ZacG96 Posts: 5 Member
    I really like you put that. To be honest, I feel like I'm not eating enough if I eat less than 3,000 calories. I don't know why. My head hurts and I feel drowsy like I haven't gotten enough nutrients. I do exercise every day. Maybe that's why. I dont know, 3,000 calories seems a little ridiculous. Could it be cause I'm 17 and still growing?
  • Barbieeprincess
    Barbieeprincess Posts: 5 Member
    3000 calories seems ridiculous in our society but there are many people, body builders who eat MORE than that. Trust your body if your truly hungry, eat. Simple as that. You are still growing. Guy's at your age that i know probably eat more without knowing it. If you think about what teenagers eat. Mcdonalds, pizza, ice cream can add on a lot of calories that they don't know about. Most people aren't aware but they're not just eating that, everyday. You just have to trust yourself. If you don't restrict the foods you eat and how much you eat you'll find those foods you've been binging on not as appealing as before because you're actually allowed to eat them. Eat, grow, and stop stressing.
  • ZacG96
    ZacG96 Posts: 5 Member
    Okay. I understand what you're saying. I'll try and just eat what I feel I should. Stop when I'm full eat when I'm hungry. Thanks for the help.