Who went over calories today due to Candy and/or other treat



  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    I stayed under but that was because I went trick or treating with my three kids for 3 hours and we had a wagon so I burned a lot of calories pulling the wagon, walking up hills and walking at a pretty good pace. I only had one fun sized Snickers Bar but the temptation is still in the house. I can resist the urge, i think!
  • poodlepaws
    poodlepaws Posts: 269 Member
    today was one of the few days I stayed under! Actually, I went over two days in a row this week so I had my share of pigging out. I'm NOT a big candy person so not eating candy isn't too big of a deal for me.
  • 3 funsize 3 musketeers dang things they should be banded! i need to get rid of them and not to my mouth to get rid of them! today was one of the worst cal days yet for me....................tomorrow is a new month though!
    GOod luck to everyone!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Me! I did! And it wasn't even from Candy! We were on the GO all day to try and make it back home in time for Trunk or Treat at church, so lots of fast food, and we went out to breakfast with friends to all you can eat...oiy...Just to many bad choices in one day....We shall see what the scale says about me come Friday....
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,075 Member
    I was 500 under my goal thanks to burning over 843 calories running/walking a 5k on the treadmill before we headed out. We went out to dinner and I pre-planned what healthy option I would eat. I boxed up half as soon as it arrived (I knew it was a large portion of food). Thanks to some good choices, I was able to fit in some candy- 1 Reese's peanut butter cup, 1 funsized bag of plain M&Ms, and 6 Whoppers. Just enough to leave me satisfied. I also shopped smart and bought little bags of pretzels and mini bags of popcorn for the trick or treaters that came to our house... a lot less temptation with leftovers!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    i did have some candy but i reserved some calories and added in my walking from trick or treating!! surprisingly i stayed under!! whew!
  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    i went over but not worried at all because i knew i would! i ate some reeses peanut butter cups (2), a snickers fun size, a tootise roll pop and a small slice of apple pie with a bit of ice cream. no way i would eat this everyday but i figured today was an exception! i actually did really well until i went tot and was walking around with my family. so easy to reach in and eat some candy. we did walk a lot so that is good and i made sure to drink lots of water. good thing my weigh in day isn't tomorrow:)
  • lovesauburn
    lovesauburn Posts: 23 Member
    I went over today big time....went to a place called Apple Hill (Placerville area of CA) and went wine tasting, brought a healthy picnic lunch then split a slice of apple pie alamode...but only ate about at third of it) and tasted a apple donut and had about a third of a carmel apple! Can't beat myself up but I'm noticing I don't enjoy going off from moderate eating or drinking so much wine.
    Back in the groove now!! Thanks for this post...I feel better knowing I'm not alone and I do struggle with "celebrations" and today was a birthday celebration with girlfriends.
  • I am over -- big. I logged what I could remember and it was about 2000 extra calories, even with the 500 I got this morning from exercise.

    At least I left all my halloween candy there. I did take the stuff we used to make caramel apples home.
    I have to figure out what to do about that. Maybe I will make caramel candies for people and give them away.

    Here's to a new month. I hope to be on a downward trend from now on.
    I have been on this site everyday for 45 days and so far I have gone up and down the same 5 pounds. As of now, I am down and I hope to keep going.
  • doublexhelix
    doublexhelix Posts: 199 Member
    i went over yesterday... vodka lemonade at a party >>. but today i stayed within my calories.
    however today i didn't eat very healthy food, but i did stay in my calorie range, is this bad? i feel like it's bad...
  • I was way under today. My stomache was upset this morning, so had no desire to add to it with all the goodys, or anything really.. My kids however combined there candy to have a pillow case full. Its a lot. Im terrified having that in the house. It didnt get me today, lets just hope I can keep saying that.
  • yummymammy
    yummymammy Posts: 23 Member
    I went way over on Sat and Sun, drank too many coors lite sat night and had chinese take away and way too many mini choc bars on sun. Today is a new day and I'm determined to stay on track!
  • BunnyDVP
    BunnyDVP Posts: 71 Member
    Don't beat yourself up too badly. :happy: We all go through days that we go over our goals. And then we all have days that we reach our goals and more. Life is a journey and we often take a wrong turn but eventually we all get back on the right path.

    Good luck in your new lifestyle and remember we are all here for you to help support you in your endeavors.:flowerforyou:
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