sugar substitutes

I have read several articles lately about how sugar substitutes are worse for you than pure sugar, but the nutritional facts in pure sugar are horrible. I'm looking at Thanksgiving recipes and trying to decide if there is a healthier way to make them and not completely ruin my day. Does anyone have any suggestions or advice on sugar or substitutes? Just so you know the recipe that concerns me is sweet potato casserole. Thanks!


  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    I'm not a fan of refined anything, but if you had to pick between the two, i'd pick the natural sugar over the chemical version, especially for a one day a year event.
  • mapenguinkeeper
    the taste of sugar subs make me want to hurl. I don't worry over sugar since I use so little of it.
  • rosemary98
    what about stevia? supposedly that is natural and zero calories.
  • illuvatree
    illuvatree Posts: 185 Member
    Some think that people skeptical of sugar substitutes are paranoid. I don't really, but I do think some to some harm to your insides. The only one that really skeeves me out is aspartame.
  • loconnor466
    loconnor466 Posts: 215 Member
    I use to live on aspartame. In my coffee, 4-5 cups a day, in my diet soda, etc. I stopped using it over the summer. I found that my sweet tooth was out of control. To get the same sweetness with real sugar, added like a million calories. So I have had to wean my tastebuds back. I only use real sugar or honey now.
    Still a lot of added calories, so I thought I would try Stevia. Did some research, all stevia is not created equal, different brands are barely stevia (truvia) So I did a day with stevia in my coffee, in my smoothie, in my tea for a day and I became incredibly sick. Bloating, gas, nausea, it was awful. I could have had an allergic reaction, some people do, especially if you are a hay-fever (ragweed, goldenrod) sufferer. Some people just can not stomach it at all.
    Back to small amounts of the real stuff for me. I also feel the same way about butter, will not touch margarine or any other substitute.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    is there a reason you would initially want to cook with sugar subs? Are you diabetic or do you have a family member who is diabetic?

    For taste and proper baking chemistry of course use sugar.

    If you have to reduce the carbohydrates in your cooking then I would encourage you to look at the splenda baking product. It has a bit of dextrose in it, so you wont sacrifice the carmelization and texture enhancing properties that sucrose provides. I think truvia also has another baking blend, but I've not used it and in general I dont like stevia itself because of the licorice taste.

    Personally, if it is just to reduce calories the amount saved vs. sacrificing quality/taste isnt worth it. Just make it like you normally do and have a small portion, or figure it's a carte blance day and enjoy your hard work.
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    truvia brand, available at most stores, green and white box, a stevia product, which for some reason tastes more like sugar than most stevia extracts. not sure why. you always get a hint of licorice with stevia products but I like truvia most and use it completely in place of sugar. no ill effects.
  • laurelobrien
    laurelobrien Posts: 156 Member
    Erythritol and erythritol-based sweeteners are all pretty good (Swerve, Sweet Perfection, Wholesome Zero, etc) as well as stevia glycerite - aka stevia that is NOT bulked up with maltidextrose or processed in a damaging way. There is evidence that some sugar alcohols and sweeteners like sucralose, whatever Sweet n Low is, etc can inhibit fat loss on a hormonal level even if they do not spike insulin or have calories.

    I cook with sugar subs because I don't consume any sugar, and Swerve is really great in donuts, cheesecakes etc. I find Wholesome Zero too minty.
  • CharChary
    CharChary Posts: 220 Member
    I love Stevia. I am no expert, but it is wonderful tasting. I use it in packet form to sweeten everything I normally would with sugar. It works for me.

    I know that NOTHING is calorie free except water. I log it just like I do anything else.