Anyone interested in joining 30DS Challenge Group?



  • squidgebob
    squidgebob Posts: 13 Member
    I'd like to join too! I'm full of the flu at the moment but hopefully will be better by the 2nd December
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    I am starting it tomorrow. I am breaking it up with c24k though. M-w-f c25k t-t-s 30ds. I would love to join
    I just sent you an invite, you can start any day, just check in under the appropriate thread for each workout you do !
    Example :
    for your first workout Check-in under the thread titled: Level 1 Day 1..there you will share with us how you did, how you felt...what size wights you used Etc..
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    I'd like to join too! I'm full of the flu at the moment but hopefully will be better by the 2nd December
    Just sent you an invite too!
  • Thin4payton
    Thin4payton Posts: 234 Member
    I would love to join as well! I made a workout room at my work to do on my lunch hours (I get a 2 hour lunch! Woo Hoo!!!) but I have not used it yet so this would be a great way to get me to use it!
  • Hello there. Can you count me in too please? I've been doing JM's Banish Fat and Boost Metabolism which is pretty hardcore so am expecting I can complete this and squeeze into my new dress for EYE :-)
  • MsDillieBar
    MsDillieBar Posts: 414 Member

    I'd love to join the challenge!

  • pari_06
    pari_06 Posts: 109
    hii.. count me in too
    I tried it earlier.. but stopped after 6-7 days bcz of ill health.. I hope this time.. I ll stick to it.. :-)
  • mini21v
    mini21v Posts: 8 Member

    If it is not too late I want to join in this challenge. I started 30DS several times and gave up after 5-6 days.. Seeing all the success stories I want to finish it. Being in a group should help me doing it.
  • jenm_123
    jenm_123 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi There! I did day 2 of level one today and am loving it! Can I join your group too?
  • justkrissy
    justkrissy Posts: 146 Member
    Count me in. I just finished her RI30, and was looking for something new to try out! :)
  • micnmax
    micnmax Posts: 15 Member
    Just finished day 8 of the shred and could use the motivation to get thru
  • katrkels11
    katrkels11 Posts: 115 Member
    I would love to join, I always start and never seem to finish it. Feel free to add me
  • I never have finished it. Really want to! Count me in.
  • nshamith
    nshamith Posts: 37 Member
    Please add me to the group
  • kriskrossness
    kriskrossness Posts: 152 Member
    Oh please count me in to!! :D Starting with a group of people, MAY just keep me motivated!
  • I have heard really good things about the 30 day shred and I really want to do it. I am a student though and I can't afford to buy the DVD, are the videos on YouTube or somewhere online? And is it too late to join this challenge?
    I sent you an invite and a private message :) is where I did all of T25 for free, and there's tons more workout vids free too almost all JM workouts are there on my profile if you want to add me heatherc369 :)

    I am sort of in the same boat, had the video about 6 months ago, seems to have disappeared. Would love to do this again...
  • I wanna join to! I've got everything I need to I just have to start I guess. But I could use some support ;)
  • hanzbi
    hanzbi Posts: 64 Member
    Count me in!

    I started 30DS over the summer and after the first week I started spreading out the days then stopped altogether. But that was while I was transitioning out of college/moving back to my country etc lol so now I'm more settled and really grabbed the fitness bull by the horns! I started 30DS today and plan to take a break every 5 days. A support group will definitely push me past that first hurdle though :)

    PS Thank you for starting this, Heather!
  • Hello friends, I've returned to making/tracking my changes, I've recently lost 50lbs, just live way up north in the Yukon and suffer from S.A.D. Looking for friends who may have been in the same position. And can you tell me what is the 30DS Challenge about? Thanks!
  • trilei75
    trilei75 Posts: 7 Member
    I'd love to join. I just did day 1 on Tuesday, will be doing day 2 tonight. I'm only doing it on days I don't go to the gym (T-Th-S). Day 1 kicked my butt!