Gained 5 pounds in a week! Help?!

So I have recently lost about 9 pounds two weeks ago. I was 15st 12. I got down to 15st 3, and this week I have gained 5 pounds! :(

I am eating roughly 1200 cals a day. A little over. I go to the gym 5 days a week, I usually do about 45 minutes on the treadmill, x trainer, and bikes. Then I do 15 minutes doing some weights.

I really dont understand why I am gaining weight, I know it can be a possibility of reasons, but I really want to know where I am going wrong.

I am so frustrated and upset :(

Any advice would be greatly appreciated


  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Your logging is really patchy. I would start weighing your food and logging as accurately as possible. Also, water weight can make the scale fluctuate a lot - you need to look at longer term trends.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Are you weighing all of your food? are you logging it all? That's the most likely culprit. #2 culprit would be your menstrual cycle. I could always count on a 4lb weight swing at my TOM.
  • Mix it up. Lift first. Burns the Creatine then the glucose stores. After that it's on to the fat burning with the cardio.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    It's a water fluctuation. It's temporary.

    If you are logging accurately and eating in the area of 1200 calories daily you are not gaining 5 lbs of fat in a week under any circumstances.

    Here's a post I wrote about short term weight gain related to a single bad day/weekend/vacation of eating in case it applies:

    But my weight will spike easily if I eat something like sushi with soy sauce, or buttery popcorn... it's just a water fluctuation. Keep doing whatever you did to lose the 9 lbs in the first place and it will come back off.
  • Thanks , I havent logged in a few days as I have been away. I am weighing correctly, I was told it could be water.

    I was also told I havent been eating enough calories, so iwas going to up my calories to 1500

    I am also trying to get my head around my bmr and tdee, so its all very confusing.

    I was also told that maybe because I am lifting weights that it could also be the culprit..

    I dont eat back the calories I burn at the gym either
  • I did have a take away after a night out on Saturday, however I extremely doubt that would pile on the pounds as my eating habits before I cut back to 1200 were atrocious, I was easily taking in around 2500-3000 without any exercise beffore.
  • alexandriax03
    alexandriax03 Posts: 289 Member
    1200 calories for the amount of exercise you are doing is VERY little.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    It's from not logging for a few days and from take-away on Saturday. Get back to logging and it will go away.
  • SlimSumday
    SlimSumday Posts: 379 Member
    Your period can easily add that amount of weight.
  • No I am not due a period and I never gain any weight during my period for some reason.

    I think maybe I should up my cals to 1500 . Do people think that 1500 for a weight of 15st 7 is sufficient enough?

    I just dont understand the point ine xercising to loose weight if your going to eat back the calories you burned at the gym anyway :/ Sorry its just got me so confused.
  • Thanks, panic is over.

    I was going to self sabatoge out of frustration for gaining such an amount. I just didnt understand why I would gain that when I was on Slimming World I would eat a take away every weekend as a treat and I would still loose 4-6 pounds a week.
  • It sounds like you have gotten a lot of good solid advice from people who know what they are talking about. All I really want to do is encourage you to hang in there, don't self-sabotage, and keep doing what you know you need to do. Little plateaus aren't uncommon, although they are extremely frustrating! I know all too well how easy it is to self-sabotage when you think you have blown it anyway.. But don't let all that exercise be for nothing! Keep on plugging along and stay on the path.

    I don't know how often you weigh, but I was told to only weigh once a week. This last week I had a slip-up myself. I weighed in the middle of the week, and had gained a couple of pounds (and I only had surgery about 3 weeks ago!). I was devastated, convinced that I had broken open my sutures, and wouldn't ever be able to lose weight. I had one pretty bad day, but then tried to get right back on it even stronger. When I weighted today I was back down to where I started. I didn't lose any, but I got rid of what I had gained.

    If I can do it, anybody can! Good luck.
  • Thank you so much! :)

    Really encouraging!

    Well now that I know its not anything serious or anything to panick about Im getting back on the wagon tomorrow! :)

    I just find it all confusing as I have seen on many posts, stuff about your bmr and tdee etc, and it just confuses me, I have heard 1200 is too little, but MFP gave me that to begin with, I have tweaked it.

    I have been through so many diets and I have lost so much weight, but I have put it back on again, so I really want to stick with this and start seeing a change, so far I havent seen much, but I will keep on at it :)
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    You know... I was just reading your profile and what you've written here...

    1200 calories is fairly low for most people. It's hard to stick with. If you have your MFP goal set to losing 2 lbs/week, why not switch it to 1 lb/week? Or if it's set to 1 lb/week, try 1/2 a pound. In the long term, success comes from living out a lifestyle you can enjoy and that works for you. If you can't see yourself eating 1200 calories/day for a year or more, it's too restrictive. Because even if you do lose 2 lbs/week for now... it won't stay that way. The weight loss will be harder and harder to come by and the only thing you can do to get it going faster is to eat less. It's not all that healthy.

    If you start with a higher amount, you have at least a buffer and somewhere to go when you stall out. And you may not stall at all if you go a little slower. I only lost 35 lbs, but it was by setting my target to lose 1/2 a pound weekly and it didn't really feel hard to do. After I added in exercise calories I was eating about 2100 calories a day on average to get there.

    Long-term compliance is more important for lasting weight loss than losing it quickly.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    No I am not due a period and I never gain any weight during my period for some reason.

    I think maybe I should up my cals to 1500 . Do people think that 1500 for a weight of 15st 7 is sufficient enough?

    I just dont understand the point ine xercising to loose weight if your going to eat back the calories you burned at the gym anyway :/ Sorry its just got me so confused.

    In my opinion, exercise is more for fitness and muscle maintenance as opposed to weight loss.
  • Yeah I have really began to accept that any time I lose weight quickly it will go bck on and there is no rush to lose the weight as long as I loose something I will be happy.

    I was thinking I should definately up my calories as apparently at 1200 my body will start to slow my metabolism down.

    I am finding it quite hard to up my calories though as the amount I am eatng, I am not hungry or anything :S
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Eat higher fat foods or just enjoy a little bit of stuff that you would eat if you're not on a diet. If you eat nothing but salad and fish you're going to get bored. Once you start eating a bit more and seeing the success you're looking for while doing so, I suspect you'll be far happier about the road ahead.

    I guess what I'm trying to say, is eat a cookie :bigsmile:
  • thegilly6
    thegilly6 Posts: 137 Member
    It's got to be water. Mine goes through the roof when I eat some good salty Thai food. It comes off.