Back again

Back in the 200s! How did I let that happen?!
Stress can be so hard on your body and mind.
I'm determined to get back on track. I refuse to buy bigger clothes!
My first goal is to get back into the 180s by the end of the year. I also want to work out more since it will also help with stress. I want to find a new fitness goal or activity to keep me motivated. Any suggestions?
Last year I trained for and completed a half marathon. I'm thinking maybe something related to biking would be fun.


  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    It is so easy to get off track as it can be from others or just they way you do things. Living the lifestyle of the weight you want to be will always help maintain the lifestyle of the weight you want to stay.
  • lkp24
    lkp24 Posts: 12
    Welcome back! I too, have gained a few. I changed medications and 10 pounds found me. I just started a clean eating chalenge today so I know that by eliminating all the processed stuff from my meals, I will start to see some progress. I love your idea of working towards something. Biking would be fun! I did a 5k walk this summer.

  • amyv1983
    amyv1983 Posts: 9 Member
    I am going to agree with you that stress is definately hard if you have ever had a problem with your weight before. I have gained a little less than 40 pounds this year due to stress and getting it off is not easy. I have decided that letting myself get this way is only giving the person who put this stress in my life satisfaction that they have gotten to me. Instead I will loose this weight and be healthy again for ME. Good luck with your goals! They are vey achievable just remember what you are doing this for... YOU :)