Need cheap healthy recipes?

Hello, well as I'm sure you're all aware christmas is coming up fast and that is meaning im on a very tight budget. I'm struggling to find recipes that are cheap but also healthy. I don't eat much meat so I rather vegetarian recipes and the only food that I despise is tomatoes. Can any of you suggest any recipes?


  • Pinterest!!!! Go on pinterest! There is this really yummy black bean salsa recipe on there, and also Black Bean Quesadillas! I say anything with beans in it is budget friendly!There is also this pasta recipe that I plan on making, It has the pasta, spinach and cannelini beans in it!!! So many options on Pinterest!
  • mamabisme
    mamabisme Posts: 59 Member
    I like to make lentil taco salad when I'm doing a meatless meal. Just cook a cup of lentils with taco seasoning (I make my own but you could also use one packet). For the salad part I do romaine lettuce, red onion, tomatoes, shredded reduced fat cheese, sliced jalapenos and black olives. Top each salad with 1/4 of cooked lentils. Then slice a medium Haas avocado thin and put 1/4 of avocado on each salad. For dressing mix 2 tbsp salsa with 1 tbsp fat free sour cream and pour over top. I like it just as is but my husband likes it with a few corn chips on the side. Either way, delicious!
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,787 Member
    Squashes are cheap right now and delicious with anything (especially spaghetti squash). Lentils are good seasoned any way you like and mixed with sauteed vegetables. Garbanzo beans are super cheap and make a great sandwich salad (like chicken or tuna salad), regular salad addition, or base for sauces at dinner.
  • kwb87
    kwb87 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm always on the look out for cheap healthy (and easy!) recipes. I love this one and make it to take to work quite often....

    It's not as extra low in fat or carbs but it's a well balanced, high protein, delicious meal that keeps your energy levels up. If I was restricting my calorie intake by quite a bit then I would have my usual breakfast, this as my biggest meal and a slimming/protein shake as my other meal plus fruit and nuts as snacks inbetween.
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    I have an awesome meat-free chili recipe... if you like chili. I know you don't like tomato so... idk. Send me a message if you want the recipe and I'll get it to you. It should cost under $7 for a LOT of meals. I make it in a 6Q crock pot, but you can totally do it on stovetop.
  • I really like Budget Bytes blog. She has sections for vegetarian and vegan recipes.
  • Diet_Soda
    Diet_Soda Posts: 124 Member
    Soup, soup, soup! Homemade soup is cheap, healthy, and freezes well.
  • Hello, Thank you everyone all of these recipes are excellent, i love the website links too. This will definitely make my food shopping and meal planning 10x easier!
  • laurenpjokl
    laurenpjokl Posts: 118 Member
    I tend to make my own tomato sauces with tinned chopped tomatoes and whatever vegetables I have lying around. Onions are a staple for me, as are vegetable stock cubes. :)

    I recently discovered microwaved apples. Just chop the apple and sprinkle it with a little cinnamon, sugar (easy on the sugar, just a gentle sprinkling!) and lemon juice, and place it in a shallow amount of water, then microwave for one minute or until the apple is just soft. Really nice sweet treat for winter evenings.