Seeing a change? 7kg/15lbs down.

Below, is me with a 7kg difference in weight. I eat mostly veggies and fruit, barely any pasta or bread and no processed foods. I don't drink any fizzy drinks and I work out 4-5 times a week, both cardio and weights.

I'm having a hard time seeing if my body has actually changed at all - I'm in need of some motivation.
Anyone notice a difference?
Also, my mirror is very dirty - I will clean it for future pictures! And this is a second account for posting in threads - I'd like to keep this separate from my main MFP account :)

Note: image removed for various reasons.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    there is only one picture... what are we supposed to be comparing?!
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    We need to see a before picture in order to tell you if there's a difference...
  • there is only one picture... what are we supposed to be comparing?!

    Sorry, first time posting a picture; had to resize it.
  • We need to see a before picture in order to tell you if there's a difference...

    Sorry, needed to resize the picture. First time putting an image in a post.
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    The lighting and angles are so different, it's honestly really hard to tell. At this point in the game maybe you should focus on how you're feeling- do you feel more energetic? Healthier? Etc.

    Also, taking measurements would probably be a good idea. That's better tracking than the scale, anyway.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    I'm having a hard time seeing if my body has actually changed at all

    to be completely honest, i'm just not seeing any significant changes. that's not to say changes aren't occurring.

    congrats on the loss, and keep up the great work!

    i agree with kylee...taking measurements is a great idea.
  • The lighting and angles are so different, it's honestly really hard to tell. At this point in the game maybe you should focus on how you're feeling- do you feel more energetic? Healthier? Etc.

    Also, taking measurements would probably be a good idea. That's better tracking than the scale, anyway.

    I'm feeling more energetic, don't know what 'healthier' might feel but I had a cheeseburger from Burger King for the first time in two months last week and my body was not ok with it.
    I'm taking measurements every two weeks and so far there's been about a 5cm decrease in waist size, slight less on thighs and hip.

    I don't know, I'm just demotivated, really, not seeing any changes.
    I know that appearance isn't all, but those numbers on the measuring tape aren't making me feel any better and feeling more energetic isn't really changing anymore. At least, I haven't notice a change how I'm feeling in the last month or so.

    Guess I'll just keep on going & see what happens in another 8kgs.
  • They say that it takes upwards to 20-30 pounds before close family notices a difference...and 40-80 pounds before acquaintances notice a difference.

    And then there is us; some of us can lose up to 100's of pounds and still struggle with seeing a difference because our minds and hearts are tied up in our image.

    If you are losing, you are losing, whether it's weight, inches or both. Loss is a loss.
  • RawCarrots
    RawCarrots Posts: 204 Member
    I didn't see the pictures as you have them taken down already but wanted to say nobody noticed when I lost the first 15lb, only couple of people commented but they knew I was trying so not sure if they were even honest:wink:
    Once I hit 30lb down everybody started commenting!
    It depends on how heavy and tall are you, if you have more to loose it will take longer to become obvious. Keep taking progress photos preferably in the same clothes and keep track of measurements (I've had a month when my waist and hips stayed the same but my thighs shrunk an inch and a half, would have thought I've made no progress had I not been tracking that)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Why did you take the pictures down?