worried about over doing it on thanksgiving :(

any suggestions....i plan on logging every calorie, but im worried that i just wont care and once i get off track its hard to get back on...i guess what i really need is support


  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    any suggestions....i plan on logging every calorie, but im worried that i just wont care and once i get off track its hard to get back on...i guess what i really need is support

    I ate and ate well (including pies and cake lol) and it was about 2700 calories. Didn't affect me and it was only one day :)
  • TammyJeffBreeden
    thanks--i hope i can be as strong as you and get right back on track after
  • sammie121403
    sammie121403 Posts: 49 Member
    Maybe get a small plate, and put a little bit of everything you want, that way when you look at the plate, it is filled up, but its smaller portions. Are you cooking the meal, or going to someone's place that is making it? I am cooking it, and I am making the traditional sides as well as low calorie ones ( cauliflower mash, fresh sweet potatoes, and veggies). If you are going to visit, maybe make a veggie tray and take that, and fill up on those, so you eat less of the meal, but still get to try all you want.

    This is my first thanksgiving since I started cal counting and back in July was when i started getting nervous, but I told myself it was going to be like any other day, and i was going to keep myself under control. It can be hard, since I am a fan of carbs and there will be many, but I just have to remember all the hard work i put into it....but just like the other person said, you can still have the stuff you want and enjoy it. :)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • TammyJeffBreeden
    thanks i like the small plate idea and i will try that, i work on thanksgiving but i am cooking the weekend after a meal for myself and husband and son.
  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    Went to a friend's house for dinner last weekend and tried something new: I totally skipped the appetizers and took no more than one serving spoon full of each item on the table during the meal. I'm a desert lover, so had a good portion of that. Still lost my pound this week! Oh, and am now using the bike inside for exercise now that the snow is here. Best wishes, and do enjoy that turkey.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Get a workout in on each big eating day if you can. I go for the splurge I really want. So for me I'd be eating all meat and veggies but then have two slices of pie :bigsmile:

    Track it. Look at it. Own it. Then get back to business the next day. No regrets. Move forward.
  • NatsLady
    NatsLady Posts: 17 Member
    Have spent the last three weeks losing 6 pounds, and would hate to completely backtrack on that (small) progress. My plan is to

    (1) cook with low cal/low salt ingredients, such as the mushroom soup for the green bean casserole;

    (2) avoid slobbering a lot of gravy on the turkey and mashed potatoes--just a tablespoon;

    (3) drink lots and lots of liquids, especially water, and watered down cranberry juice; one glass of wine;

    (4) dessert will be fresh berries and diet whip instead of pie; my peeps are OK with this;

    (5) leftovers in refrig RIGHT AWAY to avoid nibbling; later, set out some low cal snacks for TV watching.

    (6) help with dishes and cleaning instead of just plopping down for football games;
  • crash_aly
    - Workout that day

    - Don't skip other meals, this will only make you more hungry and likely to over do it.

    - Keep portion sizes small, half of what you think you originally want - Especially if your family is as talkative as mine, it's really easy to get distracted by conversation and just keep eating without realizing how much you have consumed.

    - Eat SLOW and enjoy the food, really let your sense absorb it

    - Plan a fun activity for after you eat. I grew up with horses, so after dinner every year the family gathers on the deck and my sister and I take our horses out and ride. My great grandma loves watching and petting the horses. Plus it keeps me from eating less because really...who wants to saddle a horse and bounce around (as gracefully as possible of course!) after chowing down? But really you could do anything, a game of touch football, or even a round of dominoes, whatever will keep you from snacking the rest of the day away.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I plan to eat Thanksgiving dinner about six times. Leftovers over 3-4 days. But each time, I'm going to fill ONE plate of food quite sparingly and have 1 small slice of pie. That way I don't overdo it.
  • NessaR2011
    NessaR2011 Posts: 184 Member
    I've become addicted to logging everything. It's my new OCD. I start panicking when I know I'm about to eat at someone elses house and not know what they made and what ingredients ect. So I came up with a plan. I looked at the list of foods everyone was bringing and decided to bring the healthier options (there was only one or 2 being made by someone else). You'll actually find that other people appreciate the healthier options because they don't want to overdo it either. Then I logged my day for Thanksgiving based on what I was bringing and the turkey. Sounds kind of control freakish I know but because it's already set, I wont stray from plan. I always plan my days out in advance to keep random calories out. The only thing that tends to change after being set is the fruit I'm in the mood for for my snacks. I hope this helps you get through Thanksgiving!
    PS- If you do any pre-meal foods, stick to a salad and bring your own low cal dressing. The more you fill up on that the less likely you'll want the heavy cal and carb sides!