What's the first 4 things you must do when you get home?



  • karen_golfs
    karen_golfs Posts: 377 Member
    1. Greet cat
    2. Greet husband
    3. Change clothes
    4. Eat apple
  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
    1. change clothes
    2. check MFP
    3. eat
    4. tv/internet
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    1. Greet my son and hubby if he's home.

    2. Release the GIRLS!! :bigsmile:

    3. Make dinner

    4. HOT TUB!
  • opalescence
    opalescence Posts: 413 Member
    1) Rush to potty - greet kitty who is now on the sink, let her drink water from my hand.
    2) Love all over little snickerdoodles, play chase, throw a ball or entice with strings. (she's a demanding little attention seeker)
    3) Kiss the Hubs who is in the kitchen cooking or already scarfing down in front of TV.
    4) Fix a plate and join him or start cleaning up.
  • dbaumgarn
    I am surprised so many of you get to relax after getting home from a long day of work.

    1. wrestle my 8 month old out of car seat while he is screaming at me.
    2. Give the 8 month old a bottle or snuggles to calm him so I can start dinner
    3. yell at the 5 year old for throwing his coat on the floor again
    4. try to start dinner without interruptions from my boys...rarely happens
    5. poor a glass of wine to get me through the evening chaos!! I could go on and on but you get the point. In the end...every moment is worth it:) love being a mommy!!:drinker: :heart:
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    1) Dog Out
    2) Dog In
    3) Feed Dog
    4) Take kiddo's coat & shoes off! :smile:
    Exactly the same.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    1. take off shoes
    2. head to the bathroom for a poop
    3. change into comfies
    4. relax with fam
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    1.) dogs out
    2.) grab a beer
    3.) take a dump
    4.) feed dogs
  • Dragonflag07
    Dragonflag07 Posts: 64 Member
    Feed cats - they're more worried about all the foodz than cuddles at that time of day
    Take pre-workouts
    25 min powernap
  • iamanadult
    iamanadult Posts: 709 Member
    Take off bra
    Put on comfy pants and granny panties
    Check kids book bag
    Make supper or wait for boyfriend to make supper
    Make lunches
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    get those damn dress boots / shoes off
    feed the cat
    change into comfy clothes
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    remove shoes
    hang up sweater
    "do my foods" which means log
  • JONZ64
    JONZ64 Posts: 1,280 Member
    1. Grab leash and take puppy for a walk (She's 5 years old but still acts like a puppy)
    2. Take off shoes sit on couch let puppy (65lb Lab/Border collie mix) jump on me and get attention
    3. Feed puppy
    4. sit quietly for a while, then eat dinner and talk with family
  • PHr34k0wt
    PHr34k0wt Posts: 218 Member
    1. Love and kisses for the boyfriend
    2. love and kisses for the bong
    3. love and kisses for the ferret, love and kisses for the cat
    4. comfy clothes.
    F*** yeah.
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    1. Kiss and cuddle my baby
    2. Say hello to everyone else
    3. Switch on TV
    4. Start munching on every visible thing
  • SassyClassyandALittleBadAssy
    1. drop work bag/keys/coat on table
    2. Kiss boyfriend if he's home
    3. Release then receive mauling from dogs as I let them out
    4. Change into comfy clothes/shoes
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    1) Put down purse, totebag, lunch tote/greet poor starving kitties/put work cell and pager on table where I will remember them
    2) Feed poor starving kitties because they can see ONE SPOT of the bottom of the food bowl which means that in spite of the other food in the bowl they will starve to death because that one spot is visible
    3) Take off shoes and socks
    4) Change out of sweaty workout clothes into dry comfy clothes
  • silverinc13
    silverinc13 Posts: 216 Member
    1. Shut the garage/turn off the alarm/greet the insanely excited dogs
    2. Ditch the suit and get on comfy clothes (season/outdoor weather pending)
    3. Walk said dogs who are dying from anticipation at this point
    4. Make dinner/pack lunches/avoid sitting down lest I then be unable to move for the rest of the night :)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    1. take off coat/sweater/shoes/hat/gloves
    2. say hi to kitty
    3. Check kitty's food and water situation
    4. use the bathroom/read mail
  • Tolstoy26
    Tolstoy26 Posts: 134 Member
    1. Love on and take out the pack of dogs waiting on me
    2. Change into workout clothes
    3. Insanity
    4. Start cooking dinner