Looking for Friends on Ideal Protein diet



  • :sad: :cry: :cry: I'm looking for friends as well. Started 3 weeks ago & am only down 8 lbs.
  • gypsyrose64
    gypsyrose64 Posts: 271 Member
    Interesting. I just came back from cardio doctor (having some numbness in my left arm) and spent a half hour getting lectured about my weight and how it's going to kill me if I don't do something about it.... I'm 5'5" -210 lbs right now. Then the doc starts hard selling this "Ideal Protein" program run out of our local women's hospital.

    When I declined to spend the $$ on it, he then told me to follow a paleo eating style that cuts calories to 1200 and carbs to <25g/day! Watch my sat. fats and sugar. Of course, I asked some assertive questions and he said he WANTED me in ketosis until I lost the weight, because the health risks of my weight outweighed any negatives from ketosis.

    He just poo-poo'd everything I've read about not eating below BMR and ketosis. Since 1500/day appears to be maintenance for me these days, I can't lose weight to save my life.... I guess I'll be taking my doc's advice on cutting back.(sigh)
  • ideal protein is a great diet as im sure the paleo diet is , I started ip june 5 and by sept 23 I had lost 43 pounds and im maintaining, the first week is tough but it gets easier when u see the results ive tried numerous diets and this is the one that worked for it is expensive but for me it was worth but thepaleo diet looks almost the same just make sure to keep ur carbs low good luck
  • litltlestar
    litltlestar Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on phase 1 of Ideal Protein and it's working for me! Not all diets work for everyone, you have to find what works for you.

    I am quite enjoying transforming the packets. I have a blog with recipes and reviews, the link is in my profile.

    I would love to have more friends on here, so please add me!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Eating sensibly at a calorie deficit, and exercising if you want or can. It's slower but that's because of a changing eating habits not dieting.
  • sjerrott
    sjerrott Posts: 20 Member
    Hi guys - I"m on week three of Ideal Protein and I'd love to join any group you have - I've lost 8 pounds so far.
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Hi all, I need to restart the IP diet. I lost 40 lbs to start and then slipped, gaining 10 back. It worked quite well once I was in the groove.
  • I signed up for ideal protien today.... Have heard good things!
  • Yah....people need to look at the whole picture though.for some of us who have tried all that need something else and unless u have experienced being obese, you do not know how horrible it is!
  • stacimusmax
    stacimusmax Posts: 172 Member
    I'm in week 2 of IP, I lost 11 pounds & several inches (2.5 off waist & 2 off hips) the first week. Still not convinced the scale was right but they assured me it was. To be honest, I have been pretty good about sticking to the plan. However, I have not been perfect.
  • dlkingsbury
    dlkingsbury Posts: 90 Member
    my boss started IP 10 months ago and looks great! i think she is tired of chicken salad though lol!
  • I started IP on 10/21 so it is day 6 for me. I also had headaches on day 2 but they have gone away. I am amazed at the no hunger feeling. Had a few friends that have seen success on this. Hope that I can be one of them as well. One of my colleagues at work joined with me which I find extremely helpful. Hoping to get rid of 20+ lbs by New Years but I'm not sure if my expectations are realistic...I am going non restricted all the way.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Let me start by saying I know nothing about this diet. That said, it sounds like another low carb-ish high protein diet. Regardless, losing five pounds in day or two, is mostly water, and it will come back after your next day or two of normal carbohydrate consumption.

    This sounds like a waste of money to me. Protein is great, and I recommend a high protein diet, but i don't recommend spending lots of money on "protein packets." Other than that...eat your carbs, eat your fats, and eat your protein....watch your calories, and exercise. Dropping 4 pounds of water isn't a long term solution to weight loss!

    Best of luck to everyone! ! !

    This a thousand times over. I know I've repeated myself in this conversation, but eat in moderation, in balance, and with a calorie deficit, and you will lose weight slowly and healthily.
  • mis792
    mis792 Posts: 5
    Keep the restricted stuff for when you feel like crap.
  • I have been on ideal protein since February of this year. I have lost a total of 77 pounds, and am still going. I love this diet, and it literally saved my life.
  • The alternative to Ideal Protein diet: Lindora foods are less than half the price and with the same ingredients, The website to order the food is shop.lindora.com. You can follow the diet online without going to a clinic." I don't have a clinic anywhere near where I live". Also if you are just doing the shakes you can use EAS shakes, I get them at SAMS club for about $1 per shake. Good luck!!! I have had great success with this and I'm not really hungry.
  • edmund36
    edmund36 Posts: 5 Member
    Ideal Protein – Buyer Beware – Deadly Health Risk – Testimonial
    I joined up after hearing about those positive results. I completed an Ideal Protein 9 Page Patient Profile prior to my initial appointments which include my health history and all medications I was taking. At my appointment at a Chiropractic Office (Doctor) I met with a part time IP Coach, who had me review a video, performed a weight & BMI & water bio-impedance measurement(s), gave me some hand-outs, and selected boxed food and drinks to take for the upcoming week. I paid my consultation and food fees and then my meeting was complete. All was OK except I was told I had a -3 water deficit, and advised by the IP coach to drink more water.
    Next week I weighed in, and lost 10 pounds, restocked my food, and paid my bill to the part time IP coach. Soon afterwards that day I was having severe abnormal neurologic and physical and mental changes and feeling I was going to collapse. My blood pressure went to 170/100 and pulse dropped to 55 or less. I contacted the Chiropractic Office for advice and there was no one available to answer my help call. I immediately drove to the local Emergency Unit and was treated for Acute Hyponatremia (water intoxication). I was drinking a lot of water because the IP coach told me I was dehydrated.
    I spent two days in the local hospital and advised about the foolish decision I made doing this Ketosis type diet with my significant health history. I have only one kidney, take water pills (diuretic), controlled high blood pressure and antiarrhythmic meds, and stage II obesity. I could do just as good if I purchased their food from a Walgreens or CVS?
    While in hospital my spouse contacted the Chiropractic office to get a refund on the food I had just purchased. She was told to bring the food products back to them, but was informed that I was to have reviewed the program with my medical physician (MD); that you only go to their office to pick out your food. Additionally I was informed later that the Ideal Protein Owners provide a Script of what to say or respond to certain questions they are asked of their customers (not patients of course).
    My complaint is that I thought I was going to a Chiropractic Medical Office to go on a medically supervised weight loss program. I assumed that I was having a Medical Professional, a Chiropractic Doctor (with a fundamental knowledge of basic electrolyte and nutritional background); provide consultation, clinical assessment, and medical screening, on my entrance to the Ideal Protein Weight loss Program. This did not occur.
    If true, a flag should have gone up with medical profile of one kidney, on a diuretic pill with hypertensive drugs, etc. I should have been instructed to wait one week either until the water deficit is gone, given a modified program to wean in to the ketosis, or denied access to the program, all due to health reasons.
    This Ideal Protein program might be Ok if you’re young and healthy, but should be declined if you have health issues. You can’t rely on the distributors that sell the program, because they have scripts to deflect any responsibility and accountability.
    Some people with similar experiences, as I have, contacted me to join them in legal action against all parties engaged in Ideal Protein medically unsupervised program, with scripted and un-accountable responses, where they occur.
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    Yes I do experience the "hunger" feelings, but that's part of being on a diet.

    No. No it isn't.
  • I'm in my 4th week on IP and have lost 13 lbs so far! Thanksgiving holiday threw me for a loop and I had a 2 lb gain but hopeful to make it up during my next weigh in next week. I've started incorporating aerobics and strength training 4 times a week so should definitely have a big week!
  • It would be wonderful if everyone could "eat in moderation, in balance, and with a calorie deficit" to lose weight (or never gain it in the first place). But sadly, that is not the case and what works for some people doesn't work for everyone. Some people need a structured program and direction.

    I just completed the Ideal Protein program and lost 54 lbs in 4 months, my body fat dropped from 26% to 16%. I averaged 4 lbs per week during Phase 1. I was able to stay on plan the entire time and, after the first week, was not tired or exessively hungry. I was able to exercise during it, and my coach appropriately adjusted my plan so I would be getting more calories (in the form of protein) when I did. Yes, it's a very low calorie diet, but by being in ketosis, the body uses your fat stores to get the calries it needs to make up the difference. I'm no expert, but that's how it was explained to me and it certainly worked!

    I've seen a lot of posts about how this is a "fad" diet and that once it's over people will put all of the weight back on and that's not true. IP provides all the information you need to maintain you weight by eating healthy and being aware of what you're eating (natural, complex cars vs. simple, processed carbs, for example) and in what combination you are eating fats and carbs. Their maintanence plan is a balanced plan and they take a month to transition you from the full IP diet to maintanence by slowly re-introducing carbs. Through the process you learn how to eat healthy when you're off of the plan and how to sustain your weight. At that point it's about modifying your habits once you reach your goal, and believe me, it's much easier to change your habits once you have had sucess with the plan than it is to try to determine a balanced, moderate diet on your own just to try and start losing weight (for me anyways). As with any diet, if you go back to eating the way you were before you lost the weight, you are going to put it back on, but there is no more risk of this on IP than there is with any other diet.

    Good Luck to everyone out there on IP!

    Let me start by saying I know nothing about this diet. That said, it sounds like another low carb-ish high protein diet. Regardless, losing five pounds in day or two, is mostly water, and it will come back after your next day or two of normal carbohydrate consumption.

    This sounds like a waste of money to me. Protein is great, and I recommend a high protein diet, but i don't recommend spending lots of money on "protein packets." Other than that...eat your carbs, eat your fats, and eat your protein....watch your calories, and exercise. Dropping 4 pounds of water isn't a long term solution to weight loss!

    Best of luck to everyone! ! !

    This a thousand times over. I know I've repeated myself in this conversation, but eat in moderation, in balance, and with a calorie deficit, and you will lose weight slowly and healthily.