Do I HAVE to eat salmon and broccolli?



  • twistedbutterfly
    twistedbutterfly Posts: 61 Member
    My personal experience is that one of the quickest ways to get myself to hate a diet plan and start looking for excuses to get off it is to make myself eat foods I don't like and feel deprived by never having my favorite foods. As long as you're careful to count your calories accurately and eat at a deficit, you will lose weight.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    It's been said a bunch already, but, again, eat what you want. Stick to your calories, get enough protein, get enough fat, take a multivitamin if you need to, and ignore the rest of the (irrelevant) "dieting mantras."
  • lilred806
    lilred806 Posts: 195 Member
    You could have salmon and asparagus instead;) that is my 5 year olds favorite dinner.
    I eat around 1500 calories a day plus exercise calories. I generally eat whatever I want as long as it fits into my calories. I know some things satisfy me better and some foods have some neat extra health benefits so I try to include some of those things in my week. Today I had the calories for chick-fil-a so I had it for lunch. I will likely see my weight jump a bit from the extra sodium but it will be back to normal soon. The only foods I avoid are ones that make me personally feel bad. I love velveeta and rotel but it doesn't make me feel good so I avoid it and only eat it rarely and in moderation. Chocolate, on the other hand, I have daily. I have found eating this way has kept me from giving up this time.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    This is not perfect eating - I've got fast food and starbucks in amongst the lean protein and wholegrains. But, I've hit my calorie target for the day and it's not sooo bad.

    I'm just thinking if something like this is better to strive for, than clean eating all the time, which I never seem to be able to sustain. The above is maintainable, whilst not perfect.

    What do you all think? How do you strike the right balance?
    It would help to get over the idea that there is such a thing as "perfect eating." Foods are not universally good or bad, they need to be taken in context. Meet your macro and micronutrient goals/needs with whatever combinations of foods does that for you and that you enjoy. That can include all of the foods you like. It probably doesn't include eating only your favorites in mass quantities. You can use logging to help you learn to find the balance between meeting your needs and meeting your wants.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    But I'm not sure how it's undoing my hard work - I stayed within my calorie goal. And a calorie is a calorie no matter what time of day.

    Another soul has crossed to the light side! Welcome, my child!

  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    Hve you ever heard of IIFYM?
  • no
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    I go back and forth, I'll eat clean for a while, then I fall off the wagon and eat whatever for a while. Now that my weight is up almost 7 pounds, I'm back to eating clean.

    This, friends, is the exact reason you shouldn't eat clean. It leads directly to yoyo dieting.

    Eat a restrictive diet, you lose weight, but eventually fall back into old eating patterns and it comes right back. While eating "clean" you do not learn how to fit the foods you actually love into a healthy diet.

    You should learn to integrate those "unclean" foods you love into your normal diet. Maybe that way you'll be able to keep the weight off.

    quoting for emphasis
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    I'm absolutely with the OP here. I'd just say to watch the sodium.

    It's not a big deal yet, but it might encourage water retention at some point.
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member

    There are NO foods that should be totally off limits (medical reasons excluded) if it means you cannot stick to it. Why do people feel they have to punish themselves to do this?

    Some foods pumped full of 1500+ mgs of sodium and trans-fats should be avoided I believe. It has reached a point that some foods are so full of chemicals and poisons that even moderation is dangerous.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    there are no rules that you have to eat foods you hate. I don't like cooked salmon, so I don't eat it.

    Instead of salmon, find a source of protein that you like, that fits your macros. Instead of broccoli, find other veggies that give you the same nutrients.

    I don't eat clean. I eat 'cleaner than I used to'. Which is to say, less pre-packaged foods than I used to, less restaurant foods than I used to. But I still have them sometimes. Seems to work.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    But I'm not sure how it's undoing my hard work - I stayed within my calorie goal. And a calorie is a calorie no matter what time of day.

    Another soul has crossed to the light side! Welcome, my child!


    hahaha. that's kind of how I felt when I read that statement from her. the force is strong on this one.
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    there are no rules that you have to eat foods you hate. I don't like cooked salmon, so I don't eat it.

    Instead of salmon, find a source of protein that you like, that fits your macros. Instead of broccoli, find other veggies that give you the same nutrients.

    I don't eat clean. I eat 'cleaner than I used to'. Which is to say, less pre-packaged foods than I used to, less restaurant foods than I used to. But I still have them sometimes. Seems to work.

    ^Knows her *kitten* and I agree completely! Also, pass me the salmon and broccoli (and ice cream)!
  • briabner
    briabner Posts: 427 Member
    My mind set has been if it fits into my calories for the day then I will eat a serving of it. So many days I will have eaten out or indulged in chocolate. You get the idea. It is about making a life long change to be conscience of what we are eating and our weight. This way of thinking is so much more sustainable. Would you want to eat "diet food" for the rest of your life?
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member

    There are NO foods that should be totally off limits (medical reasons excluded) if it means you cannot stick to it. Why do people feel they have to punish themselves to do this?

    Some foods pumped full of 1500+ mgs of sodium and trans-fats should be avoided I believe. It has reached a point that some foods are so full of chemicals and poisons that even moderation is dangerous.

    So... name some. Tell me what foods it is NEVER safe to eat in ANY amount (absent any underlying medical issues). What poisons get added to food? What is their LD50? etc etc...
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member

    There are NO foods that should be totally off limits (medical reasons excluded) if it means you cannot stick to it. Why do people feel they have to punish themselves to do this?

    Some foods pumped full of 1500+ mgs of sodium and trans-fats should be avoided I believe. It has reached a point that some foods are so full of chemicals and poisons that even moderation is dangerous.

    So... name some. Tell me what foods it is NEVER safe to eat in ANY amount (absent any underlying medical issues). What poisons get added to food? What is their LD50? etc etc...

    Beat me to it! Waiting for some names of foods that are dangerous...
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member

    There are NO foods that should be totally off limits (medical reasons excluded) if it means you cannot stick to it. Why do people feel they have to punish themselves to do this?

    Some foods pumped full of 1500+ mgs of sodium and trans-fats should be avoided I believe. It has reached a point that some foods are so full of chemicals and poisons that even moderation is dangerous.

    So... name some. Tell me what foods it is NEVER safe to eat in ANY amount (absent any underlying medical issues). What poisons get added to food? What is their LD50? etc etc...

    Beat me to it! Waiting for some names of foods that are dangerous...

    Can we add Brussel Sprouts? Not because they are nutritionally bad, but because they taste horrible!!! Beets too!!!!!
  • bobbi6440
    bobbi6440 Posts: 15 Member
    My Doctor told me to do the 80/20 method of eating. She said, to stay within your calorie range 6 days a week. Then you have one day you can cheat. I still keep track of my calories that day, but I enjoy Kung Pao Chicken if that is what I want.
  • LosingItForGood13
    LosingItForGood13 Posts: 182 Member
    Or you can go even further and plan out your meals on MFP whatever it is you are eating the dieting is meant to be not strict and you are able to eat whatever it is that you like in moderation and exercise
  • LunaInverse
    LunaInverse Posts: 109 Member
    I don't think there is anything wrong with what you're eating, just exercise and stay within your calorie limit. I'm not much of a clean eater...I like my oreos!! I've realized restricting myself leads to yo-yoing, and learning to integrate the foods I enjoy (whether unhealthy or not) is much easier to maintain. I've also been making home made versions of the food I love the most....which I feel cuts back on the processed foods...just a bit!!
  • I think that is fine. however, you might find you get more bang for your buck (get to eat more and stay within your calorie limits) if you eat a bit more nutritious/lower calorie foods intermingled with the foods you mentioned.
  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    Well, looks like you've more than gotten your answer, and you've seen that your example day was fine. I had Taco Bell AND McDonalds yesterday, stayed within my calorie limits, and feel perfectly fine today. I usually eat fast food at least twice a week, cuz I am lazy, and have still been losing weight steadily just fine :)
  • laurenpjokl
    laurenpjokl Posts: 118 Member
    Personally I find it easier to eat cleanly most of the time and splurge occasionally. It's just that eating food that's high in sugar or fat makes me crave more foods that are high in sugar or fat, and I feel less satisfied after eating something very unhealthy than I would if I hadn't eaten it at all.

    I'll give you this advice, but I'll stress that I'm no expert, if you come to the end of the day and you're very close to your calorie limit, make an exception for whole, raw vegetables or fruit. Sometimes it's more important to get those vitamins and fibre in than to lose weight, because otherwise you'll end up having other problems.
  • imarlett
    imarlett Posts: 228 Member
    Sure you can be flexible so long as you don't over do it. The key here is discipline and control. I treat myself to a cheese burger or pizza every once in a while. So long as you eat well the rest of the time and exercise, you should be fine indulging your favorite "junk food" meals.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    That is pretty much how I eat. A mix. I have a slight mental note that I'll try not to have two meals out in the same day, but I grab stuff on the go or dine in restaurants at least 3 times a week.

    For me, the "not so great" stuff is better and more satisfying when most of my diet is cleaner/healthier. I can fit a slice of pie or thin crust pizza into a day of mixed greens, Greek yogurt, and salmon like nobody's business ;-)
  • laurenpjokl
    laurenpjokl Posts: 118 Member
    I really hope I don't have to eat salmon, because I can't afford it!
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member

    There are NO foods that should be totally off limits (medical reasons excluded) if it means you cannot stick to it. Why do people feel they have to punish themselves to do this?

    Some foods pumped full of 1500+ mgs of sodium and trans-fats should be avoided I believe. It has reached a point that some foods are so full of chemicals and poisons that even moderation is dangerous.

    So... name some. Tell me what foods it is NEVER safe to eat in ANY amount (absent any underlying medical issues). What poisons get added to food? What is their LD50? etc etc...

    Beat me to it! Waiting for some names of foods that are dangerous...

    Can we add Brussel Sprouts? Not because they are nutritionally bad, but because they taste horrible!!! Beets too!!!!!

    Works for me! I hate Brussel sprouts!
  • Tiernan1212
    Tiernan1212 Posts: 797 Member

    There are NO foods that should be totally off limits (medical reasons excluded) if it means you cannot stick to it. Why do people feel they have to punish themselves to do this?

    Some foods pumped full of 1500+ mgs of sodium and trans-fats should be avoided I believe. It has reached a point that some foods are so full of chemicals and poisons that even moderation is dangerous.

    So... name some. Tell me what foods it is NEVER safe to eat in ANY amount (absent any underlying medical issues). What poisons get added to food? What is their LD50? etc etc...

    Beat me to it! Waiting for some names of foods that are dangerous...

    Can we add Brussel Sprouts? Not because they are nutritionally bad, but because they taste horrible!!! Beets too!!!!!

    Works for me! I hate Brussel sprouts!

    But...but...oven roasted with olive oil and bacon... :flowerforyou:

    ETA: I get it though, I totally despise mushrooms :noway:
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Just to add my little bit into the suggestions...this has worked for me and I have been maintaining for over a year. YAY for me.

    I started with following MFP goals/calories 1200 a day plus exercise cals. I kept my diary without a doubt and logged everything,

    I increased my exercise to give myself some extra stuff, like a glass of wine/a piece of chocolate.

    I pretty much ate my normal diet but in much smaller portions. I was never a junk food eater to start just ate too much of stuff.

    It worked for me I lost 45lbs.

    Now I am a lot more conscious of macros and exercise. I want to eat more healthily.

    OP it is all about personal choice...salmon and broccoli do not have to be the recipe of the day...moderation and exercise is a good start.

    As a side note, what helped me to motivate myself at the beginning is reading the success stories on this site.

    Good luck xx