"starvation mode" (?)

Okay so I've lost 3lbs since I started this on saturday, I'm super proud of myself. I've been eating junk since the moment I found out I was pregnant over a year ago.

I'm addicted to counting calories. Every night I add up and i'm usually below. The lowest I've had to spare was 56 calories. The highest was about 200 I think. Is that okay? I don't want to starve myself but I'm just not hungry anymore. I'm completely turned off to SO many foods now that I've cleansed my body. Help?



  • TiffanyDollface
    Okay so I've lost 3lbs since I started this on saturday, I'm super proud of myself. I've been eating junk since the moment I found out I was pregnant over a year ago.

    I'm addicted to counting calories. Every night I add up and i'm usually below. The lowest I've had to spare was 56 calories. The highest was about 200 I think. Is that okay? I don't want to starve myself but I'm just not hungry anymore. I'm completely turned off to SO many foods now that I've cleansed my body. Help?

  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    I think in order to maintain your weight lose, it's REALLY important to eat a decent number of cals...
    If you are under at the end of the day try a handful of almonds or add a yogurt to b-fast and string cheese to lunch....

    Just my opinion, but I can't understand how anyone can feel full and survive on 1200 cals a day
    When I started this site, I bumped my cals up to 1490 and lost 27 pounds and maitining eating 2000 cals
    I think we need to get it out of our heads that we have to eat so little so loose weight
    I know your stomach shrinks, but try to get in some extra healthy cals

  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Its great you have lost the weight but if you aren't eating atleast 1200 you are infact putting your body into starvation and you might loose alittle more weight that way but it will come right back on. I agree with the other comment eat something healthy that is high in calories when your under 200 like the nuts. I hope this helps.
  • 2bmrsk
    2bmrsk Posts: 5
    I know exactly what you mean by not feeling hungry and still being under your set caloric intake. Im set at 1200 a day and thats what happens to me almost every day! Especially when you work out and it allows for more calories, Im like, geez, I can't just keep eating and not because Im trying not to, its just that Im not hungry!

    I think it depends on the things you eat too, because Ive noticed that when I eat things with higher protein (e.g., eggs for breakfast) it keeps me fuller longer. When I eat foods higher in carbs, I continue to be more hungry.

    So maybe, try and do like 5-6 meals in a day each consisting of 200 cals each? That would get you pretty close to 1200 cals a day? I should try that myself too, ha ha, I don't want my body to go into starvation mode, I want to lose this weight, I have a wedding in September!

    Good luck and hope that helps!!!
  • Lavendersunday
    Lavendersunday Posts: 458 Member
    Peanut butter n jelly does the trick for me.

    I drink with a glass lowfat milk.

    Seems like a ritual now.

    ~Namaste :flowerforyou: