New to Fitness Pal

Hi All-

2 years ago I started Livestrong .com. I was 241 lbs. I have had weight issues all of my life. I do play ice hockey 3 to 4 days per week. I started to combine hockey and calorie counting on LIVESTRONG and lost 65 lbs. My end weight was 177. Some people said I looked sick, so I started eating more again, changed jobs and all of the sudden, I now look down at the scale at 228. I am very depressed, so I am getting myself back in the game, and starting calorie tracking. I love to eat out, so I will stop that, and I am still playing hockey religiously. This is my second day of tracking. Is it safe to assume, if I use the same methods, can I take the weight off again? I want to get back to 185. Any support or words of caution nor encouragement would be appreciated.


  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    Its possible with the time and effort. Motivation is key. Just remember you will have bad days too, so don't kick yourself in the butt if you do eat out, or go over your calorie goal every now and then. If you're too strict on yourself you will definitely lose motivation. Maybe grant yourself a few times each month to eat out without having to worry about the calories, that way you always have something to look forward too!
  • maltted
    maltted Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the reply. Agreed! Just have to take one day at a time until I can settle in! Sucks to gain weight back! I was 177 and feeling unreal!! I'll get there again!
  • VelvetHeart67
    VelvetHeart67 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Ted - just know that your goals are totally within your reach. For many of us, it really sucks beginning "again"..but if we all realize that we're human while keeping our eye-on-the-prize - IT WILL HAPPEN! I love eating out as well, but I had to completely accept the fact that the meals I love are designed solely to make a restaurant money - they could care less if I gain 50 lbs. and develop diabetes. Right? Life will still be going on around you, so the occasional restaurant night out with friends seems completely normal and realistic - enjoy, because we all need balance. Thank you for sharing and good luck this week! :wink: