Advice about working out, energy and weight loss



  • nanefy
    nanefy Posts: 23 Member
    Hey guys, sorry for the late reply, I was out all afternoon yesterday, then at the gym and then by the time I got in I was pooped and went to bed! lol

    So food wise, I weigh all my food - I'm from the UK and we don't really use cup measures etc, it's so unreliable, so everything is weighed in grams - or there are foods, that I know I ate the whole thing so I know exactly how many calories are in it.

    My friend who is very athletic is really keeping on at me about drinking more, so today I aim to drink at least 5 litres of water - which would work out roughly 1 floz per pound. That sounds like a crazy amount of fluid but that's because I am not used to drinking very much at all - I think the toilet is going to be my best friend today! lol

    I keep saying I'll pack my scales away and I do want to, but I keep fooling myself into thinking that 'today will be the day that I start to see the weight come off' and it never is! lol I have to say it is EXTREMELY reassuring to read that for some of you it took months to show on the scale - it makes my 1 month seem normal.

    I'll have a look into compound lifting movements - my only sticking point is that at the weight I am, I might struggle - but I suppose if I can only do one right now, it's better than none right?

    So I nearly pulled out of going to the gym last night because I was so exhausted yesterday - I fell asleep at work half way through my shift and by the time 5pm came, I was so tired. I had convinced myself that it would be OK not to go to the gym, but there is a tiny little voice in my head that tells me the truth. I drove to the gym without giving myself any time to argue about and just forced myself to do it. I am SO glad I did, I know I would have been gutted if I hadn't, but man it was hard going.
    The treadmill was fine, my foot hurt but I powered through it, the cross trainer was hard but good, but then the weights.......oh good grief, I had no energy - I pushed myself through it but it was way harder than normal. I'm not sure how much of it is because this is all new to me and I've went from no exercise to 5 nights a week exercise and how much of it is to do with maybe not eating enough, or perhaps not eating the right stuff before working out etc.

    There's just so much information out there about what I should be eating before and after the gym - but the bottom line is that I don't know why I am so tired right now - I'm just going to wait it out and hopefully before too long I'll realise that its passed.

    I was thinking a banana, a tablespoon of peanut butter and 500mls of water before the gym would be a good idea?? Keep my energy levels up?? Do you guys agree? and if so, how long before my workout should I do this?

    Sorry - I know I ask a million questions lol

    Thanks for all your input :)
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I know its so hard sometimes, especially when you're making so many changes, but you seem really dedicated, just remember that its ok to rest sometimes, your body will thank you for it. I love a banana slides up and topped with a little bit of almond good for energy. I personally dont tend to eat anything too close to going to the gym, because it makes me feel sick. So maybe an hour before? Play around and see how it goes :)

    On the compound lifting, I bet you surprise yourself, especially with something like'll be able to lift a lot more than you think....I started with 5x5 stronglifts which is a relatively simple beginners programme with small increases each session. Its a good starter
  • DavidTacoma
    Exercise is very important to improve health and fitness. Go for running, walking at least 30 to 45 minutes in a day. Practice push ups, bench press, chair squats, cable stretching and band resistance. It make strong bones and muscles, boost energy, lose weight, improve physical performance, improve heart functions and mental health and give you fit body.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Just a thought.. I was super tired last year too.. all the time.. Turns out I was Vitamin D deficient, starting taking Vitamin D and starting feeling better... have you had any bloodwork done recently?
  • nanefy
    nanefy Posts: 23 Member
    I had blood work done about two years ago, you see I have this epic phobia of needles......example........when I got my blood taken (after three failed appointments previously) I had to use Emla cream to numb my arm (like a baby lol) and even then, I was so worked up and tense that I was stamping my feet, swearing like a trooper, I nearly fainted and then vomited directly afterwards ha ha! I know it's pathetic but good grief it's bad.

    What I might do is just take some multi-vitamins?

    As an update - I went to the gym yesterday and my hubby had packed me one of his t-shirts instead of my own - he weighs like 150lbs so that T-shirt was NEVER in a month of Sundays going to fit me, so I had to just come away, so I didn't get to do my work out last night. Who knows, maybe it was a blessing in disguise and my body needed a rest.

    Anyway, I started my drinking regime yesterday and I have to say, it helped a lot - I was more alert and more awake, so maybe I was seriously dehydrated and didn't realise. Anyway, I foolishly weighed myself again this morning and I have put another pound on!! ggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

    The scale is now packed away in the shed as we speak - I am not going to weigh myself for 2 months - I will only take measurements. As much as I can feel a difference in my shape, I have noticed that my boots are tighter and I can actually see that my ankles are visually swollen - so I'm assuming this is water retention still, so I'm hoping with me drinking plenty that will eventually disappear.

    Anyway, it's crazy just how much the number on the scale effects your thinking - I haven't changed in shape since yesterday, but because I seen that extra pound on the scale this morning, I am feeling horrible about myself.

    So, onwards and upwards - back to the gym tonight, drinking plenty of water today - will get multivitamins tonight and I will weigh in two months. I shall keep posting to this thread and that way it's some kind of accountability and also, everyone's feedback has been fantastic - thanks everyone for all your's much appreciated!

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you're doing a great job, you just need to keep at it... you might not see a change in a week or a month, but if you keep going, think where you will be a year from now!