Did you have a timeframe in mind?



  • VelvetMorning
    VelvetMorning Posts: 398 Member
    My goal was to get to 108 (from 135ish) in about 3 or so months. Yes, this is over 2 pounds a week but the first 10 pounds, literally, were water weight and went away in about 2-3 weeks. I met this goal with relative ease and surpassed it to 106.4 as my lowest. I generally bounce between 107-108 now, which I am totally fine with. I'm 5'3 1/2.
  • slimintraining
    slimintraining Posts: 80 Member
    When I first started just over a year ago I didn't have a time frame I mind and it didn't help. I lost sight of what I wa doing and then I got ill and didn't care.

    This time I would like to be on or very near to goal by next summer when my sister gets married.
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    I am such a slow loser, I decided not to set specific goals, this is a life long commitment for me ,no matter how long it will take me to get to goal.
  • I'm shooting for 10lbs a month..... So my goal was to be at my goal weight by my birthday which is in February I'm almost at 5 lbs lost so it looks like I will meet my goal for this month! But I'm not going to stress to much about it!
  • TheBoldCat
    TheBoldCat Posts: 159 Member
    i didn't think about a timeframe, and still don't care. i just know i get there soon or later
  • EDollah
    EDollah Posts: 464 Member
    Not only do I have a timeframe, I've made a projection of expected weights at certain intervals, so I can track progress. This was extremely helpful to me. ymmv.
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    I was hoping to see a difference by my birthday (January 13). I want all of my excess weight gone by my and my boyfriend's 3rd anniversary (August 28). I expect I'll see some kind of difference by my b-day, but it will probably be less than I wanted... but that's okay, because I'd rather lose it slowly while teaching myself how to eat forever than lose it quickly and gain my weight back. If I lose 1.5-2lbs per week, I'll be down to my goal weight in 7-8 months. Plenty of time before our anniversary!!
  • briana12077
    briana12077 Posts: 128 Member
    I have so far to go and I don't know how fast I'll be able to go and don't really want the pressure. I do know that a year from now I want to be down a whole lot. Not sure how much I can lose in a year but I want to still be going and I want to see a huge difference :)
  • MstngSammy
    MstngSammy Posts: 436 Member
    At one pound a week...I plan to be at goal by early May :)
  • MizSookeh
    MizSookeh Posts: 106 Member
    I've set myself the challenge of 30kgs by my 30th birthday (started September, birthday in June) with a super stretch goal of an extra 15kgs by 2015.

    I have a graph set up with an 'average' of what I need to lose weekly to get there, but being fully aware that weight loss is not linear, I'm not worried by being slightly behind at the moment, due to a big month of holidays, weddings, events.

    I'm also not going to be devastated if I don't get there, I just like having a catchy '30 by 30!' and '15 by 15!' mission. :smile:
    If I get to June and I've only lost 20kgs... that's 20kgs less than I would have been if I didn't try at all.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    My goal is pretty darned slow, because I'm focusing more on building strength and physical fitness (and know that with me my extra weight sorts itself out when I do that). I do have to watch how many calories I eat, but not in any very strict way, honestly. I didn't eat so badly before... just badly enough, lol!

    I just don't want to go 5-6 months and be the same weight and fitness level, basically. That's how it would have gone had I done nothing. It's not now :) Changes, yay!

    Congrats to so many successes in this thread, btw!! And post when you hit your goal :D You deserve a big Hooray!
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    my goal is 135 but i'm at 143
  • kmcarlson88
    kmcarlson88 Posts: 13 Member
    my ultimate goal is 80 lbs with no time set on that, but I'd ideally like to lost at least 50 lbs by August 2014....Is this to high of a goal? Thats at least 6 pounds a month.,...I'm going to try really hard but any additional support would be great!! (feel free to add me and message me with any tips!)
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    No, I never set a time frame or goal for that matter. In my head I just thought "if I could just lose anything" Well....my numbers prove that I can, I did and I still am!
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    I want to lose 30lb. by May. But I won't wreck my metabolism to get it. Learned that the hard way with the first 25. :(
  • At first I did. Now I don´t. So many things can go wrong and knowing how disappointed I always got when I couldn´t meet my goals I stopped setting them.
    This is a long term work so I have no time frame
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    When I first made the decision to lose weight in May, I wanted to lose 50 pounds by the end of this year. Not gonna happen!! Now I'm just aiming to be at my ultimate goal weight by my next birthday in June. This would put me at about 70 pounds lost in a year! If I don't make it, life goes on and I may adjust as the date nears.
  • wertgirlfor
    wertgirlfor Posts: 161 Member
    I don't set time goals for my weight loss, I figure it'll happen when it happens. I am trying to get to 135lbs -ish by next summer though, just to be able to show off in my shorty shorts :P
  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    I started in about July-August and I've just been wanting to lose at least 5 pounds a month. Some months I've lost more than that, but so far I have lost at least 5 every month. I know now that I only have another ~20 to lose it'll probably slow down some, but I think I should definitely be there by next fall. I have a personal reason for that time frame, which works cuz it gives me MORE than enough time to make it :) Don't set huge goals, I tried telling myself I would lose 10 pounds the first month, I only lost 8. Luckily I didn't go into the whole "I blew it" mentality, but it did suck not meeting that. Now, as long as I'm going in the right direction and I am making new personal victories, I'm happy. I've changed from focusing a lot on the weight loss, to focusing more on strength gains and losing bf%
  • lebbyloses
    lebbyloses Posts: 133 Member
    I had a sort of vague desire to be at or near my goal by my birthday in February. Looks like I have a good chance of succeeding there. Lately I've had some whooshes, and they've given me a strong but probably futile desire to be there by Christmas. I don't think this is possible, but since I can't help secretly wanting it I am using it as motivation to keep moving. I already look and feel much better than last Christmas, so I'm a winner no matter what, but I'll be traveling to a city for Christmas and if I'm at the size I'm going to be it will be a perfect chance to go shopping. If that doesn't work out, I'm not going to freak out, I'm just going to earmark some of my Christmas bonus and go on a shopping trip near my birthday.