Insanity Fit Test - Monday - Results

I started insanity on monday and I did the fit test and these are my results:

Switch Kicks - 43
Power Jacks - 11
Power Knees - 42
Power Jumps - 10
Globe Jumps - 3
Suicide Jumps - 3
Push up jacks - 0
Plank Obliques - 23

As you can see I did terrible.
I usually just sit on my computer all day and either do my coursework or play games or talk to my mates on facebook.
Insanity is probably the first workout program I have started at home.
I did thai boxing for a few years too but I failed at the exercises there too since I cant do push ups and I have heavy asthma so I got out of breath pretty quick. Was always quite good at the fighting part though.

I did the second day yesterday and had 10 minutes of the workout left when I collapsed to the floor unable to carry on but I pushed myself as hard as I could.

I however still couldn't do the drill 1 exercise which included four push ups.

I can barely even do push ups on the kitchen counter either lol


  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    My fit test was not very good either. But I'm looking forward to the next one coming up and see where I've improved.
    I have to do modified exercises since I have issues with my knees, but I always keep my heart rate up and have noticed my endurance has picked up a little.

    Keep with it! We all start somewhere and as long as there is continual improvement then the numbers just don't matter that much anymore.

  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    My first fit test was awful too and man was I exhausted after. That's a workout all in it's own. You'll get better!
  • LogicalReflex
    I cant do any push ups or anything and all the other men were just pumping about 20 push ups.
    I definitely have been trying my best though so I'm hoping to see some results
    I currently have really bad aches in my legs though which are making it hard to even walk lol
    So Its going to be funny trying to do insanity day 3 like this
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    Trust me. You will see results. I didn't follow 100% and I didn't end up finishing the very last week because I went on a cruise. But trust me, I saw great results! I may have only lost 8 pds but like 14 inches, I got great toning. And it makes all the difference when things are hard not jiggling all over. I was able to wear a bikini top and shorts without feeling horrible, first time since I was 16. It's worth it! Just stick with it....

    ps. I was so sore the first week I could barely sit down to pee LOL
  • LogicalReflex
    My girlfriends brother actually did it and told me he got great results but couldn't finish it so I will definitely try my best.
    I'm trying to eat a lot healthier too but cant seem to stick to a 100% healthy diet... As I still eat some processed things and mash etc

    I've been eating recently.

    Weetabix - 2 of them no sugar with semi skimmed milk

    Tuna Sandwich - White bread and a pack of cheese and onion crisps - Walkers.

    Processed Chicken Dippers and Potato Wedges.

    I'm supposed to be eating 2100 calories a day to be in deficit
    But cant seem to find out what kind of calories that actually is that im eating and whether its good for weight loss or not

    P.S. I cant even sit down properly either lol
    I can barely walk around and after exercising it feels as if my chest is about to explode lol I'm heavily asthmatic so I guess thats probably why but I was also really inactive after I left thai boxing.
  • LogicalReflex
    I started insanity on monday and I did the fit test and these are my results:

    Switch Kicks - 43
    Power Jacks - 11
    Power Knees - 42
    Power Jumps - 10
    Globe Jumps - 3
    Suicide Jumps - 3
    Push up jacks - 0
    Plank Obliques - 23

    As you can see I did terrible.
    I usually just sit on my computer all day and either do my coursework or play games or talk to my mates on facebook.
    Insanity is probably the first workout program I have started at home.
    I did thai boxing for a few years too but I failed at the exercises there too since I cant do push ups and I have heavy asthma so I got out of breath pretty quick. Was always quite good at the fighting part though.

    I did the second day yesterday and had 10 minutes of the workout left when I collapsed to the floor unable to carry on but I pushed myself as hard as I could.

    I however still couldn't do the drill 1 exercise which included four push ups.

    I can barely even do push ups on the kitchen counter either lol

    I Completed Day 3 Insanity Today!
    Completed all 40 minutes of it.
    Couldn't do the push ups or some of the other exercises so replaced them with jogs or sprints.
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    You'll get better. There are free apps on the market to track your Fit Tests so you can see your results on a graph and keep you motivated. Just keep going. I sucked at first, too. Wanna be friends? I ONLY do workout DVDs.
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    I cant do any push ups or anything and all the other men were just pumping about 20 push ups.
    I definitely have been trying my best though so I'm hoping to see some results
    I currently have really bad aches in my legs though which are making it hard to even walk lol
    So Its going to be funny trying to do insanity day 3 like this

    Geez. Give yourself a break. Those freaks on the DVD are fitness PROS. Believe me, you'll totally surprise yourself in 2 weeks on your next fit test.
  • LogicalReflex
    I cant do any push ups or anything and all the other men were just pumping about 20 push ups.
    I definitely have been trying my best though so I'm hoping to see some results
    I currently have really bad aches in my legs though which are making it hard to even walk lol
    So Its going to be funny trying to do insanity day 3 like this

    Geez. Give yourself a break. Those freaks on the DVD are fitness PROS. Believe me, you'll totally surprise yourself in 2 weeks on your next fit test.

    Lol I've been trying to keep up with them for ages lmao
    There was one exercise where you do 8 squat ups and 8 push ups Could do the squats... about 4 of them and no push ups so I just jogged lol

    I'm hoping to lose a bit of my belly by christmas.

    And most of my mates/cousins are all fitness addicts etc and they all take the piss out of me because I'm a man and cant do a single push up lol

    I'm doing it for me though... So I can finally fit back into my suit and some of my jeans :P
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    I have posted my results in the insanity group most of us don't start that well but you definitely will see improvements I finally learned to do proper moving push ups today week 4. The link below is for the group if you like to see our results and also join for support
    All welcome
  • LogicalReflex
    I just joined the group. Thank you