ED issues (trigger warning)

I binged last night after dinner and went 1407 calories over my goal (ouch!). I can tell I'm getting stronger mentally though because I didn't purge, and instead of punishing myself throughout the week I'm going to just pick myself up and carry on.

I'm not sure how many people on here are battling eating disorders and, from somebody who has battled anorexia for the past 5 years, I am a lot stronger than I was before I started treatment in February. Even though it doesn't feel like it (and trust me, it's a long and rocky road to recovery, with plenty of slip-ups along the way) you WILL be able to enjoy food in a healthy medium again.


  • MissBelle777
    I've been alternating between Anorexia/Bulimia on and off since I was 11 years old. It's definitely a difficult journey, and LOTS of slip-ups.. You just have to focus on being healthy. As hard as it is to shake the thoughts and rituals and diets and binging/purging, living comes first and foremost..
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Yes, I think every time we practice not binging or purging, we are re-wiring our brains. Keep up the good work. I have been binge-free for a couple of months now. I struggled forever and finally quit counting calories and worked the intuitive eating program. It was the thing that finally worked for me after 30 years of struggle. Now after 8 months of rewiring, I can count again to an extent but I back off if I ever find myself becoming too centered on my food performance.
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    I'm nothing like an expert on ED, but I wouldn't necessarily say that 1400 calories over is a "binge". It's mild overeating that you can recover easily within a few days.

    Good luck with your battle, anyhow.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    I'm nothing like an expert on ED, but I wouldn't necessarily say that 1400 calories over is a "binge". It's mild overeating that you can recover easily within a few days.

    Good luck with your battle, anyhow.

    When you have an ED 100 calories over can freak you out.

    OP congratulations on your recovery so far.
    That is great progress, keep it up!
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    I'm nothing like an expert on ED, but I wouldn't necessarily say that 1400 calories over is a "binge". It's mild overeating that you can recover easily within a few days.

    Good luck with your battle, anyhow.

    When you have an ED 100 calories over can freak you out.

    OP congratulations on your recovery so far.
    That is great progress, keep it up!

    Fair enough. Like I say, I am in no way qualified to comment. I was just hoping to help OP.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    OP: Great job not purging and working through it! Just keep going strong and best of luck!!!
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    I had a "loss of management skills" last night, so now, I've paid my dues for my mishap and will be getting back on the horse that

    Threw me" with tonight's supper. When I "break my own rules" I punish myself more than any external critique possibly could,

    So the binge is out in the open, I've planned tonight's eating, and i'm posted here WHICH HELPS ME!

    Thanks to you, OP for bringing it up one day after BIG TURKEY,