So sick of it!!!

Im soooooo sick of this game.
I lose 2 lb and gain 3 lose 2 again and gain 4.

I eat 1200-1500cal a day.
And yes i do excersize, i do salsa two times a week for an hour, and the rest of the days i walk about 45min.
Not alot i know, but i try my best as a single mom with a full time job.

And then we have the people around me, at work, my family, they always have some **** to say about how you look.
How much you weigh, and shopping with family, lets not even go there. I always need the bigger size.
Im always the bigger one everywhere i go.

So yessssssss im pissed of at myself and the world!!!!!!!!!!

Im not doing this **** anymore.
So either I give and accept myself as i am.
Or i eat like i did last year, when i did lose.

Last year eating was: 2-3 slice of bread in the morning and a large dinner. That was it.
And it helped, i lost weight.

So thank you for reading, my hopeless message.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    I eat 1200-1500cal a day.
    And yes i do excersize, i do salsa two times a week for an hour, and the rest of the days i walk about 45min.

    how long have you been doing this consistently for?
  • ange290981
    I started about two months ago. Actually its a lifetime sruggle for me.
    And tried everything. I did not do much excersize, now i try to do much more.

    I always eta fresh greens no package stuff and pizza or things like that and i still tried to change things and eat better. I stopped drinking coffee and use less sugar, drink alot of green tea. But nothing helps. I wasnt so strict on the weekends, but i tried to cut down there also, even when i was not overdoing it.

    When you try soooo many things and ways to lose, and you only see the opposite, then whats the use.

    I tried an old pair of jeans this morning and it was to tight around my tummy, that was shocking.

    So i just dont wanna do this anymore. Al of it just hurts tooo frigging much. I cant bear to look at myself. Im soooo disgusted when i see my niece with her nice thin body, and then you have me with my big fat self.
    Im sorry, but this is really the way i feel about myself.

    If i look at last year and this year, even if im eating at my calorie max, im still eating too much.
    So im stopping. just going in my old last year way. That was proof for me.
  • jenhutchins13
    I'm at the same place you are! I have been doing insanity for 2 weeks ..eating super healthy ( 1200 calories per day) and i have not lost a single pound..i know it s not about the weight on the scale but would think busting my butt for 2 weeks i would have lost something...dont give up! Change your routine...maybe your body is used to your workouts...confuse your body is what everyone is telling me works...
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Are you using a food scale for all foods and measuring cups/spoons for free-pouring liquids? Are you logging everything, including oil, condiments, coffee creamer, etc? Do you make sure you're using the most accurate database entries (the ones with no asterisk for whole foods) and using the recipe builder when you cook something to make sure you get an accurate count?
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I'm at the same place you are! I have been doing insanity for 2 weeks ..eating super healthy ( 1200 calories per day) and i have not lost a single pound..i know it s not about the weight on the scale but would think busting my butt for 2 weeks i would have lost something...dont give up! Change your routine...maybe your body is used to your workouts...confuse your body is what everyone is telling me works...

    You don't need to confuse your body. You're likely retaining water because you've just started a new exercise program. Be patient. I had an extra couple of pounds of scale weight for a month when I started lifting.
  • Krista916
    Are you being 100% honest with your logging? Are you weighing and measuring things? I only ask this because this is the EXACT problem I have and I KNOW it's my diet. I go up when I'm not 100% honest about my portion size.

    Also, how often are you weighing yourself? Once a week is plenly. I use to weight every morning and it would literally ruin my whole day if I was up .4lbs fromthe day before. The scale will maky you crazy if you let it.

    Are you eating back all your exercise calories? I may eat some of them back, but I find I do better with weight loss when I don't eat them back or only have a few of them (contrairy to popular belief).

    Don't give up!! You'll get there.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    I started about two months ago. Actually its a lifetime sruggle for me.
    And tried everything. I did not do much excersize, now i try to do much more.

    I always eta fresh greens no package stuff and pizza or things like that and i still tried to change things and eat better. I stopped drinking coffee and use less sugar, drink alot of green tea. But nothing helps. I wasnt so strict on the weekends, but i tried to cut down there also, even when i was not overdoing it.

    When you try soooo many things and ways to lose, and you only see the opposite, then whats the use.

    I tried an old pair of jeans this morning and it was to tight around my tummy, that was shocking.

    So i just dont wanna do this anymore. Al of it just hurts tooo frigging much. I cant bear to look at myself. Im soooo disgusted when i see my niece with her nice thin body, and then you have me with my big fat self.
    Im sorry, but this is really the way i feel about myself.

    If i look at last year and this year, even if im eating at my calorie max, im still eating too much.
    So im stopping. just going in my old last year way. That was proof for me.

    there are two likely culprits.

    1) inaccurate logging
    2) water weight fluctuations

    don't look for instant gratification with weight loss. your results will NEVER be linear. neither will your effort. the long term trend is what matters.

    your logging must be 100% accurate (or as close as possible) in order to diagnose why you "may" be struggling. that's step #1.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Weigh all of your food, set your calorie goal to a reasonable and maintainable deficit, be consistent, and stop worrying so much about what you eat rather than how much.
  • Shaquana2
    Don't give up just yet. When i first started i weigh in every two weeks my first two weeks with my fitness pal and exercise i lost three pounds then after that i was only loosing a little over a pound every two weeks. I seen that people (which everybody is different) loosing a pound a week so i look back over my diary and came up with a different plan. Keep in mind that this is a learning process you're finding out what works for your body and what doesn't. So with that being said i made sure first that i logged in everything i ate and i also was eating back my exercise calories which i stopped doing that also and i would leave a couple hundred calories because the food that your putting in your log its give or take a little. After i done this i lost almost 4lbs. my last weigh in. Dont be so easy to give up. Look back over things and try something different thats the only way you will find out what your doing wrong. I hope this helps because your post sounds so depressing.
  • ange290981
    I know, its the only the thing everyday on my mind.
    Eating, food, losing weight, counting and then food again.

    OMG im driving myself crazy, im soo frigging obsessed with this.

    And what bothers me the most, is when im eating somethin at work, the thin people always go:
    Can i have one slice please or half of it :sick: , and then here i am wanting two slices :angry: .

    YESSSSS as all of you are saying the only thing causes this, is that im still eating too much.
    Im probably underestamating my food intake. Which is hard when youre really trying to watch everything you eat.

    Sometimes i look at my food after i logged, and i would think, jeesz i eat too much, but when counting the calories its all between the 1200-1500 cal a day. THEN I JUST GET REALLY CONFUSED.

    Im sorry, im sooooo pissed of today, at MYSELF and everyone and everything.
    WHY IN GODS NAME, AM I BORN THIS WAY??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRAGAGHAGAHG!!!!!!!!

    Why could i not have the nice shape that my family has. WHy WHy WHy?
    And then my skninny Nieces go, OMG MY SIDES ARE SOOO FAT :sick:
    I just wanna puke right there and then.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    If i look at last year and this year, even if im eating at my calorie max, im still eating too much.
    So im stopping. just going in my old last year way. That was proof for me.

    but the problem with that is that it wasnt sustainable... which is why you are back to square one having gained the weight again....

    you need to be consistent, not just for a week or so, but for a significant length of time... if you are eating in a deficit then you WILL lose weight (if you have no medical issues of course). unfortunately rome wasnt built in a day, it may take months or years to get where you want to be... but if you give up you will NEVER get there...
  • GinsTheThing
    GinsTheThing Posts: 6 Member
    You might not want to read the following cos I'm sure you've explored ALL avenues about dropping weight but I do like the 'thrifty metabolism' angle of No.8

    Just think there might be one, tiny little change that could switch it all around for you - feel your angst not finding it right now :(
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I know, its the only the thing everyday on my mind.
    Eating, food, losing weight, counting and then food again.

    OMG im driving myself crazy, im soo frigging obsessed with this.

    And what bothers me the most, is when im eating somethin at work, the thin people always go:
    Can i have one slice please or half of it :sick: , and then here i am wanting two slices :angry: .

    YESSSSS as all of you are saying the only thing causes this, is that im still eating too much.
    Im probably underestamating my food intake. Which is hard when youre really trying to watch everything you eat.

    Sometimes i look at my food after i logged, and i would think, jeesz i eat too much, but when counting the calories its all between the 1200-1500 cal a day. THEN I JUST GET REALLY CONFUSED.

    Im sorry, im sooooo pissed of today, at MYSELF and everyone and everything.
    WHY IN GODS NAME, AM I BORN THIS WAY??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRAGAGHAGAHG!!!!!!!!

    Why could i not have the nice shape that my family has. WHy WHy WHy?
    And then my skninny Nieces go, OMG MY SIDES ARE SOOO FAT :sick:
    I just wanna puke right there and then.

    You think WAY too much about what others think and do...

    you are not your neice or your work colleague who eats half a slice of pizza (really, who does that?!) you are YOU.... work on being the best you that you can be, stop wasting your time wanting to be like someone else...
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    You might want to talk to your doctor. You could have a thyroid problem. A simple blood test could let you know an it's easy to fix with medication. My husband had a similar problem (he wasn't trying to lose weight though) and he was always tired. Turned out to be a thyroid issue. After a week on the meds, he was 100% better.
  • SpunkiMama
    SpunkiMama Posts: 70 Member
    This could be me typing this out, you are not alone in how you feel. Nor how frustrated you are.

    I too get frustrated and angry at MYSELF for the scale not moving.... the scale will only move if we are being 100% comitted... i have been 75% and well.. my scale lets me know the "truth" about my actions.

    The truth hurts sometimes, so just keep going...keep pushing yourself... giving up on ourselves is the biggest fail of all time. IMO

    would you give up your work performance ? give up your parenting style if it wasnt going your way? Give up paying bills if it got to be to stressful?

    Life is about living, trying, failing, succeeding, making erros, correcting errors, life is a cycle...

    Keep going, keep moving... do not give up!!
  • missylee117
    missylee117 Posts: 66 Member
    If your not losing weight the way you want to you need to see your doctor, they will give you help where you need it, as for swings I lost and gained too, but you have to remember when working out you gain muscle first, fat will come off later, good luck and dont be a quitter.
  • leadiax3
    leadiax3 Posts: 534 Member
    You are really beautiful and you should stopped being upset with yourself. Just eat healthy and when you feel hungry. You already get daily exercise, so you sound healthy. No obsessing! You don't need to obsess.
    I will suggest that you might add muscle tone by trying strength training. The more muscle mass you have the more calories your body burns all day. If you go to you tube there are many at home workouts to try.
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    You might not want to read the following cos I'm sure you've explored ALL avenues about dropping weight but I do like the 'thrifty metabolism' angle of No.8

    Just think there might be one, tiny little change that could switch it all around for you - feel your angst not finding it right now :(

    That's a great article. Thanks for linking.
  • Flex382
    Flex382 Posts: 257
    First of all quite looking at the scale everyday.

    First you need to get on a good meal plan before you start cutting.
    Protein 1 to 1.5grams per 1lb of bodyweight
    Carbs 1gram per 1lb of bodyweight
    Fat .5grams per 1lb of bodyweight

    After a couple of weeks when you weight platos then keep protein and fats same but drop carbs to .5 grams for 2 to 4 weeks with a high carb day on rest days to jump start your motbalism.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    I know, its the only the thing everyday on my mind.
    Eating, food, losing weight, counting and then food again.

    OMG im driving myself crazy, im soo frigging obsessed with this.

    And what bothers me the most, is when im eating somethin at work, the thin people always go:
    Can i have one slice please or half of it :sick: , and then here i am wanting two slices :angry: .

    YESSSSS as all of you are saying the only thing causes this, is that im still eating too much.
    Im probably underestamating my food intake. Which is hard when youre really trying to watch everything you eat.

    Sometimes i look at my food after i logged, and i would think, jeesz i eat too much, but when counting the calories its all between the 1200-1500 cal a day. THEN I JUST GET REALLY CONFUSED.

    Im sorry, im sooooo pissed of today, at MYSELF and everyone and everything.
    WHY IN GODS NAME, AM I BORN THIS WAY??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRAGAGHAGAHG!!!!!!!!

    Why could i not have the nice shape that my family has. WHy WHy WHy?
    And then my skninny Nieces go, OMG MY SIDES ARE SOOO FAT :sick:
    I just wanna puke right there and then.

    the bad news is that you're hung up on the sort of mindset that goes along with fad dieters and yo-yo dieters who don't really understand how and why their bodies gain/lose weight.

    the good news is that now that you're here on MFP, you can beat that mindset by finding out how and why your body loses/gains weight and you can break out of that destructive yo-yo dieting pattern (the one where you start a diet, then quit after several weeks, then start again, etc.)

    the reason your brain is working the way it is and making you feel the way it does is because you don't yet know what you need to know about proper, healthy, and sustained weight loss.

    you can start fixing that issue today.

    read these threads. then re-read them. then ask questions. i think ti will help put your mind at ease.