P90x ectomorph?

So I'm currently going to the gym but have been debating if I should switch the gym just get boring and is costing me gas money to drive 30 minutes to the gym.

So I was debating on canceling my gym membership and ordering P90X and Body Beast and just leaving cardio out in these program.

At 106 right now looking to get to 135 or even bigger.

Is this good idea yes or no?

I'm 5 ft 2 106 male 20 years old.

Good idea and could it work?

A guy I went to high school with did Body Beast for 90 days gained 12lbs of muscle. With the supplements and eating right.


  • rolemodel69
    If you are after muscle mass go with Body Beast.

    P90X is a program with circuit style training. It does have resistance training in it for muscle growth but not as much as Body Beast. You usually have 3 resistance workouts per week with P90X and the 3 others days you do Kenpo, Plyometric and Yoga which does improve your overall fitness but wont make you grow like a 5 day per week program which target all your muscle group.

    If you want to grow, increase your calorie intake, get enough protein per pounds of bodyweight, sleep enough and stay accountable to the workouts and go with Body Beast.

    Just remember that you will need at least a few dumbells and a pull-bar to do these program at home.