i ate 3500 these 2 days when i should have 1280!! uh oh

sorry i kbo i will prob get someone aggrevated but i am new to these thing. Ive been consuming 1300 and since it was thanksgiving and i had leftovers, i estimated that i ate 3500 each day for 2 days and now i feel like a failure :( I know i will to better tommorow, since there are no leftovers, but does anyone think i just ruinedmy diet these past 2 days?


  • No way cheat days are necessary and beneficial, s long as you get back on track, you're fine. Chill out, it's the holidays.
  • Spreyton22K
    Spreyton22K Posts: 323 Member
    Give yourself a break with the worry.....going over 2 days isn't the end of the world. It hasn't derailed your efforts unless you let it...climb back onto the wagon and be happy.

    Go out and add in some extra exercise if you fancy....help spark off your happy hormones and help with your stressing.

    Good Luck:flowerforyou:
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    yes, you are now destined to be fat forever and NOTHING you'll do will change that .... hmmmm :huh:

    It was 2 days, for goodness sake, not 2 years, log it and move on. Perhaps not weigh yourself this week and you best prepare yourself that in about 25 days it will be Christmas and there will be more food.

    Good luck :smile:
  • janupshaw
    janupshaw Posts: 205 Member
    Don't worry so much about what you put in your mouth November & December; worry more about what you put in your mouth the rest of the year.
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    It's impossible to completely ruin your diet plans in two days. It's not how often you fall down that matters. It's how often you get back up.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    It's impossible to completely ruin your diet plans in two days. It's not how often you fall down that matters. It's how often you get back up.

  • darkrose20
    darkrose20 Posts: 1,139 Member
    yes, you are now destined to be fat forever and NOTHING you'll do will change that .... hmmmm :huh:

    It was 2 days, for goodness sake, not 2 years, log it and move on. Perhaps not weigh yourself this week and you best prepare yourself that in about 25 days it will be Christmas and there will be more food.

    Good luck :smile:

    I was very tempted to say what you said. AKA: You ruined it. Stop trying. etc etc. Bottom line is: you screwed up these past days. Do better next time. Stop screwing up so often. You see it time and again in the posts on the message boards. You can scroll for days and not get to the end of this type of advise.
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    I was at about 2500 yesterday. My advice is DO NOT get on the scale for a week. Let your body work the "junk" foods out. Go back to your normal diet, and focus on what you were doing before. :) I had a great workout at the gym, and Thanksgiving was my first "cheat" day in over a month. Don't feel guilty, like they said...log it and carry on. Sometimes it's okay to indulge a little, just so long as it's not all the time!! :)
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    yes, you are now destined to be fat forever and NOTHING you'll do will change that .... hmmmm :huh:

    It was 2 days, for goodness sake, not 2 years, log it and move on. Perhaps not weigh yourself this week and you best prepare yourself that in about 25 days it will be Christmas and there will be more food.

    Good luck :smile:

    I was very tempted to say what you said. AKA: You ruined it. Stop trying. etc etc. Bottom line is: you screwed up these past days. Do better next time. Stop screwing up so often. You see it time and again in the posts on the message boards. You can scroll for days and not get to the end of this type of advise.

    my point was actually that the OP didn't screw up so to speak. Mentally you have to prepare yourself that there will be days when whatever calorie allowance you have just isn't going to work. As long as those days don't happen weekly (if they do then plan for them by eating a little less the other days) it's all good.

    Most people are here because they eat a bit too much every day hence the phrase 'the pounds are creeping on', they don't race on from 2 days over eating.

    Have fun, be merry, enjoy your time with family and friends. Take a walk with on the weekend. Depriving yourself during these occasions does more harm than good. Start afresh the next day without regrets :drinker:
  • poohpoohpeapod
    poohpoohpeapod Posts: 776 Member
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I think you should stop thinking of it as a diet. This is just your life and the way you eat now. There are going to be holidays, and office parties, and dinners out that you didn't plan. What will make you successful or not is your ability to adjust and keep going.
  • kimtab
    kimtab Posts: 64 Member
    At least you are being honest with yourself. Call it a learning experience and move forward with your healthy lifestyle plans. It's just a bump in the road. We all have them. Especially when there are yummy Thanksgiving leftovers!
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    sorry i kbo i will prob get someone aggrevated but i am new to these thing. Ive been consuming 1300 and since it was thanksgiving and i had leftovers, i estimated that i ate 3500 each day for 2 days and now i feel like a failure :( I know i will to better tommorow, since there are no leftovers, but does anyone think i just ruinedmy diet these past 2 days?

    let's say out of 100 days, 2 of them are 3500 and the other 98 are 1300... do you really think the 2 days at 3500 are going to affect the 100 day average very much?
  • callas444
    callas444 Posts: 261 Member
    Just don't let 2 days turn into a week/long weekend. Get back to your healthy habits before you let the unhealthy ones back in your life.
  • You logged it! That's going in the right direction. There are any number of people out there who, if they deem it a "bad" day, don't log it at all - a denial of sorts.

    It's expected, especially this time of year. Maybe get out and do some more cardio, even a brisk 30-minute walk. Exercise is something that helps with getting through these darker days of celebration and wanton overeating...
  • alienaliens
    alienaliens Posts: 64 Member
    QUOTE: "my point was actually that the OP didn't screw up so to speak. Mentally you have to prepare yourself that there will be days when whatever calorie allowance you have just isn't going to work. As long as those days don't happen weekly (if they do then plan for them by eating a little less the other days) it's all good."

    I'm so happy you went back and added the above information for her. She said she was new and thought she would aggravate someone with her questions. New people can sometimes take things the wrong way until they get accustomed to the forums. Thanks again, I feel good for the good advice you gave.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    So if you eat 1300 to lose weight, your maintenance is probably around 1800 (assuming you're losing 1 lb per week) … so if you really ate 3500 each day, that's 1700 over a day, or 3400 total. That's less than a pound of fat. Not the end of the world. Maybe you'll have to exercise a little more the next few days (or chose to … you don't HAVE to), or maybe it'll just take an extra few weeks to reach your goal. Either way, it's really no big deal.

    It only becomes a big deal if you let it: if you say "Ah, I blew my diet, might as well quit" then yes, you did really blow it. But if you say "you know, self, this holiday comes every year, and I'm going to enjoy it every year, and if it adds a pound or two [which it probably won't, just over 2 days] then oh well, I'll eat well for the rest of the month and it'll be fine" then … it'll be fine.

    Life is about more than just your numbers on the scale. Move towards making better food choices over all, being more active, and watching your portions. But don't forget to live your life, too! You can't do that hiding from every food event … enjoy in moderation (hey, IMO 3500 on Thanksgiving is pretty good moderation … I bet I had more than that the last 2 days :laugh:) and then move on.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    OP, I probably ate 3000 calories OVER the 1800 hundred a day that I usually eat. That's right, I had 5-6 thousand calories per day the last couple of days. On purpose. It really isn't a screw up, it's just Thanksgiving. Smile about all the good food you had and move on. I went into it knowing that I will have to pay for it in the gym and running......lol, IT WAS WORTH IT TOO!!! You are fine.
  • thank you everyone. God bless and happy holidays!