Cellulite, stretch marks, saggy boobs?

I'm new here so I hope this is being posted in the right forum. I'm 18 years old and have lost 30 lbs in the last year from making a complete lifestyle change in how I was eating and my exercise routine. I'm 5'4" and was nearing 180 at my largest, I'm now 140 and I'm soooo happy with my weight right now. The only problem is that I feel like in some ways I'm getting *less* attractive from losing weight. I had some stretch marks on my thighs and hips that had faded out over time, but now that I've lost so much weight I feel like they're actually more noticeable than they were before because the stretch marks have this 'empty' look to them for lack of a better word? I also have cellulite all over my legs and I don't think it's gotten any better with my weight loss. My boobs have also sagged completely. They were already on the saggier side anyways (my mom and other family members had sagging boobs at a young age too, I guess it's partly genetic) but after losing weight they literally just look like empty balloons and the nipples are pointing almost all the way down. I absolutely hate them.

Is there anything that can be done about these problems? I'm really happy with how I look in skinny jeans but I can't yet bring myself to wear shorts or get into a bikini because of these issues. I'm told by people frequently that I'm very attractive but I feel like men would find my body disgusting if they saw what I actually looked like without clothes on and I feel like I'm fooling them by covering up my legs, wearing good push-up bras, and generally making myself look more attractive than I would without clothes on. I want to be happy with how my body looks but I don't know if I'll ever be totally happy with it unless I can have smooth, non-stretch mark-y legs & perky boobs. If anybody has any advice on any of these issues, I would really appreciate it. Thanks


  • Gilla22
    I hear ya....saggy ugly balloons
  • donthesitate
    donthesitate Posts: 255 Member
    Unfortunately most of its genetic, Im 18 also so i feel your pain though. Stretch marks do fade over time and aside from lasers theres really no way to get rid of them, I find that keeping the area moisturized helps and spending some quality time in the sun makes em less noticeable. What does your exercise routine consist of? As for cellulite, there is hope, doing strength training will tighten up the area and eating at a deficit fixed mine but that doesnt mean it will work for everyone, will definitely help though. As for boobs, throw in some chest exercises to work the pecs, they may not become super perky but ud be surprised as how much it does ;)
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    If you can't learn to accept your body, or think that a man never will (trust me, there are men out there that aren't so shallow, but you might not find them until you're a bit older), then seek a doctor for medical procedures. Breast lift. Laser treatment on the stretchmarks.


    Buy a good bra. Moisturize your skin (not saying it's going to miraculously make it better, but it'll be touchably soft)... including your face, and don't forget the sunscreen.

    But it's mostly genetics. I had stretch marks at 20. Bright red on my hips. My stomach during my pregnancy? It looked like a kid drew on it with a red crayon. They've faded. But it's not pretty. I've never had issues finding a man who couldn't accept my body naked. To be honest, I've dated many men who accepted me naked long before I ever did. Learn to love your body; it's the only one you have.