No matter what I do, I simply can't lose it

I am going nuts right now. For the last 1½ years I've been working out 5 times a week, doing cardio and strength training, tried insanity, jm 30 day shred, been counting my calories etc. My belly and my thighs are still as big as they used to be. I'm not losing any inches and I can't understand why I don't. These last couple of months I've been doing the Les mills programmes, such as bodypump and bodycombat once a week each, and on the other days I've been doing some tabata-rounds and strength training om ny own. The only thing I notice is my arms, which are getting a bit more muscles. I've been eating SO healthy during this period of time, never a cheat meal and lots and lots of water. Still, nothing is happening. I just don't get it. What am I doing wrong? I'm 18 years old, 168 cm tall and weigh around 60 kg. There is nothing wrong with my weight, it's just the fat% that is bothering me. It's not going down.

What could it depend on? I've been trying for so long, doing so good yet not seeing any results at all. I'd love to hear from someone with similar experience, or just someone who thinks they know, Thanks in advance!


  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 283 Member
    I really don't see how that could happen...
    How do you measure your bf%?
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    been counting my calories etc.

    Difficult to say anything meaningful as there is nothing in your food diary at the moment.

    Has your weight come down? What about other measurements; waist, neck etc?
  • ElizabethFuller
    ElizabethFuller Posts: 352 Member
    You need information about your diet. You need to log ALL your food, you need to measure all your food (cups or a jug for liquids and a scale that can measure in grams for everything else) and log your exercise.
    With all that exercise you should definitely be at a calorie deficit!
    On the plus side, you MUST be fitter, stronger and healthier than before - that's a really important fact, it's not all about skinniness.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Do you weigh all your food?
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    It's really easy to work out a lot, eat healthy and not lose. You have to count the calories diligently and most importantly, rack up a lot of deficits. That's really the only thing needed for weight loss, though the rest is terrific for your overall health.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Sounds like you got the exercise part down, too bad you can exercise until you pass out if your eating isn't right.. as other's have said that is more important.
  • functionalhormones
    I couldn't either until I figured out that my "healthy eating" was starving my body because I wasn't getting the good fats that it needed. I read and read and read and experimented with my body regarding fats versus carbs, and I have found that my body needs a high fat low carb diet. Google keto diet, ketogenesis, high fat low carb (hflc), grain free, sugar free, Maria Emmerich weight loss, etc and you might find some things that may be of help. If you have any questions, please feel free to message me.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I couldn't either until I figured out that my "healthy eating" was starving my body because I wasn't getting the good fats that it needed. I read and read and read and experimented with my body regarding fats versus carbs, and I have found that my body needs a high fat low carb diet. Google keto diet, ketogenesis, high fat low carb (hflc), grain free, sugar free, Maria Emmerich weight loss, etc and you might find some things that may be of help. If you have any questions, please feel free to message me.

    Absolutely not necessary.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    I have just looked up height and appropriate weight which says at 61 kg someone of your height will have a bmi of 22 which is very good.

    Where lies the problem. Were I in that range. Had I been able to be in that range. I would have been so very happy all my life. Am I missing something??
  • Wendysworld13
    Wendysworld13 Posts: 225 Member
    If you do not eat enough calories then your body will store everything instead of letting it burn off. This is a huge reason for many people not losing weight. You must fuel your vehicle - and you are making it a high performance vehicle by exercising - you need to give it high performance fuel - which it sounds like you are doing, but you also MUST give it enough.
    Good Luck
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    If you do not eat enough calories then your body will store everything instead of letting it burn off. This is a huge reason for many people not losing weight.

    You do not store fat from under eating. There are plenty of other reasons to not use extreme calorie deficits, but the idea that you store fat from not eating enough, is nonsense.
  • Barbonica
    Barbonica Posts: 337 Member
    I have just looked up height and appropriate weight which says at 61 kg someone of your height will have a bmi of 22 which is very good.

    Where lies the problem. Were I in that range. Had I been able to be in that range. I would have been so very happy all my life. Am I missing something??

    OP noted that there is no issue with weight, but trying to lose body fat % and lose inches. Can't really opine on solution without facts, such as food and exercise diary.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I have just looked up height and appropriate weight which says at 61 kg someone of your height will have a bmi of 22 which is very good.

    Where lies the problem. Were I in that range. Had I been able to be in that range. I would have been so very happy all my life. Am I missing something??

    ^^^ this

    Looking at your profile, it appears that you consider yourself "a whale". You're not a whale.

    I think that is more of a problem than your inability to lose weight.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    1.5 years. And you're 18 now.

    Did you consider the fact that your body is still growing during that time, and THAT might be why you're not actually losing weight?
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    That's 5'6", 132 lbs. And with the amount of exercise you do, you've probably got a fair amount of lean mass. What is the bodyfat percentage you're trying to reach? What is your percentage now? How was it measured? Or is it a number on the scale you're trying to reach? I ask because your stats sound quite healthy. But assuming you do want to lose weight...

    You're in that range where losing fat means tightening up your diet up as much as possible. More than exercise, you just need to weigh and log absolutely everything you consume-- down to condiments and coffee creamer. And even then, your loss will probably (ideally) be slow.

    An extra couple hundred calories each day-- two pieces of toast, for instance-- could sabotage you at this stage. You just need to figure out exactly where your maintenance level of calories is, and cut that down a tad. Like maybe 200/day. Then just keep it up and be patient.
  • lmintek
    lmintek Posts: 6 Member
    Could be a few reasons. muscle weighs more then fat. 18 you still may be growing. Water retention.

    My wife is 168 cm and has a retarded metabolism. She walks around with about 10% body fat all year (wish I could). She works out all year and when she hits the gym hardcore she gains weight but loses body fat. Her genetics are exceptional and I am totally jealous.

    Not sure your measurements are or bf%. Once you get down to a very low percentage it takes more then just calorie counting. You start to eat muscle and types of food play a big factor
  • skinnythicktt
    i totally understand. i was in the same boat until i joined my fitness pal. i have been losing since. well except this week due to the holidays. anyways i told my friend that i need to change something in my diet and she told me to start eating lettuce wraps. good idea. i did it before why not now. i love carbs but my body doesnt. substancing something will help
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    If you do not eat enough calories then your body will store everything instead of letting it burn off. This is a huge reason for many people not losing weight. You must fuel your vehicle - and you are making it a high performance vehicle by exercising - you need to give it high performance fuel - which it sounds like you are doing, but you also MUST give it enough.
    Good Luck

    Not true. If you are in a calorie deficit you will lose weight. End of story.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    If you do not eat enough calories then your body will store everything instead of letting it burn off. This is a huge reason for many people not losing weight. You must fuel your vehicle - and you are making it a high performance vehicle by exercising - you need to give it high performance fuel - which it sounds like you are doing, but you also MUST give it enough.
    Good Luck

    negative ghostrider....