Why can't I do this???

I started here a couple of years ago. I did really well. I've lost about 25 lbs and have kept them off. How, I don't know! I stopped logging for about a year. I lost all of my friends. :( Anyway, the problem that I'm having now is that I cannot stay on track. I start out the day good but around 4:00 it goes south. I start to crave sugar and caffeine. I love Coke, but can't control it once I have it. I'm also a big chocoholic and sugar addict. Why can't i keep staying on the right path? It's not like I'm hungry because I'm not. I am eating enough food. I just can't seem to beat it. I can keep chocolate out of the house, but not coke. Any help?


  • easto_79
    easto_79 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm 100% the same way. I only way I've been successful is with low carb, carbs are sugar the more we eat the more people like us want. I need to get through the first 2 or 3 days without any sugars, no fruit even. Then I'm good.
    Add me as a friend I'm just starting to get back on track again today. Looking for 10 pounds by Christmas.
    We can help each other out.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Two words. Coke. Zero. :happy:
  • lorieric5037
    Coke Zero is great! If you want chocolate and caffeine, try a cup of hot chocolate with coffee...gives you the taste you want, plus the jolt you need to keep going the rest of the day.:drinker:
  • michele0101
    I'm exactly the same way. A sugar addict to the core. Love carbs too. I have gotten off of sugar before and I felt better, I need to do it again. It's just so satisfying when you are eating it though!
  • star5785
    star5785 Posts: 140
    I don't believe in depriving yourself of anything. If you want it, fit it in your cals for the day.

    Or you can replace the foods with healthier options. I do this sometimes like if I'm craving coke, maybe drink a Ginger Ale instead...or whatever other healthier drink that'll satisfy the craving.

    But it's mostly about willpower rather than cutting out "bad foods".

    oops! just looked up ginger ale and realized it has even more sugar than coke & I always thought it was healthier.
    Don't mind me...
  • FindingMyPerfection
    I started here a couple of years ago. I did really well. I've lost about 25 lbs and have kept them off. How, I don't know! I stopped logging for about a year. I lost all of my friends. :( Anyway, the problem that I'm having now is that I cannot stay on track. I start out the day good but around 4:00 it goes south. I start to crave sugar and caffeine. I love Coke, but can't control it once I have it. I'm also a big chocoholic and sugar addict. Why can't i keep staying on the right path? It's not like I'm hungry because I'm not. I am eating enough food. I just can't seem to beat it. I can keep chocolate out of the house, but not coke. Any help?

    You can't because you have chosen to tell yourself you are not in control. Change the bolded statement to: I can beat it I can control what and how much I consume. Give your self the power again.
  • dicoveringwhoIam
    dicoveringwhoIam Posts: 480 Member
    Spark from Advocare is a great substitute :) I love that stuff! I drink it 2x a day and it helps with caffeine headaches and my need for coca-cola :)

    FYI this isn't an advertisement.. Just a product I found and luv!
  • srobertking
    srobertking Posts: 74 Member
    I don't believe in depriving yourself of anything. If you want it, fit it in your cals for the day.

    Or you can replace the foods with healthier options. I do this sometimes like if I'm craving coke, maybe drink a Ginger Ale instead...or whatever other healthier drink that'll satisfy the craving.

    But it's mostly about willpower rather than cutting out "bad foods".

    This! I have treats all the time and have lost lots. If I don't add it in I'll cheat and eat it anyway. No reason to completely cut out the things you love. Just cut down the amount!
  • VelvetMorning
    VelvetMorning Posts: 398 Member
    Before you are about to binge out on coke and chocolate that you don't have calories for/aren't hungry/etc, go into your bathroom, take off all of your clothes and look at your body in the mirror. Tell yourself that with the coke and chocolate it'll be like that forever (when you're over calories). Without, you'll be how you were before.
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    I totally agree with Easto_79, it's the carbs and sugar doing this to you. check out the video by Dr Robert Lustig from University of California on youtube called "sugar the bitter truth". It has 4 million views! Good luck sweetheart.
  • MyFoodGod
    MyFoodGod Posts: 184 Member
    Check out Overeaters Anonymous. Listen to some of their podcasts. The LA group has a ton. See if you can relate to some of the stories. Visit a meeting. You are not the only one out there who has trouble with food.
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    At 3pm, a good hour before your usual cravings hit, have a high protein snack, preferably with some healthy fat. Making sure not to skip meals or go too long between meals helped my binging.

    When I eat sweets I avoid eating it without protein and fat, so the sugar doesn't hit me like a brick in the head.

    I never tell myself I can't have a food but I will tell myself I choose to not have it yet. It took me a year to lose the weight I wanted and whatever foods I chose not to eat were all still around if I wanted them again. Most I stopped caring about.
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    Two words. Coke. Zero. :happy:
    I wish they made a chocolate zero.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I love the stop and look in the mirror naked.

    Have some water.... stop and Truly think about what you are doing and what your goals are.

    If you Truly want to lose, Write it Down. Create a "Dream Board" and when that time hits. Sit down and Really look at it and get your feelings out. Do you Want that Taste more than you want your dream? Some people can then take a few sips of the pop and be good. Some can't, it will kick off the binge. Good luck finding what works for YOU!
  • fotofreak01
    fotofreak01 Posts: 397 Member
    I LOVE chocolate!! I would make it my only meal if it wouldn't make me so unhealthy. I found, with me, when I tell myself, I CAN'T have something, that is all I can think about until I have it. Then I go over board with it. So I don't tell myself I can't have anything. I can eat whatever I want, in moderation. When I got this mentality, I am able to say, "I can have that candy bar but I don't really want it right now." My husband loves to bring me my favorite candy bars every day after work. I haven't the heart to tell him to stop...lol. There are currently 7 full size candy bars in my freezer right now and NONE of them have been calling my name since being placed there. Try just cutting back on the Coke. Replace one with big glass of water. Do that every day for a week. Next week, replace 2 a day with water. Before you know it, the Coke will be too sweet for you to tolerate. That is how I stopped drinking sodas. I may have 1 soda a year now and it takes me forever to drink it because it tastes so sweet. Good luck and keep on keepin' on!!
  • floridagirl7264
    floridagirl7264 Posts: 318 Member
    Thank you all so much for the great ideas! I haven't tried Coke Zero before. I think I'll give it a try. It might help me get off of regular coke and then maybe I can taper from that. I was able to give up drinking 3-4 cups of tea in the morning down to 1, but this Coke addiction is really bad. I didn't realize how bad it is until I tried to stop it. I think I have to try the mindset that I can have it but in a little while. Maybe I can put it off until the craving goes away. The chocolate is easier to kick. There wasn't any in the house at all until Halloween. Since then it has all been downhill. Fortunately nobody in the house eats chocolate including my 14 yo daughter. So it won't be missed. Although chocolate zero would be heaven sent! I like the idea of taking off of my clothes and look in the mirror. I avoid looking in the mirror at all because of how it makes me feel. I think I need the truth to stare at me as a reminder of why I don't need to eat or drink it. I also think that sugar is addicting as well as caffeine because when I have it I want it more. It used to be like that with fast food. The more I had the more I wanted. I stopped it all together and now I can't stand to eat it. So thanks so much again everyone!
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    My recipe for a coke and chocolate addiction: a little chocolate syrup in diet coke:) Hershey's works fine or I order a diet coke with chocolate from sonic. You can always ask them to put 1/2 as much chocolate in as you try to cut back.
  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member
    I started here a couple of years ago. I did really well. I've lost about 25 lbs and have kept them off. How, I don't know! I stopped logging for about a year. I lost all of my friends. :( Anyway, the problem that I'm having now is that I cannot stay on track. I start out the day good but around 4:00 it goes south. I start to crave sugar and caffeine. I love Coke, but can't control it once I have it. I'm also a big chocoholic and sugar addict. Why can't i keep staying on the right path? It's not like I'm hungry because I'm not. I am eating enough food. I just can't seem to beat it. I can keep chocolate out of the house, but not coke. Any help?

    It's all in your head, not much help but there you go, it is possible not to keep coke in your house just don't buy it
  • astralpictures
    astralpictures Posts: 218 Member
    I used to drink soda all the time, usually 1-3 cans a day and sometimes much more if I was at a party or hanging out with friends. I gave it up by simply not buying it anymore, and deciding to only drink water. It's mostly about willpower - if you want something badly enough (or want to give it up badly enough), then you just need to be strong and avoid it. I didn't even bother finding a substitution since I knew nothing would be the same. After over 6 months with no soda now, I never crave it anymore. Time, patience, willpower, and not adding it to your shopping cart or carrying money for the vending machines. If that doesn't work, then you don't want it bad enough.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Is your daily calorie limit reasonable?