Starting over :)

I am a 51 year old female and I need to lose about 85 pounds. It seems like an overwhelming task sometimes but if I break it down into five pound goals then I think it is more than doable :)

If I can change my eating habits, get this weight off and get healthy again, I will not have to go on a medication for a health condition I have and this is a pretty big goal for me because I really do not want to take something that has so many side I'm really going to make a huge effort to take care of myself :)

I have been struggling with weight and food issues most of my adult life and it is really time to make the changes that I need to, and stop procrastinating and finding every excuse in the book not to lose this weight!

Hope you have a good day :)


  • dwalker29
    dwalker29 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Jodi

    Our stories sound very similar! I'd love to be MFP friends with you. Maybe we can help support each other?

    I am 43 a mother of 2 teenage boys, married with a husband that works out of town. I'm a full time accountant as well, so my self care always is last on my list of things to do. But I'm trying to change that!

    I know it won't be long before my weight starts to affect my health - my knees are already sore and energy levels suck. I know exercising and eating properly are the way to better health and happiness but I fall too easily back into the trap that "I deserve a treat" in the form of junk food or servings that are too large or a long hot soak instead of a walk.

    Let's do this - for good this time!!

  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    You can do this Jodi!!!!! You now have a great motivator for that last push. Let us all help you here!
    Feel free to friend me.

    I'm 48 (wow, first time I said that, just had a birthday) I have two little kids. They were my motivation for Change.

    NEWYEARNEWME2014 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi,laura here. I am 37 going on 38 in jan. looking to lose around 80 lbs. I am to doing it for my health. between hip pain and leg pain. I need to do this for my family having a 5 year old and a 10 year old in feb, I need to be in good shape and health too. looking for friends that need to lose about or over the same weight as me.
  • Hi Jodi! If you're looking for friends to help you on this amazing journey, you can friend me...I'm 50, going on 51 in about 3 weeks..YIKES!:flowerforyou:
  • You (all) can add me as well. I'm 41 & have 91 more pounds to go :)
  • smallersandy
    smallersandy Posts: 15 Member
    Add me as well. I am 43 have 3 kids and my hubby. I am looking to lose a little over 100 more pounds. I am having a problem staying on my plan and could use some support . I is going to be a long journey and I know I can't do it alone. :) thanks
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    For all of you youngsters, I am 62, I want you to know that you can do this!
    Be faithful to your logging. Stay within your calorie alottment and you will succeed!
    I did not even begin to do any exercise until I had lost 90 pounds last October 2012.
    I feel better than I have in decades and I never would have believed it would be possible for me!
    Best of luck to all who want this!
  • snootmaster
    snootmaster Posts: 69 Member
    I too am in this age range and have a lot of weight to lose. I am a few weeks into my journey and am feeling a lot better than I was. I would like to add all you posters as friends-any inspiration and support is welcome. Jenny