Can I lose 21 pounds in 21 days? no carbs and working out?



  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    My weight loss journey has been an interesting but stressful one. My boyfriend is flying in from Michigan in 21 days and I am excited but want to look good for him! My brother has been by my side on this journey training me, but he is not an official trainer but a budding one. I would like to get some official and some more educated info on some things. Can I lose 20 ibs within this time frame? I have completely cut carbs and my brother has me doing intense interval training such as the tabata workout, it was intense! I am looking forward to shedding these pounds but want to know if it is realistic, I want honesty opinions but also positive too, if it will work please please please tell me! I have been told this is possible but that I have to stay dedicated and focused. Anyone PLEASE let me know. THANKYOU!


    No. You'll lose some weight, but nowhere near 21 pounds, not unless you're already very morbidly obese.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Only if you want to feel absolutely horrible while your boyfriend is here and not enjoy your time with him.
  • FrankieB127
    FrankieB127 Posts: 31 Member
    Forget about losing a large amount of pounds in this timeframe. Eat at a healthy deficit, stay hydrated, and focus on strength training-- you'd be surprised how quickly you can start changing your overall shape and losing inches in 3 weeks.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Even if you did, I'm willing to bet you wouldn't be happy with how you look or feel.
  • crazie4lulu
    crazie4lulu Posts: 762 Member
    you can.... and then you will gain back the 20 plus about 20 more.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    No. Get a crotchless fishnet & lace body hose instead and you'll be golden.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    sure, with some effort you can even lose it in a day :huh:

    it won't be permanent or fun or good or healthy or fat, in fact depending on what you weigh now it is likely to be miserable and unhealthy and if it lands you in hospital not sure your boyfriend will be happy, but it can be done
  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
    I have done it but I am 180 LBS over weight just be smart about it!
  • tm82001
    tm82001 Posts: 133 Member
    Short answer: No

  • shafa4321
    shafa4321 Posts: 132 Member
    I would say You should try it .Not carb and doing workout is not bad idea .Nothing to lose except some weight .You have good motivation Make best of it .
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    No carb? At all? Really?????
  • andreahanlon
    andreahanlon Posts: 263 Member
    Just take positive steps each day and focus on making good choices from wake up til the time you go to bed. You will most likely gain muscles and tone up doing an intense workout so the scale can be deceiving. Eating no carbs (like Atkins) is a quick way to lose weight, but a pound a day is a lofty goal. Working out, staying hydrated, and eating foods with the vitamins and minerals your body needs will go a long way to making you (and your skin and hair) look great so regardless of your actual weight you'll be radiant when you see your lucky man! Good luck.
  • You will lose about 10 pds. of waterweight in the first 2 weeks, then you've reached a plateau and after that you will be chipping away with 1 pd a week. I'm on 1200 cal, and one hour of exercise daily. My starting weight was 234 pd on Nov 3rd. Weigh-in this morning 221pd.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    For crying out loud. Stop. No. Do not.
  • astralpictures
    astralpictures Posts: 218 Member
    Forget about losing a large amount of pounds in this timeframe. Eat at a healthy deficit, stay hydrated, and focus on strength training-- you'd be surprised how quickly you can start changing your overall shape and losing inches in 3 weeks.

    I agree. If you need to lose 21 pounds, 3 weeks worth of diet and exercise isn't going to make you suddenly look like a model. Just focus on a healthy diet and deficit and lots of exercise, and you'll feel great and probably look healthier at least. You'll also be in a positive mood from the exercise and healthy eating.
  • candiceh3
    candiceh3 Posts: 379 Member
    Short answer: No


  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    What's so special about this dude that you want to lose weight for his benefit? Obviously you weren't interested in losing weight for your own benefit, so why does he rate? :huh:
  • MichMunchkin
    MichMunchkin Posts: 94 Member

    I do believe you're on to something. Let's see how long it takes this one to go from "I want to lose 21 pounds in 21 days!" to "OMG NO YOU GUYS ALL I WANT TO DO IS LOSE INCHES WHY WON'T YOU LISTEN TO ME GAWD. BIATCHES!"
  • MichMunchkin
    MichMunchkin Posts: 94 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    My brother has been by my side on this journey training me, but he is not an official trainer but a budding one.

    If your brother thinks this is a good idea, then he needs to do a hell of a lot more budding before he starts training anyone.
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