Hello All

My names is James. I'm new to the fitness pal group. I started my little weight loss adventure about 11 months ago at 368 pounds. I now weigh 282 and want to lose about another 60 pounds. I've currently been using another app and theres not a lot of help or support there and since I'm in a slump and thinking of throwing in the towel i figured i would switch tools and try and start fresh. This App seems to have a lot more choices and options so hopefully it will work better for me. Thanks


  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    it's a plateau. You've embarked on a lifestyle not a quick fix. Don't give up. :D
  • NicDeBoer
    Don't give up. You are doing great with your weight loss. Keep it up.
  • jsheph1
    jsheph1 Posts: 79 Member
    Welcome James. You'll break through that plateau if you stay committed. Great idea to change things up. You'll get lots of support at MFP. Be sure to add friends for additional support. I will be your friend if you add me.
  • tarapin
    tarapin Posts: 169
    Do NOT throw in the towel....you've come too far! Great job on the weight loss thus far, it took more than a year to gets us where we are so keep up the good work!